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Everything posted by sigmaforce86

  1. I think we confirmed the AA meeting was cut out of the US airing. But was the nurses discussion of possible racism also cut or did I miss it? If it was cut that's a really bad choice by PBS. The midwives and nuns accepted Lucille immediately which I loved but it's not realistic to thing that all of Poplar will do the same so of all things that would be relevant to future episodes having them talk about how she'll be received should be top of the list. Hoping I just zoned out for a minute and missed it. Sort of shallow compared to everything going on in the episode but I loved the all red outfit that Lucille was wearing when she arrived. I guess I saw it a little differently, that she wasn't ashamed of being a virgin just that sexual status or experience wasn't something you talked about in public even to friends like Valerie. Sort of like last season when they had the contraceptive clinic and Shelagh pointed out that mothers would be coming in the front door for their post-natal checkups then going outside and around the building to go in the side door for their birth control. Everybody pretty much knows what they're doing but they don't talk about it. Loved seeing Reggie and I already like Lucille. She seems very religious and I wonder if that's going to play into future episodes - which is fine as long as they don't go with her wanting to be a nun also (I doubt they will just hoping they won't since it would be a rehash of Cynthia without the mental illness). Is it wrong though that while I don't miss Jenny Lee at all I still really, really miss Chummy? The new police sargent is growing on me, still wondering if they're heading toward a relationship with him and Phyllis. Even if they're not going to get involved her idea to split the strudel with him was lovely.
  2. So basically Cathy has the manicure preferences of a 12 year old and Derick has the hygiene habits of a 9 year old?
  3. Maybe it's the Turbriskafelte of previews? Sorry, couldn't resist!
  4. Disco has Episode 1 up on the app and on demand. It's just a sit down with the captains reviewing last season, things learned, some extra scenes and some previews for the upcoming season. I think it officially airs on April 3rd. Basic takeaway without much spoiling: Jake is still a hot head and a baby especially when criticized, Sig is still fishing and Josh is (unfortunately) back but he was not heavily featured in the episode. I will say only a few of the other captains gave their opinion on Josh's return and it was not favorable.
  5. I can't stand her and have been rooting for her to die for two seasons now. But I still think you're right and that's where this is going especially with the heavily falling anvils of her and Daryl talking/arguing about which side Dwight is on. I'd rant about the stupidity of not keeping the wounded in one place under heavy guard and how they could learn nothing from the prison epidemic but too many have beat me to it. Guess we're all on the same page on that. Why do the same writers who come up with some brilliant twists also treat us and the characters like idiots so often? Poor Carol can not catch a break, honestly given her track record at this point I'd be afraid to even be her friend.
  6. Tater Tot House. What we call the Duggar compound, named after their "famous" (gag) tater tot casserole (also known as the instant sodium death meal). Recipe here if you dare: http://www.duggarfamilyblog.com/2011/10/duggars-tater-tot-casserole.html Reminds me - that's one thing I didn't see the meal prep team making to freeze at Joy's house..........Progress! Oh, also, it means Tinker Toy House, named for the way JB "built" it himself with later help from TLC. I think Tinker Toy is the more common meaning here but I've seen both phrases used and I lean toward the tater tot house phrase. ETA: Wedding May 26th, Pregnancy announcement (public) August 30th, Birth February 23rd.
