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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Forgot to mention that La Porsha put her old broccoli in a black bag and carried it home from the market on her head. Forgot to mention that La Porsha put her old broccoli in a black bag and carried it home from the market on her head.
  2. I want the city, car company and license of this vehicle so I am positive I never rent it. I always wet wipe the hotel TV remote, but i can't afford enough wet wipes to go over a car 2 people have LIVED in for a month! I spent all night catching up on this week's eppys.
  3. Sally is a hoot. So Liv realizes she misses The Power, gets locked out, so she's going for the next Probable Power, no? Someone explain what is Cyrus doing? Is he trying to help Red ? Does he want to retire or play with Ella/ explain please.
  4. Wow Jeneve rooted thru the costume rack backstage at "Annie Get Your Gun." How about ONE ironic Western piece at a time, not 20! Poor Stephany, when is being stunning, HISPANIC, thin, gorgeous hair and a good voice not enough? James VIII was a dollbaby without the beanie. He had a cool vibe.
  5. NO, it's so very spacial, YIP! Is he Joey's younger brother?? The affected faux accents gotta stop!
  6. As stated upthread, GiantMisfit and I did just that about 8 years ago when we were members of the JJ thread on The Former Site That Shall Not Be Named. We are both from Philly area and met at a Starbucks halfway. To honor the solemnity of the occasion, I brought my life-sized cardboard Judge Judy cutout that I pawned off of Barnes and Nobles when she had a book release.. After much laughter and case disection, GiantMisfit left without paying for my scone and latte. (gaily waves at GiantMisfit)
  7. This is hysterical! What is the reference for:
  8. Oh my, that was a great one. Thug behavior + ABOOTs = WIN Hey what is this old case, Patricia Bean or the like(?) that everyone keeps talking about? GiantMisfit, are you the former MajorMisfit from Philly?
  9. There are no Freudian slips allowed in Duggarland. The long denim skirts are meant to keep them covered. Thanks for the cosmetic advice Saylii. I expect to be landing my own 17 year old uneducated toilet cleaner really soon.
  10. HEE! She seems kinda young. She's like "He's my best friend! (insert unicorn and stars here) and I'm sure that he is like "I'm gonna tap that" Because he is a MALE,although he's as cute as a junebug and all that syrupy crap.
  11. They are sooo picking her for T24 for the drama of the makeover,which she will most assuredly refuse, wanting to stay true to her boondocks roots. You can see this coming at you like a semi on I-80. J Bosil I am afraid will be Joey 2.0. Quirkiness Alert! What bugs me about Shelbie Z is that she is workin' the !SASSY! angle to the bone. And her clothes, hair, makeup, nails, jewelry scream 45 year old at a bingo hall.
  12. I thought she was going to grab him by his seafoam green tie and wring his weasley neck. I have rarely heard such a deafening silence on this show, it felt like 2 hours. At that point, he should have just quickly drank the water, then dramatically exited though the forbidden door in the front of the courtroom.
  13. Anyone see they are on the cover of Us Weekly (a rag) this week? giant photo of Boob and Mechelle
  14. .Spill! I need brand names and I need them now! Got Juvaderm twice and cannot afford it again. I still just don't get how Jessa didn't think she could do any better than Bin. She could've gotten some older Christian wealthy businessman-type easily. And it can't be that Bin is hung, because how would she have known that ahead of time (sorry to be crude here, but really. He was a 17 year old high school graduate with some biceps!)
  15. New cases: Another dog bite case, this one different in that the Defendant, not the Plaintiff brought their dog to court. It was a nice French poodle named Shayla. The poodle had 2 big ear puffs, side bangs and some clip thing. Oh....that was the kid not a dog? Carry on.... (oh come on, that hairdo was horrid and you know it) Second case features a Defendant named Deborah Darling who was NOT a stripper, with that name, but was working an Annie Oakley angle real good. So she says a statement I've never before heard uttered: (paraphrase) JJ: So where do you live? AO: I have a place but I stay with my boyfriend in his vehicle HUH? Who choses to stay in a van if you don't have to? And what guy who lives in a van has $2,500 to loan Annie Oakley? And I don't want to be visualizing that van "A Rockin'' by those 2. Repeats: SIXTY FOUR year old Mr. Christian and TWENTY TWO year old Tiffany. I literally rewound the tape twice to confirm these facts. Tiffany is a jailbird, cute, chunky and pleasantly blank. Feel free to re-order those facts in any way you so desire.
  16. MAN Jessa looks pretty in that shot. Waaay above Bin's league. Do you think she gets lip fillers--huge lips she has.
  17. GiantMisfit, it's obvious that you have never been a hospital worker. Sharmada Clinkscales, last weeks Cuiltihac _____ (I'm not looking it up, you guys know it) and his co-litigant Dogwillow, or something of the like--lotsa crazee names recently. I was reading an article in OPRAH!! mag, and some old lady had a daughter who changed her name to Crescent Dragonwagon. Uh huh.
  18. He looked vaguely decent. I was glad he wasn't wearing that stupid logo on all his clothes. Pee Wee girl with flat-ironed bangs and waaaay to much energy looks like Lea Michelle with flat-ironed bangs and waaaay to much energy. Girl with boondocks cowboy clothes. Hmmmm funny how every single one of her family members has normal clothes and hair. Trying to stand out from the crowd,are we? I wonder where she got her braces when she is acting like she has to drive 2 hours in a buggy to get a roll of toilet paper.
  19. I was cringing during that whole thing because I went through a version of that. I was 26 and my fiance was 40. He had one bankruptcy and was paying a lot to child support.He told me he wanted me to have a big rock "So he could show the world I was his." EXACT SAME WORDS. This was in the 80's, I got a one carat ring with baguettes custom made, don't remember the price ($2-3,000) but he put down the down payment of $500 and I paid the rest when my student loan came in. Yes student loan! When we broke up (his doing) he told me I could go ahead and keep the ring. HA! Am I the only one who doesn't think it's worth $17,000 to be Princess for a Day? I truly don't know what he said and what she thought/wanted to hear him say
  20. Ewwwwwwwww. Wasn't the sexual act that starts with "c" and ends with "lingus" also involved? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
  21. Its hard for me to know if we all get the same episodes, makes it difficult for us all to play together nicely. Anyway, the one with the 3 room mates and the illegally-rented room, the girl had lime green hair? Oh the pearl clutching when it was mildly suggested that they did drugs. The horror of it all! And lime green was blithering about some whiteboard upon which she had written something that shouldn't have been seen but was because Defendant barged into their room. What did she write on it, "Judge Judy sucks?"
  22. Do the JJ researchers have some sort of search engine in which they can type, "Cases where the car insurance expired 3 days before the accident?" Because everyone's car insurance expired 3 days before. I thought if you paid within like the month or the week the insurance is still good?
  23. That is some very funny early morning shit. "Bleached almost out of existence"--hee. And I wonder if "unboinked" is a FB category? "Omigod, first Aidan Unfriended me and then I got Unboinked!!"
  24. I understand there is a Duggar fansite (+ or -?) called "Pickles and Hairspray." I think now that everyone is getting older, it should be called "Coffee Cup and Side-Hat." For God's sake, every single shot has a coffee cup and side hat!" Why so much coffee! Normal people drink a lot of coffee to stay awake while WORKING. Instagraming is only a job when you are a social media marketer.
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