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Everything posted by xander874

  1. This is becoming my biggest gripe with the show. It's definitely over the top in many ways, but ultimately, most of what the say and do is something that I actually see happening. And I have no doubt people like Stevens exist, but this week his racism/classism was just so blatent that it took me away from the rhythm of the show. I used to relish the work scenes, but lately they seem like a separate sitcom about a bunch of wacky stereotypes, which isn't what this show is about at all.
  2. I hate Fuller. I hate his mumbles. I hate his tiny mouth. I hate his neckbeard. And now he is a special snowflake? Maybe he secretly has a bomb implanted in him that will explode soon and we will be rid of his boring annoying face. But, damn Kalinda (I'm terrible with names) was looking super hot in her dress.
  3. Yeah, I didn't love this episode. It was weird and disjointed. Alison Janney was totally wasted in a nothing role. Was there anything to that plot besides Marge's random blow-up? I wanted the 2 stories tied together somehow, yet didn't get that. 2 Burns-centric episodes in a row too and the whole VR thing was just weird (although I did like the end with everyone's VR worlds).
  4. I assume that Mateo thought the DM was "into" him and he was confused because it wasn't what he expected. Then again, I'm a gay boy so maybe my take on it is skewed. But, it would be interesting if they dated, especially because it is forbidden.
  5. Didn't she do the same thing in S1 when she fought 2 Red Devils? It just felt like a retread. I don't know about Werewolf Girl but Wartboy told Chanel he knew something so I assume he was killed to hide it. How the killer knew he knew I don't know. And yes to Shower Chad. More of that please.
  6. And it is super nitpicky of me, but one of Jaleel's answers was about Justin and Britney breaking up and that happened in 2002.
  7. I knew Burns mom was Amy Schumer but she didn't sound like her to me. Also, Mayor Quimby's voice sounded off - not as boistrous. Maybe me sound on my TV wasn't working great. Poor Ralph, but I'm sure he'll be fine. He's died a few times over the years. Solid episode, but light on plot for sure.
  8. I remember thinking about Reade during that episode and wondering why he didn't think more about if he had been molested. I think that could be a good character story, but is definitely disconnected. Zapata annoyed me with her Jane hate. It just popped up and then went away. No point. And I can't think that Boden would be allowed to date Patterson - so many crossed lines. And don't get me started on the Werewolf Jr. storyline. I like this show but they need to tone down the personal stories. This is a procedural for all intents and purposes and the main plot should dominate. All these personal stories this week felt like a soap opera. Oh and John/Lincoln/Roman is unhinged. It will not end well. I predict he will kill Michelle Hurd at some point.
  9. Yeah, it's just odd that everyone lives in the normal world and no one comments on Zorn being a cartoon or the fact that he does abnormal things like kill giant birds or wears a loincloth. I think we need some more integration of his magical world and our own. Maybe an old nemesis comes to wreak havoc? I don't know...I just think the concept will get old quick. Do think the cast is good though.
  10. I agree. I expect her to be Figgis' mom or something and she knew all along who the guys were. But it was good to see her.
  11. Agreed on the 2 girls 1 cup thing. I feel like this show has been off the air forever. Nothing really exciting about Tuesday's show, but Dave Holmes was looking pretty good I must say.
  12. This was average. It definitely had a lot of horror tropes but didn't execute them very well. The crazy person screaming "You're doomed!" Is so cliche and there was nothing original about it. I wonder if this will actually be supernatural stuff or someone playing mind games. I hope we see more Tony Todd. And while I feel they got the 1989 vibe mostly right, they really messed up with the underwear. Boxer briefs (brightly colored ones at that) weren't even a thing then. It was boxers or briefs then.
  13. Yeah I say the letters, not a word for FAQ. Maybe I'll make a change. And I don't care what the creator of it said, I will always say gif with a hard "g". I did enjoy this episode. Is Wil Wheaton that short or are Jonah and Robert just tall?
