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Everything posted by xander874

  1. Agreed. That was the only LOL moment for me. But the whole Cam/Mitch plot just felt off. Where was that piano supposed to permanently reside? There is not room in that house so the whole premise was dumb to me. Locking everyone in the bathroom while the piano is moved? That's not a task that takes 5 minutes - they were in there at least an hour. And I don't even know how that got through their door. I realize I'm overanalyzing but it just was a dumb dumb plot. And Mitch/Cam have sex fully clothed (or at least wearing shirts)? That seemed off too especially since they apparently did some wild sex act. Joe is still cute.
  2. Absolutely. And Rita Moreno needs some too. She is so perfect in this show. Agreed. I wanted some mention of her, but I guess that conflicted with the Elena-is-an-outcast theme (which I wasn't too big a fan of). Good season overall. The depression episode was magnificent, if not that funny.
  3. I just hope they change it so Danny doesn't live in the house. Making DJ move to the basement with Stephanie is weird. They are 40 years old and don't need to be bunking together. Maybe have him go live with Fernando next door?
  4. This reminds me of when Fox tried to capture the success of That 70s Show with That 80s Show. You have to have a good cast and writers for success. Nostalgia doesn’t work in the long run. And what were they thinking by having Missy Pyle in this and not giving her a line or anything to do? Make her the lead. She’s fantastic
  5. Maybe the lighting was bad, but I could see Brainy's normal skin at his shirtline. I feel the makeup people would cover a little further down.
  6. Agreed. 227 was one of the sitcoms growing up that made me actually laugh out loud. It was silly, but funny. And maybe it was on purpose, but how could they have Bev and Geoff ask "Pardon me. Do you have any Grey Poupon?" and not have Barry say "But of course". Missed opportunity!
  7. I liked the premise of the gay porn skit, but the timing was so off it flopped to me. Not sure if someone missed some lines or they just didn't rehearse, but it could've been really good. In fact, it could've been longer in my opinion, assuming the fixed the issues. I feel like the Captian Hook-is-creepy-hanging-with-small-boys skit has been done before somewhere. It wasn't very fresh to me. Same with the Mr. Wizard spoof. This episode just felt stale for the most part.
  8. Considering Fred Savage is one of my childhood crushes, I wouldn't say no to a happy ending from him. I was actually surprised that there was so much intimacy stuff with Cam and Mitch. And Joe is no my favorite character. He is so cute and has great comedic timing.
  9. I tend to agree with you for the most part. There were definitely some LOL moments for me in this episode, like the end of the open when Marcus was like "He was farting in these cups?" as he takes a sip but I think my issue is that everyone is heading down that sitcom trap of becoming caricatures and not very likable. It happens too often now on shows and I don't like it. I want to like Amy, but she is making a fool of herself. Surprisingly Dina (who I think has been especially heinous this season) was pretty nice for the most part. I don't mind a few wacky characters around, but the core group needs to be stable and well-rounded and they aren't succeeding right now. Sorry for the rant!
  10. Even a year too late, I did love the La La Land opening number. The rest of the episode was fine. Maybe Brenden and Thelonius (Trilogy of Error) can start a Lisa-exes band at West Springfield.
  11. Yeah, one week they are incompetent idiots who hate Claire and the next week they love her. The writing on this show is so inconsistent. Manny's plot was a waste. I didn't even get it. It made no sense. Stupid. Although it was cartoonish, I do appreciate that we see Mitch and Cam actually have sex.
  12. He was on Blacklist last week too! As someone who has recently been diagnosed with D2, I appreciated this episode, even if it was a bit heavy-handed. It seems odd they went straight to injections for medicine as opposed to pills, but I'm no expert for sure. I liked the B-plot, even if it was silly. I enjoy when the kids get along and aren't ganging up on one (usually Jr.). And it was weird for Zoe to only be in the dream sequence. Not the character, the actress. Seems odd to bring her in for that scene only. Maybe she wanted to meet Rick Fox?
