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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. That arrow is a new design motif nowadays. I've seen it all over signs and banners. Kinda like the "Keep Calm and Carry On" stuff last year. Now wait!! I also saw it in Hobby Lobby so I'm sure they are quiver-friendly (they have Jesus fish shaped mints at the counter. Who would buy a mint with any kind of fish thoughts attached to it? Yuck)
  2. I'm thinking forehead Botox too. I thought Nicole Kidman with a dark wig and bronzer was standing on the stage. I wish the 3 finalists had done an actual lipsinc to a popular song and not just a pre-choreographed skit to a song written for them. I was soooo disspointed in my fav Naomi. First, did she get lip collagen? Her look and her performance I was very displeased with. During KimChi's performance she was so stiff and immobile I thought that her dress was some sort of edifice that she was going to push away and walk away from. Best comment of the night: Bob's brother saying Bob cried all through the brother's birthday party because it wasn't about Bob..
  3. I thought it odd that Bridey's body was shown out in the woods, with the same kind of vegetation as near the bunker, Pocky's cabin. Since ben was out in the woods alone, made me think of him. Willa is small (except her head, sorry)how could she handle taking the body to the woods. And how would she get bridey to meet her in the woods, if they were there pre-kill.
  4. Good observation!! I think Ben killed Bridey. Also, The Dad still doesn't know Ben's not Adam, does he? That's busted.
  5. Jake is starting to look like the most moral person on this show, because he sits with the person he just murdered to keep them company, soothing them as they die. Whatta guy!! he did that with Cyrus husband James (DAN BUKATINSKY, I believe)
  6. It's cancelled? Well fuck that, what's the use of even discussing it at all? I thought pockmark was dead lying in the snow, but they are saying there's no proof it's him? Is he dead or not? Is Adam ashamed to go home? About time female detective did something right.
  7. I thought the lunch was always for the final 3????
  8. Mini Golf Moms running away from Josh with the children, screaming, toward the protective cover of the bathroom, but Lo!, a trans-gendered man identifying as a women is in there! So run screaming to your car where Dad has been looking at porn on his phone while he waits for Mom and the kids to finish golfing. It's a tough world out there when you're overprotective.
  9. Derek, when confronted about his natural makeup, plain dresses and leotards with shit taped to them replies, "Well that's just my drag." Yeah honey, and Magnolia Crawford's drag was a woman in her 60s on "Golden Girls," and you see how far that got her in the competition. Bob was the true choice to be in the bottom with Derek. KimChi, Maomi and ChiChi did a wonderful job with the theme. I was surprised how not good Dereks LFYL was, seeing that he is a pro and all that. B
  10. Prince! I'm sitting here in my assless pants as I'm typing this. DARLINGTON ROACH. if I could cartoon, I'd sketch out a roach wearing a morning suit, spats and a monocol and call him, "Darlington Roach." The 2 gay guys who are all afronted that fellow cruise members would think they were a couple and gay were funny. AND THEY LOOKED LIKE FATHER AND SON. Maybe they were on a gay cruise and wanted to get outside action. AND I LOVE CABBAGE!
  11. First, Abbey's "Bitch, Please" expression was everything. Now it must be said that the extreme lengths everyone in this Washington inner circle went to to avoid killing Andrew is beyond laughable at this point. When 6 out of 7 of them had killed or had given the orders to kill numerous times. It was ridiculously outlandish.
  12. Best Female Singer: Tie--Jessica Sanchez and Jennifer Hudson Best Male Singer: Tie--Rueben Studdard and Caleb Johnson Most Unrecognizable; Male--Bo Bice, Most Unrecognizable Female: Diana deGarmo (what the hell, how does she look 40? Wasn't she 16 when she was on the show 10 years ago? That's 26!!) (edited to say: Omigod Archery said the exact same thing with the exact same ages 20 minutes ago! Great minds and all that..) Best Moment: Simon coming out of the wings. I was hoping he'd say, "It's all like some ghastly cruise ship show." I screamed when Trent won. He's sooo deserving. Why did his single sound so great tonight?? It didn't last night.
  13. .He's a "joke" auditioner, like William Hung. Pants on the ground guy. BO BICE HOLY SHIT> He's like a hip, sexy Social Studies teacher or something.