  14. I did enjoy this episode because every character got a moment to shine a bit. I'm not sure how I feel about Stuart's coming out. I kind of liked him being an effeminate straight guy and going against the norm. Maybe now he and Kenny can be rivals next season - I don't want them as a couple so I hope the show doesn't go there.
  15. Fozzie is not my favorite muppet by a longshot, but his coffee cup with "Seth Rogan dressed up like an old timey hobo" was hilarious. I did like this episode that was relatively PG (except for KS's fingerbanging thing, which Fozzie chastised her for).
  16. I was a fan of Good Times when I was a kid so this was very fun for me, even if some of the kids got little to do (like Zoe as Willona). What I love is that GT has been criticized because it was a show about poor black people written by rich white people. And it definitely showed sometimes with the plots and the JJ-ification of it. But now we have this show which was created by a black man and it's a great representation of the culture today - something GT probably never could've done. My only complaint is thought the room at the end of the hallway was the parents room and the bathroom was off to the side. They switched it here which seems odd to me, as they paid so much attention to detail. I could be wrong - it's been years since I've watched GT. I totally agree with you. I thought it was going to end with the reveal that Bow is entering early menopause or something like that. I'm not feeling a baby.
  17. I got both east and west coast on my Hulu, so I watched them both. Both still awkward although the questions were different. Same animations throughout though. Interesting thing, but they don't need to repeat it.
  18. Yes, I've been a fan since Wonder Years Days, but he is so natural and his chemistry with everyone, especially Deb, is amazing. I watch this show for Stewart.
  19. And they said in this episode they were divorced. I thought they just separated. Maybe they meant going through a divorce but it wasn't clear.
  20. I was excited to see the French baddies from so long ago and do agree that it would have been nice if Bart had a scene - even a quick "Holy Merde!" or something just to acknowledge the history. The car thing was really dumb - the fact they had never seen it was very odd and totally took me out of the story. I do like the travel episodes usually because the family works together at some point instead of constantly fighting.
  21. He appeared in another episode too when he revealed Dean was his father. But, it was funny he just left. It does surprise me that someone like Dean would be okay with them giving him an adult son. He's so vain, I would think he would hate that (i.e., he's old). I actually liked the plot full of side plots. It spread the wealth around and I felt that all characters got a moment. And I could just watch Stewart and Deb talk in their bedroom for 30 minutes each week. Their chemistry is so good and they act like a real (if a bit over-the-top) couple.
  22. I admit this show isn't as fun as last season, but Loretta Devine is a hoot. She makes me laugh. Her feud on Facebook was hilarious. I think I'd like a show about the parents. I could watch them discuss things all night.
  23. I actually loved this moment. Pat is affectionate with his kids, which is far from the norm on many shows where the dad is some macho brute. He constantly puts his arm around the kids which I think is quite realistic for many families. Other than that, I didn't love this episode. I thought that Kenny and Mimi were okay at the end of the pilot but maybe I'm wrong on that. And the play felt rushed. I would think R&J would require some extensive rehearsals. But totally agree Bobbin about the coming to terms thing. It's a long-term process.
  24. Guess this show isn't getting renewed since there is no topic here 2 days after it aired. I do enjoy the show and was actually emotional a bit at then end when Jimmy got the call his dad died. I like Regina Hall but am not a fan of this relationship. It changes the dynamic of the whole show to me. I know it won't last but this show feels off to me.
  25. Unpopular opinions coming... I am not a fan of Jon Hamm (although he is impossibly good-looking) and I really did not like the trial episodes last season, so I hope this story doesn't drag out too long. I don't mind him in small doses, but I don't want the Reverend driving the storyline next season. Of course, even if she was married to him, it's not like she needs to be in a hurry to end it since he's in jail and she doesn't even have a boyfriend. Also, I am meh on David Cross. They spent so much time talking about how gross his character is, it makes me cringe to see him and Jackie kiss(that beard is a bit much too). I will say, I am looking forward to Jackie the crusader next year. I hope we will time jump four months with Titus coming back next season because I want to see him actually succeed at the cruise ship thing and maybe even deal with some minor celebrity. Perhaps he can take his Geisha show on tour?
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