  13. Agreed. I told my friend last night that this show was basically just a procedural with a eccentric guy as lead. Almost like Castle which was good but not what I watch this for. I want this show to get back to the supernatural and make it the central focus. The whole Chloe makes Luci mortal thing needs more exploration. I feel it's been shuffled to the back burner for too long. Another thing I mentioned. I know she is "awkward" but she acts like she has never interacted with humans before. She is still mom. I thought when Charlotte came back, this would give TH the chance to reinvent the character. Not sure if its the acting choice, the writing, or directing (or a combo of all) but Charlotte is acting like a Cylon. I think the "family hour" is a thing of the past. With so many people watching whenever, I don't think the move has made the show less provocative. I think that's due to the writers not being inspired and churning out crappy and/or boring product. And count me in on the Ella annoyance. I really liked her at first, but this fan girl flit is bad.
  14. Poor Leslie in that gift-wrapping skit. I don't know if the blood spit was supposed to hit her elsewhere because she seemed really shocked when it hit her face and that gagging was very real. I read she confirmed she was trying not to vomit. That would've been a very interesting skit if she had. I am torn on James Franco (although I love Dave and think he is the cutest) but he seems like is having a good time and obviously the show likes him. He'll do anything, which is a double-edged sword. I enjoyed this episode for the most part, even if none of the skits really will be classic (although I did really like the spelling bee). And nice Beck booty...even if it was in the guise of Scrooge.
  15. I realize characters wear the same clothes in every episode, but for some reason it grosses me out that Glenn always wears those animal print briefs. I feel like someone like him would have a wide variety of undergarments.
  16. I hope this is not another prediction that comes true, like when they mentioned President Trump... I liked this episode, but it was weird to me that Maggie seemed the same age when Lisa was 7 than she is in the "present" of the show. She should've been a newborn at that point.
  17. I actually appreciated not seeing Omar. Because this episode wasn't about him as much as it was about the prison issue. Having him appear would have diluted that. Although I thought the B plots were random and not really even resolved so maybe I'm wrong. Wouldn't mind seeing Omar at some point. It would be interesting to see him integrate back into society. Maybe getting a job at Bow's hospital (because I think Dre's workplace is too top heavy with characters and I'd like to see Bow work more).
  18. In the real world Anne Heche is 10 years older than Mike Vogel (48 vs 38) and I can see them bonding although the premise of the show makes a relationship hard considering they have only physically interacted in one episode. I liked this one a lot. Guess the DC team got to relax after last week's craziness, because they were barely on. I am glad we are getting back story and also glad Jaz backed off because her annoyance at Amir was getting on my nerves. Guess we need a Preach-centric episode soon. And I would love to see how Dalton got into his position via some back story. Maybe they will tackle that before it gets cancelled (I don't wish this, but I am a realist).
  19. So the device Chad Lowe had - was that the Omegahedron like in the Supergirl movie? Not sure if that is part of comic canon or just a nod to the movie. It's a terrible film, but one I like a lot.
  20. Did Gloria take her bath? I admit I wasn't fully paying attention because if she had, Cam talking about taking a bath in the same water too is very gross. I like Joe too. He actually has good comedic timing and his facial expressions are good.
  21. When Neil visited his mom's memorial bench, I went "Awww" thinking it was sweet and then they had to switch it up. Didn't realize Muriel was such a tyrant. It just said "United States of AmeGica"
  22. This episode was okay. I just don't like the trend of sitcoms to create these "dumpster" characters who are the brunt of jokes and treated horribly. I actually like Sandra. I did not like Amy dumping them - just ask! (although them not picking up the cues she was giving didn't make Mateo and Cheyenne look like Einsteins either). I was annoyed at Dina and hope they rein her in, although I did like the resolution (but please no more Dina/Jonah stuff).
  23. I loved the Bedknobs and Broomsticks baskets at the store. That's one of my favorite Disney movies. I enjoyed this episode because Maggie doesn't get to do much, so it's fun for her to have a story, especially with Grandpa.
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