  7. I can't follow the timeline on this at all. I'd watch it again to get the details but that's too much to bother with right now so the basics. The call comes to the TTH at 4 or 4:30am that Joy is in labor. JB Duggar "announces" Joy is in labor to the youngers plus Ben was there at around 11am. So did they all just wake up then? By that count Joy had been in labor for 6 to 6.5 hours. I know we've read they're not morning people but find it hard to believe they went until nearly lunchtime before Daddy Duggar said anything. More likely - staged announcement for the film crew - they shouldn't have bothered with the time on the screen though, it just looks stupid. Then, I don't have the exact time but JB get's the call that Joy has to go to the hospital. It is still light outside when he hightails it to the car. But then we're told she's been in labor 20 hours. From the time that first call came in 20 hours later would be midnight. Even being generous, she was in labor 2 hours before they called the TTH for MeChelle then 20 hours later would be 10pm. It should be dark outside! Were they doing that Duggar thing where she had a few twinges the day before so that was the "start" of labor? We know from Jill and Jessa they like to pad their times a bit lot. Or was it actually the next day and she'd gone over 24 hours and into the next morning? Impossible to tell. Either way, whether it was 20+ hours or 3-4 hours it's completely irresponsible to take so long to get her to the hospital. We had several scenes of her in labor with sub-titles of 8 hours, 10 hours etc and we hear Jill and the face blurred faux midwife telling her the babies heartbeat is good, vitals are good. And in that whole time they couldn't tell where the heartbeat was in relation to the babies position? The worst part is I don't doubt at all that Joy thinks her labor was normal and was supposed to take that long and that they couldn't have "diagnosed" the breech any earlier than they did. As for the rest of the episode - the bachelor party wasn't anything exciting although I share Jessa's hate for marshmallows. It was interesting that some of the girls including Jana felt free to roll up their sleeves and bare shoulders. Jinger's comment that 15 babies is a litter was really funny and I have to give credit she seems very comfortable with Jeremy now. That year to settle in and not immediately pop out kids may have served them well. If they're going to re-create things like baby announcements they need to make sure everyone is on-board and at least semi good at acting. Because either Austin's parents are the worst actors in the free world or they are the least excited Grandparents ever. Their response was on the excitement level of being told Austin had bought new shoelaces that morning. And, of course, Michelle made it all about her - does she say "Your first baby"? Nope, of course not, first comment is "MY tenth Grandbaby". Yup MeChelle, your daughters popping out kids is all about you, keep playing mother of the year in your quest for the biggest fundie family.
  8. Simon knew what he was doing. That plot is one of the only things I'm interested in right now. Simon is stuck with a bunch of brainwashed followers, he can't say "I'm in charge now follow me" and expect them to do it especially without a confirmation of Neegan's death. So he plays on what they know. But Dwight definitely realizes it's out of the frying pan into the fire time because Neegan may be a pain in the ass dictator but Simon is a straight out psychopath with a scorched earth policy and, worse, he enjoy's it. Seeing the moment Neegan realized Simon crossed him was the one fun spot in the episode and I'm hopeful for the payoff of Neegan confronting Simon about it. What I can't figure is why Neegan wasn't covered in blood from then on? It should have been on his face, hair, hands. When he was in the car with Jadis he was practically clean. OK now I have that song stuck in my head!! ------------------ Not the best episode but not the worst of the recents. Have to admit the flaming zombies were good although in true Walking Dead fashion that fire will magically put itself out in the basement of the building and we'll never hear about it again even though in real life it should spread so the entire block or half the city would be destroyed (or it would even continue and become a full on forest fire). I want to know where these people get their clothes when it's not just clothes but a uniform. How does Georgie even get those clean business suits? And how did her minions end up in nearly matching outfits with Blue's Brothers sunglasses? Who has the time and resources in an apocalypse to decide even by accident that their crew is going to wear similar clothes and accessories? You'd think they'd be more concerned with insignificant things like food and shelter then matching baseball caps. This is infringing into board on board territory which would just about get you banned at the now defunct TWOP but I think it's relevant. It's sort of telling to me that the day after the show airs there are only two pages of comments (so far), that's a sad reduction in interest on talking about and dissecting episodes when we used to nearly obsess over every little detail and easter egg.
  9. I've got it - with the TTH crew in Colorado they scrape together the money to fly Jill and the kids to Laredo and spend a week with Jinger and Jeremy. Oh. My. God! I would pay actual money to see an uncensored video of Jer dealing with Jill and those boys for a full week. I don't mean the controlled, edited Dugger version of a visit I mean either true candid camera as it happens video, or even a few shots of Jeremy and Jinger when they're off their guard and let the real feelings show on their face. That would be GOLD. As for that instagram post - the only way I can look at the comments and not lose all hope for the future is to tell myself that the person who said "where's that located" meant where did they take the goodbye picture not where's Guadalajara. Much as I believe the question did mean that person had no clue where Guadalajara is my alternate made up explanation is more comforting.
