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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Not sure but I think welfare ends at 17. I know a friend whose son was getting social security because her dad was retired, and it ended at 17. JJ was charmed with Sheldon, she couldn't help herself. I loved that a guy named Sheldon wasn't a 70 year old Jewish guy, but was a young African American dude. When he started talking I thought he was the Snoop Dog stoner guy you guys talked about yesterday, he was soooo baked. Apparently he nicely dressed himself before he brought out the bong in his hotel room, because in a tie and vest (I think) he looked way better than 80% of the non-high litigants on the show.
  2. La Porsha's hair looks less old broccoli-ish because they put a light brown rinse on it to take out the yellow-green cast it had. They won't be changing the big fro style though, she seems to be pretty proud of her hair per the intro photo shoot that kept highlighting it. I really love Olivia, both her look and her voice. However, my moral code would not allow me to vote for someone who took on the fake last name "Roxx." Same with Jax last year. I'm totally surprised that America "got it right" last night. I was 1000% expecting Daniel Seavey, I mean, Jeneve Rose to be thrust upon us for weeks and weeks. Same with Jen. this year's Joey. And Hiccuping Boi. Here's hoping Gianna and Tristan are ousters next week. Afraid for Lee and Avalon, becuase they're both pretty low key.
  3. i WAS JUST COMING HERE TO SAY THAT. It's appalling, in the sense that Abbey is so professional, but the tension of her going for her best friend's ex, I can hardly not fault the show if they went there. I mean, we need more than Liv drinking wine with her monstrous father from an enormous carafe, figuring he was retired now and watching game shows. Also appalling is the David triangle. Liz is such a monster, I hope one day her bow tie blouse catches in a helicopter blade or something. Can someone explain if the shooters kid was ok in the end? Charlie wasn't sending him off to die was he?
  4. It was quite a visual, this burly guy with a shaved head and black glasses having a puppy casually tucked in his arm the entire case. The puppy didn't squirm either, I was looking for the white cloth tag that says "do not remove under penalty of law." Plaintiff at one point said to JJ, "May I elaborate?" I thought I heard some typical JJ litigant gibberish like "May I elaborative," but when i played it back, she was very well spoken. Rats, no snark here, move along...
  5. My thoughts on Mackenzie is he is 35% talent, 65% hipster glasses. Having a gimmick sure does work on this show (See Mitchell, Jeneve Rose) I am sorta afraid for Lee Jean and Avalon tonite. They both gave tentative performances. My guess for the ousters would be Jenn, Hiccupping Thomas, Manny and Lee Jean or Mini Brenda Starr
  6. Best line I've heard in a while on this show--in answer to the allegation that the boat had a crack in it: JJ: " Well why didn't you have the boat checked out before you bought it" Defendant: "Well we aren't maritime people" They are both in the 300-400 pound range. Methinks I know how the boat got cracked...
  7. Thanks. I love it even more when she shouts out YOU'RE A HUSLAH!!! A HUSLAH! (hustler). Truly, she screams "SQUATTAH" about 12 times!! In the stolen Swiss Army Knife backpack/laptop, the Defendant, who was the Plaintiff's college room mate, looked about 14. I though maybe he was a Doogie Howser type who went to college at 12, but it said he was 21. i was thinking maybe he traded the laptop for Pokemon cards.
  8. YOU"RE A SQUATTAH!! A SQUATTAH!! SQUATTAH!! I hope someone else got this case and you don't think I'm all nuts.
  9. I have a feeling that today is POSOLE DAY in the twins homes. Right from the start I assumed Hope had PCO (polycystic ovary disease) because she had a such a large middle, had thinning hairline and was infertile. Lets hope those pounds she lost help them out in conceiving.
  10. That case gave me a migraine. I started out wiling to spend the 10 or 12 minutes it would take to get though the minutae but when I saw It was going the full 30, I bailed at 18 minutes. Either that or plunge my soup spoon into my cranium. Luckily I was not eating steak last night.
  11. IF? IF? How can you get to that weight without one? I don't think you get 150+ pounds overweight just by snacking too much. This is disappointing to hear but then, it's just a reality TV show. I think it was wise, but really brave to Colby to take the money. Remember all, they couldn't see what the other 2 looked like and they kept them separated during the show and before also. Colby didn't know he was the heaviest one, I was praying he'd go for it. Stephen looked like a 25 year old grad student. I can't believe he wasn't the biggest loser. Geez did he need to get to 150 to win? Lord...