  14. Hi guys, haven't be posting much, but now I am home from work ONE MONTH recovering from surgery. And that equates to 60 episodes of Judge Judy, and no, Angela Hunter, I am not receiving one cent of SSI for this, thank you very much. Byrd doesn't even have to cover an x-ray. So what was yesterday, Non-Existing Transportation Company Wednesday? Sheesh. The sister in the SQUATTAH case, I was hoping Byrd would walk over to her and calmly place both palms on either side of her head to stop the back and forth motions. Will Smith needs to examine her for that NFL brain-shaking injury syndrome. Why didn't JJ put a stop to that shit? Anyway, I think that the former Mrs Spivey, Lakisha Johnson, was completely motionless and expressionless the entire time. It must be a bitch getting an associates in Business Administration with a minor in Non-Existant Transportation Management while on Haldol. Her ex, dodged an enormous financial bullet, when asked how old the 2 teens were, stated, "One's about to graduate and one's on the verge of graduating." Hee
  15. ChiChi as Eartha Kitt was the most imaginative and won the Snatch Game. Bob as Uzo was a straight impression, there was no cleverness to it. His Carol Channing was more clever but ChiChi won. It a shame that her runways never look super good. Naomi's LFYL was everything. She should have done Madonnas Sex Book photo, where she is nude on a city street (maybe hailing a cab?)with various blocks covering up her privates. She could have just taped on the blocks. Call Carmen Carrera, she'll tell you how to do it. To me Bob--I don't know, I wish he went for pretty sometime.
  16. I don't normally have much time to spend on this site, but seeing that I am home from work for a surgical leave, I had the luxury to click on some links and read the comments. WHOAAAA--the comments!! There are entire hours-long flame wars happening between posters who must all be either insomniacs or on SSI disability. Who has the time for this? It's like looking at a droplet under a microscope and you see a whole 'nother universe in there you knew nothing about!
  17. I don't know why Scotty B is so tragically uncool. From his hair to his logo jackets, its like he is one giant finger gun.
  18. Prime example, and my favorite individual lipsync is Raven doing "Never Gonna Get It" awhile Nicole Paige Brooks was next to her acting subpar. Raven wiped the floor with her, and ended by blotting her own face with her breast pad.
  19. I BELIEVE Sprinkles said this was a montage of the former winners who will appear at the finale. I guess the others won't be there (PP has a contract battle I've heard) Mostly true!! In his video package there were well wishes from School of Rock kids. I assume he works there. No adult would hire him to teach them to sing. His tone is pretty but it's a weak one dimensional voice. Sonika looked terrified every single moment she was on stage. She was constitutionally incapable of not looking terrified. She even looked terrified while singing BMBTL. She is one of the most beautiful contestants ever, though.
  20. I just watched Untucked and ChiChi owned it. She was talking about Robbie's busted up wigs and she said the last one looked like rats chewed on it. Then she did a little rat gnawing dramatization. Cute!
  21. I know!! I was forced to buy the season on Amazon. My daughter and I split it so it was 9.00 each. I told her, when she suggested we find it on Amazon, "I don't care if it's THIRTY DOLLARS an episode, we're buying it!" This was posted by a youngin, I'm sure. Bob's costume was from TRON. Tron was a sci fi robot movie in the 70's so that look was linked with roller skating, which had a big comeback in the 70s. Perfection!! I was thinking she looks like Miss J on Americas Next top Model. Pffft. Reference: Delano, Adore.
  22. Jamoche, was it difficult being married to Ted Cruz?? Because it wasn't enough to go to strip clubs in Minnesota, these dudes went all the way to FARGO NORTH DAKOTA to party and rent the limo. Note to self: if I ever want to drive around in a limo, smoke and do lines from 9 am to 2 Am, I will go to Fargo because the entire limo bill was like $350 for that entire time. Did I hear that correctly!? HEY guys, let's rent a limo and drive around while watching suomi's exes episode!! We can line up the high carb snacks on the wet bar next to the cocaine!!
  23. I'm very dissapointed that when shouted in a New York accent, "shiftless" and "slovenly" just sound like shiftless and slovenly. No "AH" can be added to the end.
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