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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I had to chuckle at Trent's video, he's taking his friend's guitar out of the case in front of the cow barn, like he kept it in there. It reminded me of some guy running for Congress being filmed in front of his all American cow barn.
  2. I have watched both episodes driving myself nuts because i knew Cynthia both looked and sounded EXACTLY like someone famous but I couldn't put my finger on it. Finally it came to me, on one or two episodes of Seinfeld there was this super mean but very flaming gay couple that terrorized Kramer, stole his armoire when he was watching it on the street for Elaine,, etc. Cynthia looks and sounds just like the Hispanic part of the gay couple. I know they can't be one in the same because that was 20 years ago. My horses in this race are Cynthia, Thorgy Thor and Naomi Smalls (#1 for me). My guess on who is coming back is someone who has become very popular but didn't win. Like Chad Michaels, Ru created Allstars only so he could give it to Chad. Maybe Willem, Raven or Alaska? Why does Michelle looks so good? Weight loss???
  3. I'm confused didn't Sonika sing that "LET IT GO" from Frozen? They said it was Demi Lovato. Either way IT WAS FLAT AND OUT OF TUNE. Last night I felt like I was in an alternate universe: ME: Sonika is flat and out of tune, Tristan will be chosen, she sounded great! JUDGES:: Sonika you win, Tristan you go you sound the same you need to change it up ME: Dalton Dalton, all eyeliner, no voice. And "Sounds of Silence"? Junior High angst that is flat JUDGES: Dalton you went so deep and dark If LaPorsha wants "No More Drama" she will have to change her entire repertoire of songs and how she sings every one of them. I thought Mackenzie was enchanting last night. Totally charming. Accompanied by a video from her COUNTRY CLUB!! On Marthas' Vineyard where her summer home is! HAHA Had to edit my post when I saw this. THIS really puts the finger on what is up with her and her crying and her songs about bad times (then again, that is 95% of country huh??) And I think she dresses old fashioned--like if a soccer mom was wearing the latest clothing.
  4. GARAGE DOOR CASE: JJ (to young boy who she placed in the Hot Seat): "What's your name?" Boy: "C' Andre" JJ: "What does that mean? Is it French?" Boy: "I don't know" Mom: I just wanted a name that started with C, because his Father's name starts with C" JJ: "And Charles was taken?" (said in a Yiddish manner) Can't they deputize Byrd to arrest these clowns for flagrant misuse of the apostrophe? PEZ CASE: This is some real serious shit here. Bitch was holding up the 2 giant photos of the supposedly subpar silver plated Pez containers (Silver plated Pez-, WTF? Why?) so long that she looked like a grieving parent at a rally for kidnapped and missing children. Even JJ told her to put them down. BEST PART-- JJ decides to appropriate one of the silver Pez and gives it to Byrd. (Byrd later tosses it out, after discovering he can't use it to fill out his Sudoku book.)
  5. Can someone help a queen? I don't get Logo so I watch the episodes online. I have been doing this since VH1 stopped carrying it. I saw last week online but when I went to stream Episode 2, they tell you to sign in using your cable company ID (like other cable channels do). I dont have an ID since I only get basic cable. Anyone know a way around this--they pulled the bait n switch on me.
  6. Omigod, this case sounds perfect. By any chance, did JJ scream out "He's TRANSGENDAH!!"
  7. I have an idea I don't think anyone has posted--it really IS Adam AND he is in with the kidnapper because he got turned, or got told over and over that your family deserted you, etc. The daughter has a big ole' pumpkin head. That's all.
  8. Cyrus was totally like, "Umm why are you playing with an African American doll?" Oh.....oh yeah, that's right, I have a kid. Oh yeah , that's right, she's African American." I'm sorry bow-tied blouses are not that popular, at this point a couple of years down the line, Lizzy HAS to be having these custom made. There aren't enough of them on the planet to cover 1 or 2 new ones each week. I also want to see she and David get into even harder-core S&M, not like the light stuff she is doing to David now.
  9. Dalton IS a vocal coach! How's that for irony!! I think his voice is subpar, Yes, I agree above, its a voice meant for a boy band or ensemble singing. His eyeliner has more weight than his voice. IE La Porsha's clothes. She looked good in the jeans outfit, made her look 30 pounds less then those big caftans.I get a lot of various women's magazines and the trend now if to NOT try to hide your figure flaws. Its what I grew up with and what i'm used to doing but the trend is opposite now. Have big ole legs?--wear a short skirt if it makes you feel good. I don't like the trend, but I won't do stripes with floral,, etc, the other way things have changed also.
  10. Hee! Even better. And I love opera too! There's a difference between fishy-pageant and just fishy. The one who went last night was the former category. And I don't know if I'd truly call Willem fishy, with that perpetual 5 o'clock shadow? Not sure on that.