  10. Rebecca dumped the ashes not long after Jack died but Kate asked for some so presumably Rebecca left just a little in the urn and gave that to Kate. I'd figure since the rest of the family was fine with dispersing his ashes years ago what Kate had was hers to do what she wanted with and they'd be fine with her sprinkling them now. It was but it's very "Randall", it's even a call back to the second (or was it third, not sure) episode when Randall first found his father and it was one of the first things Randall said to him to show he made a good life without his bio father in the picture. I liked it; there was just enough humor and little moments so it wasn't too heavy. Loved the brothers stopping to actually buy ice cream while seeing if Kate was in the shop. Loved Kevin immediately realizing he needs to stay far away from Madison. The girls looked cute in their dresses and Kate's dress was perfect for an outdoor woods wedding. Not thrilled with Deja's dark turn, from moping to grudging participation to straight wild vandalism. It'll be interesting to see is this a one off or is this her new personality and how far to Beth and Randall go to save her without sacrificing their own family. Also loved Miguel and his thought that he should wear brown and try to look like a tree; but then Kate danced with him at the wedding. I've never really disliked Miguel and they're starting to show he's not bad at all and he's very self aware of his role in the family and how the kids perceive him. And of course old Jack - was this the first time Milo had scenes with the entire adult cast? I know he had some stuff at the cabin in another episode but not all the adults like Miguel and Beth were in that one. As for the flash forwards - I think it's promising that Kevin is with Zoe a year later, not a one night stand and they seemed very lovey. Toby's parents can suck it, not wishing bad on Toby but if he and Kate are still together in a year and he's back to hiding under the covers than depression is obviously an issue with him not something his ex-wife or Kate can force on him. Not that something like a divorce can't bring on an episode but his parents trying to stop the wedding and acting like if he was depressed in the past or might be in the future it's all because of outside forces was totally off the mark. As for the further 10 years in the future - this show likes to throw curve balls and there are a lot of choices for what that scene meant. Randall said "she" so we can leave out the men but........Is it Beth? And could she be dead or is she very sick or even in a home with something like Alzheimer. Or is it Deja, in prison or an institution because they never got through to her. It could even be Rebecca, again dead or in a nursing home. Or the severe twist; Annie or Kate. All we really know is it's a she and by the comments and the looks on their faces wherever they're going to "see her" is something they don't really want to do but feel they have to do. Honestly this is like Jack's death again, too many possibilities.
  11. For some reason this really pisses me off. There's no way JB used those re-fillable Keurig cups and his own coffee - so for all his "buy used/save the difference" lecturing over the years, we make our own laundry soap, and so on and brag on and aren't we perfect bringing up all these kids with no debt...............JB not only uses a Keurig but uses it freely. I'm wondering how many of those little plastic k-cups Mr Clueless wasted but he's always been about satisfaction for himself before anything else and if it breaks his own rules about saving money, being responsible or pretty much anything else well that doesn't matter because those rules don't apply to the his royal headship OK, sorry, rant over! Jill will continue to tout her "training" and her "experience" using her time in danger america and her endless exams of her sisters which consist of the incredibly advanced medical equipment a stethoscope and a home doppler because she believes it's adequate and she wants everyone else to believe it too especially her family. When you think about it what else does she have now? She and Derrick are TLC failures banned to Josh land levels of a blurred face at events with a husband who has no job, no prospects and an increasingly unhinged social media presence. If she can't pop up during her sisters pregnancy's and births by getting Joy and the rest to believe they need her what else does she have except staying at home chasing after Izzy and Sam all day and cutting her husbands meals into small bites to accommodate his ever changing jawline. She apparently screwed up again with Joy but they'll keep inviting her back no matter how many labors end with an emergency hospital trip. Despite it all I do feel sorry for Joy though, she's young and despite having a pretty good personality she has a lot of dominate personalities around her including her husband plus the general brainwashing of her upbringing - I have no doubt she was pushed into the home birth believing it was the right and godly thing to do and she may have suffered for it more and longer than was necessary.
