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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I read her role as a Carribbean or Dominican cleaning lady.
  2. Holy Frick, I'm watching Carly Fiorina flush her dignity down the toilet. She mentioned that she worked hard to make sure Trump got elected rather than Hillary, who would have ruined the country. She also just said that KAC and Bannon are "Honorable People." Oh God, I could not be in that business.
  3. I don't subscribe to the level of cable service that has VH1. Can anyone tell me how to watch this series??
  4. Of course, they need to find out the sex as soon as possible so the leghumpers can go shopping!!
  5. I didn't think the Trump video was clever at all. I am not AT ALL a Trump voter but I think they are being awfully heavy handed about Trump. Yeah, him just standing there is comical but it seems like such an easy, quick laugh going after him. Most clever was Angela Merkel. Such a great line "ah yes, in America you call it the alt-right, in Germany we call it 'why grand papa has to live in Argentina'" and the candy house was hysterical. Why is Sasheer there? Will she and VillaSenor ever get to play other than "girl in the office" type roles??? They are using Alex and Mikey constantly.
  6. Good luck to Derick's Mom. Wow, is it possible that all this time when you heard recordings of astronaut's comments from space, and they say, "Wow, it's so blue from up here," there weren't talking about the oceans, they were talking about the Dillard's DONATE button??
  7. What is that pink plaid schmatte Katty is wearing???? Oakville, is Mika's scarf today also Unitarian? It has a design on it. Ok Mika, now you are also a Ivanka Trump apologist? Saying in a quiet voice, with hesitation, that Ivanka only popped into the room with the Japanese President to "say hi." Mika said this is an apologetic manner that made one assume that she talks with Ivanka personally and knows this for sure. Mika doesn't talk much anymore since Trump won. She used to be sooo much more vocal!!
  8. No, what this is is smart, super sneaky subliminal advertising. You read the post, "Now wait, there's something blue on the screen, I don't know..now wait, where's my credit card?"
  9. Oakville!!--thanks for always being there for us.... Joe's new wardrobe upgrade due to the fact that he's now Trump's Man In New York could be rectified if instead of wearing suits, where he used to wear fleece zip up tops, if he wore fleece suits. How's that?? Time person of the year should be KAC. She pulled off a coup bigger than Idi Amin's......
  10. She seems to be more quiet now than snitty. Its like she knows she can't put down Trump anymore since they now are Trump's unofficial mouthpieces and she seems uneasy about this new position. Well, none of us remember what she's been saying about him for the last year anyway, do we??? (haha) Oh and remember TRUMP PLANNED THIS TAIWAN CALL DEALIE WITH MASTERFUL PRECISION BEFORE HE STARTED RUNNING (I was in the shower, someone--who?- quoted that and I don't think it was sarcastic either)
  11. No trying to be picky but its DEBETTE. I know this only because I spent quite a bit of time thinking "how does SNL make up these names?" Like last week on Secret Word, the Host Keenan's name was something like "Grant Choad", cracked me up to no end.
  12. Funniest line of the night!! Loved it. Second best line: "Don't promise me ribs and bring me a short penis." To go against the obvious set-up is best!! Emma and Aidy reminded me of The Judds, in costume, hair and mannerisms. Speaking of candle gifting--Bath and Body Works had their 3 wick candles on sale for $8.50 (regular $22.00) on Saturday, so expect to be given one all the women here!!!! I went but the line was insane, like a 1/2 hour wait. Frick no! She's raising (with a nanny and husband) 4 little kids too!!!
  13. Hey oakville--why do you keep calling Mika's accessories "Unitarian.?"
  14. I have been watching MJ for about 4 years, but only started reading this forum a week ago. Is Dr. Z spoken of here mean Mika's Dad? I cannot even believe the revisionist history being spouted on this show. I've seen this show every day since Trump "threw his hat into the ring," and what they said about him. Don't they realize everything they said was recorded and we all heard? Now they are tsk tsking everyone who isn't all aboard on Trump PS: I had to leave just when they sarted the convo on the brawl that brokeout at the Clinton vs Trump aides meeting. Whose side were they on?? KAC gives me the chills. I wished I could peer inside her straw-blonde head and see if she is a true believer or just a very astute Ad man marketer.
  15. Two "Eyebrows Up!!" photos of Jill in a row. Yikes. G.W.B.--is it me or does he look like a 3 1/2 year old??
  16. I enjoyed Joe telling Donny that he wouldn't be welcome in Boca anymore because he maligned his Mother's friends by saying 75 year olds don't know very much anymore. I love Boca jokes--Fran Drescher on The Nanny used to have the best ones.
  17. THATS SMUGS??? Holy crap. He looks like they plucked him out of a Trump rally and inserted him into a cave (pushing very, very hard). Man, what a 360 degree turn from his Up-and-Coming Far-Right-Washington politico days!
  18. I think those books on the mantle have to be holographic projections of books, or else those fake books that hold your remote. No one is reading in that household.
  19. God that baby is white. And giant . Thus, the Giant White Baby.
  20. Joe and Mika are dating? WTH? I've watched this show every day for 4 years and I had no idea of this, nor had I heard of Mika's divorce. Gad!
  21. Derek looks like Jesus there. Is this intentional? I don't think Jesus, however, weighed 99 pounds though, with all that access to loaves and fishes. I can't even form these words in my mind, but is Jill wearing a FLEECE skirt???
  22. HEE! I just cannot watch her. She is the Most Evil Person in America, because she knowingly put him in office with full knowledge of who he is. Her 4 kids must sure be proud of her. I watch MJ each AM. I took about 7 or 8 days off post-election because I just couldn't. NOW I come back and Trump is a buddy? WTF? The things they said about him pre-election, esp. Mika.
  23. I have fallen down the LulaRoe rabbit hole and have been doing research on it and to my surprise, over at the Sister Wives thread, one of the wives, Merri, is selling this stuff too. so if you are looking for a really funny LulaRoe conversation, scoot over to her thread. Their marketing methods remind me of Beanie babies--you didn't know which stores were getting which styles on delivery day, it was all so exciting trying to find the ONE you were looking for. So I looked up this stuff online and WHOA the patterns are hideous. If the leggings are soft well fine, 30$ for leggings is a normal price. But the patterns are HATEFUL!!
  24. Derek looks cute there, he would need to gain like 40 pounds to look healthy though IMHO. Jill, Jill, Style is not our friend, is it???
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