  11. Why no big girls? That sure is a first. favorite line of the night RU: "So what is it like being one of the Brooklyn queens?" ACID BETTY: "Well I don't really know because I don't work in Brooklyn, I work in Manhattan." RU: "is that a read?" Loved it. I wish there was a way I could use "read" rather then "criticize or put down" in my day to day office life. Like at my annual review, my boss would be, 'We think that you should put more effort into your reports." And I'd be like, "Is that a read?"
  12. He looks thinner. Perhaps 24 hour a day prayer burns calories??
  13. Last night I was bathing in my indoor jacuzzi tub with bubble bath. In a jacuzzi when you put in bubble bath you don't get bubbles, its more like bubble-foam. And I'm watching the foam rise and its uneven around the edges and I'm, thinking, "If they dyed LaPorsha's hair white it would look like exactly like this foam." it was very broccolli- esque.
  14. They need to open an Ulta or Sephora in Tonitown. Cripes, the amount of makeup on these girls!! The one above in the grey sleeves and brown vest has perfectly pencilled brows. All for a casual day sittin' around with the family....
  15. Don't forget HUSTLAH!!! She pulls that one out usually for sleazy guys taking advantage of divorced or older women.
  16. Ok in the back of my mind I KNEW I had seen the look on Jessa's face somewhere before (don't go all porn on me) It's here, a famous statue I saw in Florence, the "Ecstasy of Saint Theresa." Fundie religious fervor I guess
  17. I better cut a cut of the series. Hell, we all better get a cut! You can buy a TV through Fingerhut? I'll bet it is a TV with an elastic, Sansabelt waist.
  18. I liked the way Judy, ever on the watch for moochers, suggested that since the stepsister's boyfriend was not too disabled to fix a sink, perhaps he should become a PLUMBAH!! Did anyone get the one where 2 girls took back another girls horse because she didn't pay the balance? The tall girl in pink on the Defendants side, I thought she was the other girl's MOTHER. Old looking 20 years old. Anyway those beotches said they couldn't give the horse back because they sold it for $100, and had the papers to prove it. Selling price to the Plaintiff had been $4,000 something! Yeah right, Judy just ignored them, ordered the horse back to Plaintiff and the 2 girls immediately meekly said. "ok." That said, the Plaintiff kept putting on Tall Pink girl to meet her to give her the money when she was in the same area. Send a frickin' check via US Mail, cripes!!!.
  19. I know!! When the case started out, I'm all like, "Ha ha this guy is standing so his head is exactly under the graphic of the courthouse. It makes him look like he has a pointy head! Ha Ha that is soooo funny!" Then 2 scenes later they shoot him from a different angle and it's like "Shit! The dude actually has his hair shaved into a point! And why??" But all the hair was wonky in this case. Mom's was ok, but the brother and sister, combined with the Defendant, looked like a 3 man rap group from the early 90s. Now if we could get Byrd to style like Kid n Play.... I love this thread. It's the best set of fuckerbitches on the interwebs. Pfffft. She would've just barked, "And whose gonna pay for that eye, Byrd?"
  20. Read Oprah magazine and it is full of chocolatiers, cupcake bakers and exotic florists that just couldn't stand being fund managers, lawyers and stockbrokers anymore. Of course, you pretty much need to have to have the savings account of a former fund manager, lawyer or stockbroker to have the funds to chuck it all and "go for the dream." It pisses me off that they always feature these well to do people "Going for it". My favorite part, which I don't think anyone has mentioned, were the harping comments by Rebecca's Mom delivered over a cellphone while she was wearing a hospital gown--presumably having plastic surgery, was how I read it. JapRap was a great concept but could have been waaay better. I would have liked to see them interject more "street" into it.
  21. That home health care agency owner was Ru Paul, and you will never convince me otherwise. In a bad blonde wig and a pretentious English accent. Ru Paul I tell ya! The sleep number bed case was a real snooze (chortle chortle)
  22. AngelaHunter, baby you've been holding out on us! I want to see your next post written in French, with liberal use of "les bitches du fucker" sprinkled thru the post! GiantMisfit, is that fundie/gap epsidoe avaialable on youtube or anything? I've never seen a fundie on JJ, that would be really entertaining, (or else AngelaHunter would say, "tres amusante")
  23. I feel proud, yet still surprisingly humble that my SQUATTAH has taken off so. FYI, I trademarked it, and from now on you are required to type "SQUATTAH ™w&c". In about 30 days I expect to start receiving numerous 12 cent checks from Japanese companies. Cute! What was up with the Plaintiff's girlfriend/room mate? She was like 40 and plain and he was young and my-tee-fyne.
  24. I was hoping that was Borshetta!! In his stupid leather jacket with the music logo he has on everything. Who embroiders on a leather jacket? KEWT!!! yea I'm old too.
  25. Tosia, might a suggest a screen name change to Squattah to commemorate your newfound love? Maybe an avatar of someone squatting to accompany it?
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