  12. I don't get it. The club wasn't Leonard's. All Sheldon wanted was membership. He could've asked them himself, but all he was asking from Leonard was a favour. He could've just refused to do it for Sheldon. I guess it's because Sheldon doesn't share unless it's by his rules. Thinking of things like the episode with Sheldon forced to take a vacation - It's Leonard's car but Sheldon forbids using the radio, Sheldon sneaks into the car but still has to pop up to yell at Leonard for singing to his own radio. Multiple gang goes to the movies episodes where they can't go to certain theaters if there's no red vines and the slushie vs. slurpee debate, or when he showed up uninvited on Leonard's movie date then tried to get Leonard to move one seat over because of the "acoustic sweet spot". Or the limo-bus trip to Vegas without Sheldon but he hid in the bathroom so he could come anyway. Yup - Leonard definitely needs a back bone, he needs to tell Sheldon "No" more often put his foot down and stick to it. There was one movie episode where they did go without him because it was the only solution but most of the time they give in to Sheldon's little tantrums. So I guess my original thought was not just that Leonard wanted the club to himself to be able to go and have a nice quiet dinner with Penny or a few friends but also that he didn't want the drama of constantly going up against Sheldon who would either invite himself or just show up and want to join him. And, of course Sheldon inevitably making plans for dinner there and just telling Leonard they're both going because he needs a ride and Amy isn't available (regardless of Leonard's plans). It is still the cowards way out for Leonard, the adult solution would have been to both join but clearly tell Sheldon at this one place they will always participate separately; but Leonard's character never seems to do that with Sheldon and when he does he doesn't stick with it (I'd give him about a 3% stick to his guns and 97% give in to Sheldon success rate)
  13. I am confused. This is Blue Bloods, it's not exactly Shakespeare level writing and I should not be confused but........... What happened with Danny's whole "I'm leaving the PD" story? I mean we all know he's not leaving but it was never mentioned; or did I miss it? End of last episode he goes into the kitchen to take the guys call which would have been Sunday dinner and the guy wanted an answer by Monday. This episode he's working like it never happened. Were we just supposed to assume he said no even though he took the call privately? The two wives story was a little recycled. For a minute I thought there was going to be three wives - the fiance said something about him being in London on business and I thought she meant the same week the wife said he was in London. So I figured if both ladies thought he was in London at the same time maybe there's a third wife/fiance/girlfriend out there and she's the one who tipped off the first fiance and killed him. Might have been a nice twist but no it predictably came back to the son. I do actually like the show still, this was just one of the weaker episodes. Sincerely hope that Will Estes has another acting job and needed time off from the show or he's got a big, big story line coming up. Not even a scene of him patrolling for two episodes now, do they not know what to do with his character.
  14. I liked it but I wonder why with all their smarts Bernadette and Howard didn't figure out the compromise of part time help. Either Howard goes back to work part time or becomes a full stay at home dad but they hire part time baby help too. Or just a housekeeper to clean and wash. Not because Howard is male or useless but with the kids ages it's nearly like having twins and a second pair of hands wouldn't hurt at this stage. Howard makes the most sense to stay home based on income and that he could do freelance work or just inventions in the garage. But with no daycare they could certainly afford a two day a week housekeeper or a four hour a day nanny. I don't mind Sheldon being a jerk because his "I get what I want/I run the show" mentality is ingrained in him. But I do mind how he very rarely learns from it and when he's pretty much told things like how Leonard wanted that club for himself he refuses to back off and recognize that Leonard is entitled to that. We know he can learn he's done it before it's just applied inconsistently when the plot demands it which makes Sheldon come off like a sensitive friend sometimes but, more often, like an ass.
  15. I don't dislike Deja and I am hoping the plot is moving towards her becoming a permanent part of the Randall/Beth family. But...........my problem with this episode is it was a little anvil on the head heavy. Instead of showing Deja, her Mother and the Pearsons in the now and having little things happen that caused a flashback (Beth opens a coffee can, flash to Deja cutting her hand, Tess calls her Dad and says it went to voice mail flash to Deja calling Mom at the hospital and so on) it was the opposite with Deja and her Mother doing things and a flash to the Pearsons at different times of life doing pretty much the exact same thing..............heavy falling anvils of <<everybody's lives intertwine people have similar experiences we're not all that different after all>> almost literally smacking us on the head with the lesson. Deja isn't enough of a character for me yet that a whole show devoted to her and how she ended up at the Pearson house can hold interest. The basic story yes but an hour of it was too much. I think this was the first episode that I didn't watch with my full attention - but I did level up pin Free Cell while it was on. To the things that were in the episode: I hope the Mother doesn't just disappear and goes to the social worker, let's her know Deja will stay with the Pearson's, officially signs away parental rights and such. I also hope she wrote or will write a letter to Deja explaining. I was afraid when Mom left for work the guys would make a move on Deja, it was maybe lightly hinted at in the kitchen but if there was anything going on it was the one part where they refrained from hitting us over the head with it. Part of me wants to see Raven again and the easy way for a drama would be for her to find Deja and need money or they see her on the streets as a hooker or something. It would be more interesting for her to pop up as a successful person they interact with and suddenly she and Deja recognize each other. Maybe that's overly optimistic of her beating the odds but the show has enough sad cases and I thought the girl who played Raven was really good and wouldn't mind seeing her again and having it be a happy reunion for once would be nice.
  16. That was the one thing I really wanted to see out of a 75% boring episode.....when Neegan told Rick they help (or was it save?) people I soooo wanted Rick to say something like "the way you helped the junkyard group, by killing everyone?" Just waiting for the payoff when Neegan realizes Simon majorly disobeyed. Is it wrong that I'm sort of looking forward to a meeting between Simon and Lucille?
  17. I like the new team member Vanessa - it's appreciated that she walked onto the team like a normal soldier, not quiet and timid so the guys had to protect her, not with a huge chip on her shoulder and not with a know it all bossy attitude. I think I could like her as a regular. I imagined I could actually hear all the other viewers twice this episode, when Cerebus sat down there was an imagined collective Ooooh and when he was stabbed I'm pretty sure I heard you all yell No. That dog might still be my favorite character. I thought it was a good episode and moved pretty fast. The weak link, to me, is still the overemphasis on their personal lives; some is good, the characters should be well rounded but it seems like the writers haven't found the balance yet. I want to know that Jason has a family and might get divorced and Clay has a girl and might get married, I don't want to wallow in the angst of Jason's divorce or listen to him talk about it for more than 10 minutes per episode or have him immediately forced into a new relationship where he'll no doubt feel guilt about moving on vs cheating - basically anything that starts to steer the show from drama to soap opera. I know the ratings weren't great but it was the first night back after the olympics and at a weird time (I didn't get a chance to watch until Friday night) so I guess I won't declare the show DOA until a few weeks of spring ratings roll in especially since March Madness screws up the schedule too - the May 14th episode will be a repeat so we only get two new episodes and the momentum gets broken up again.
  18. You know it occurred to me - Amy gets a bad rap from us and it's well deserved but............we need her and her free unfiltered ways even when she has foot in mouth comments like needing girl baby. She's the unofficial unwitting Duggar snitch. Her mindless posting of pictures like the one with Joy in the hospital is pretty often the way we find out things the family is trying to keep secret or trying to release only on their own time with their own spin. I sort of hope Amy never changes, whether her posts are oblivious (my vote's on that) or a very, very clever way of attention seeking they serve us pretty well. It certainly blew the lid off Gideon's birth announcement.
  19. "Pain" dry! Please don't fix your post because THAT is the most on point typo I have ever seen!
  20. Watching Jing & Jer move was interesting, that was a pretty nice house and for once someone chose what looks like an appropriate size. By that I mean not a 20 room McMansion like Jill, Derick and Izzy (and eventually Sam) were given by Daddy to wander around in. And not a two small bedrooms mold house that Jessa, Ben and the kids have to somehow stuff themselves into. This house looked cute, just the right size and nice simple yard. Jessa is still the bossy one. I give Jeremy a lot of credit for keeping his cool with her "suggestions" for the new house especially since they made it obvious her decorating and furniture arranging at the apartment did not go over well. But I'll give her some credit - I winced when she said paint the cabinets but I thought it looked really good when it was done. Was it Jeremiah who answered the seed question by saying the seed of Michelle and Jim Bob? That might have been the closest thing to sexual innuendo that any of the kids, especially the unmarried have ever said. I imagined him being sent straight to the prayer closet as soon as the camera's left. I was surprised the Joy was allowed to hang glide basically laying on another man and side hugging him the whole time. How progressive of Austin! Last point...........Austin. Seriously hate him. Here's the thing and excuse me if I explain it badly...........the guy has no sense of humor. Yes he actually laughed at something once or twice but most of the time he smiles but the smile doesn't reach his eyes if you know what I mean. The way he talks about his family business, interrupts Joy or just smug smiles at what she says like he's thinking "oh another ignorant woman comment how cute", even his command not to eat the bit of food that fell on the table. Just an overall vibe about him that screams smug and controlling. But mostly the part I wasn't sure I'd explain well............his smile doesn't reach his eyes..........to me it's fake and forced like true silly humor has no place in his life when he has godly things to do. I feel like he would have gotten on very well with the puritans.
  21. Well in her defense she also had to do flash future scene with Eugene; and since it takes an adult 20 minutes to parse has fifteen paragraph statements into the normal two sentences the rest of us would have used her brain may have still been occupied with deciphering what basically boiled down to "These cooked apples are gonna be great and since you're so helpful here's a fresh one for you". I hate to say what I felt most this episode was boredom. An extra half hour length mostly filled with goodbye speeches but I couldn't find the sad feeling in it probably because we've known for months he was going to die. The shocker was the revealed bite - leaving the viewers hanging until the return gave plenty of time (for me at least) to be prepared for exactly what happened; goodbyes and a death. Yes Chandler was great, he deserves a lot of credit for what he's done on the show especially this last episode. Yes definitely there were moments with him and with the other characters that were really good and moved the story along. But I felt like the episode was stretched with too much dialog and they could have done it in the normal hour without losing any emotional impact. Edited to add: One thing I'd like to see though is Neegan's response, don't know if they'll include that but as much as I don't like the character I'd be interested to see what his public and private reaction to Carl's death is since they had a weird sort of bond and Neegan had a certain amount of respect for Carl.
  22. The "Like A Virgin" episode when they come home and catch Darlene on the couch. The part where Dan finally catches on and stalks back and forth through the living room a few times before grabbing his jacket. Roseanne ask's where he's going and he says "I'm gonna make sure little Brian gets home alright". Love his face as he goes back and forth, love his delivery of that line. And the "Don't Make Me Over" episode when the get home: Dan: My God, it's the Shirelles! Becky : Who? Darlene : Disco. Darlene's sarcasm (even while mistaking the genre). Plus later Dan's whole speech about how angry he is. Don't want to get too far off topic but we notice this episode because it actually happened in our family. One cousin went to rehab (at 15) and the following Thanksgiving (she'd been out of rehab for 4-5 months by then) there were over 20 family members at the Grandparents. Aunt and Uncle come in and see two bottles of wine in the kitchen and literally GO OFF on everyone, we're all inconsiderate, we all need to watch our drinking, we all need to think about how this stuff runs in the family because we're probably the next alcoholics in line and we just don't see it. When we said the adults were having a small glass of wine at dinner and we weren't altering our holidays they left in a huff. So if that episode comes on when Bev gets on a roll about the alcohol we just look at each other and go "It's Uncle X and Aunt Y". And before anyone replies we weren't very supportive they were always pulling entitled stuff, ironically a lot of it around how no matter what their kids did or how they acted even at someone else's house the family couldn't tell their children "no" at all. That permissive my kids can do no wrong attitude really worked great for them <sarcasm alert>.
  23. I don't mind them using that as the explanation for anything on the revival that doesn't match the series finale or any plot in the final season. I find it more annoying that the multiple, multiple news articles about the revival mention "how will they resolve Dan's death" every, single, time. Only because the "it was a story" excuse is such an easy way out it makes the article writers look uninformed for not even bringing it up as a possibility or like they're trying to click bait readers by stirring up controversy (which we know they do anyway so that's the more likely reason). But yeah - rant aside - I think if they address it at all it's going to be the "I'm a writer I took poetic license and fictionalized our lives" route. I liked the 20/20 show. When they talked about casting they didn't mention the original DJ; Sal Barone. Guess they figured it wasn't important to the history of the show. He was in the original pilot but let go because he couldn't get along with Sarah Gilbert and when the writers strike delayed the show he grew too much during the delay. Also no mention of Glenn Quinn; they didn't have to reveal how they'll resolve having no Mark on the show but it would have been nice to acknowledge him a little bit. And no mention of casting Jerry or Andy. Rumor is Jerry is mentioned at some point and is working out of state, possibly Alaska. I guess though with only 9 episodes they can only cover so much. The one thing that made me curious - showing the cast on set during the special the stairs were normal. The same set behind Joy Behar had one of those electric stair seats installed; really wondering if that's part of the show and who it's going to be for (Beverly maybe?)
  24. Loved Cody's reaction, "Yeah" (like he wasn't totally listening to her), them immediately "Wait, What?". Then the continued confused face while she doubled down on testicles. Conor was my favorite with the scorpions (close second was Henry who just stood there) - he figured out if he didn't move much neither did they but he wanted it done so it was a funny watching him stand so stiff muttering hurry up through clenched teeth. Wonder what would have happened if Bahrain was the NEL? Would it have been moved to Thailand because they were so far behind? Or would that be against the rules so the NEL would be left as even though there'd be no suspense and we and the racers would know that would still guarantee Ocean Rescues elimination since they'd never catch up next leg. These are the things that make me waffle back and forth between accusing them of occasional game manipulation and believing they don't interfere at all because there must be rules and standards about that. Never watched BB so all opinions about Jessica are from the race alone but I don't particularly like her and am sincerely hoping she doesn't win. With my favorite teams already gone I think I have to root for Conor/Alex or Even/Henry. There's a temptation to just go to spoilers and see who wins - with double episodes airing during Olympics they're really burning off the season quickly though, I keep wondering if it means this is the end of the show.
  25. Was watching Roseanne and it hit me - if they ever wanted to have Stuart's father on the show they should bring in another Roseanne alumn and use Micheal O'Keefe...............I think there's a pretty good resemblance there.
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