  12. I'd damn sure be enjoying myself if I didn't have to work and could live in a foreign country. They have the life.
  13. Weird? Not in JJ-land it ain't. Woman had unpaid utility bills that went into collection some time in the past. That's why she had to use her daughter's name. Very basic stuff, you learn this after lunch on the first day of J-school, come on! No one commenting on the name Mrs. Fleece? Isn't that grand, Mrs. FLEECE!!?! Fleeced her daughter, alright.I think the JJ producers, to save time and to make cases more clear to us, should grant the litigants fake names to use on the show: Khyber, I don't watch dog bite cases either. Same ole, same ole, so I too am bummed that I missed the tidbit about having the affront to walk your dogs on July 4th. Could this be from the fact that many dogs go nuts over thunder and fireworks, so dogs tend to be jittery on July 4th? Weird? Not in JJ-land it ain't. Woman had unpaid utility bills that went into collection some time in the past. That's why she had to use her daughter's name. Very basic stuff, you learn this after lunch on the first day of J-school, come on! No one commenting on the name Mrs. Fleece? Isn't that grand, Mrs. FLEECE!!?! Fleeced her daughter, alright.I think the JJ producers, to save time and to make cases more clear to us, should grant the litigants fake names to use on the show: Khyber, I don't watch dog bite cases either. Same ole, same ole, so I too am bummed that I missed the tidbit about having the affront to walk your dogs on July 4th. Could this be from the fact that many dogs go nuts over thunder and fireworks, so dogs tend to be jittery on July 4th?
  14. I love watching them watching themselves in the monitor, then you see them remember and they look back at the talking judge with interest, then them move their eyes to watch themselves again, this time keeping their face pointed at the judge so it's "not noticeable." Quite a hoot to watch.
  15. My daughter makes her living primarily making and selling BINDIs (forehead or third eye jewelry) on Etsy. That kind of stuff is big with the Coachella crowd. I gotta check out this morphing tattoo tonight. Maybe I can make a little check box form that people can complete and fax in, or do a Survey Monkey! In the 70s I was big into belly dancing and I had a girlcrush on this one dancer who wore a thin gold chain around her waist. I was contemplating copying her when I realized that I couldn't afford THAT much gold!
  16. The other Hailey wore dressy hot pants a lot and took a lot of hassle about her advancing on the shortness of her skirts.
  17. Has this actually happened, or is it conjecture??
  18. I wouldn't say she was robbed, she let herself be outsung by Kellie, she wore this unflattering brown lipstick but most importantly, when she was given a solo, she chose to play the violin/fiddle beautifully, but this is a singing contest. She should have SUNG in that solo. Shelbie Z Was tearing up when the judges critiqued her. That hardened my stone cold heart. I think that was the biggest WTF in song choice of the season. I guess she had no say in it though? But Constantine reaaaally helped her and was careful not to showboat, and to give the stage to her in the song (GIANT SNERK--he was awful, just walked off the stage w/o wishing her luck, etc) He does have a beautiful voice and man it has gotten better and better. Does Jen purposely try to wear the most unflattering vintage clothes ever made? Because thrift stores and 60s-70s shops DO have nice clothes in them too. She purposely tries to make herself look bigger it seems.
  19. That's funny, she narrowly avoided The Pole with her old name just to end up naked on a Wrecking Ball anyway. THIS is so funny!! But Dalton's winning anyway. HE is sooo winning. Better be on your guard, Casper. I love that I'm not the only ancient person here. What was missing was that side to side swaying dance. Alternately, he could have benefited with a pillbox hat with an elastic chin strap to accompany it. About 10 years ago there was some crappy young blonde Utah girl that kept advancing that we used to call "Goaty" or "Goat Throat." I haven't heard that in awhile but Trent brought me right back there.
  20. I was DYING!!! I only wished they had come in their costumes from Comic Con. Also, I will bet you CASH MONEY they had a chicken named "Bella." CASH MONEY people.
  21. Felicia is odd in that her post-lost face is not much different from her pre-loss face. She just did not hold much in her face. Anyway, that final dress she wore looked ridiculous. It was actually made of SPANX. They phoned up the Spanx factory and had a roll of material sent over and cut and sewed a dress out of it. Of course it was an 8, I am size 14 and I could wear an 8 if it was made of Spanx. It might take me 2+ hours to get into it and then 2+ hours to get out of it, but I could do it! Those gallon jugs of Wesson oil or sweet tea, whatever it was didn't make a very good visual sub for fat lost. I was thinking that those jugs looked like what ONE of the contestants lost, not all of them. Roberto STFU. I don't think your kids are scarred for life because you couldn't throw a ball with them. They are both very little.
  22. It looks like the mod wiped out all of those pages of social discussion we were having. I guess waaaay too OTT. Did anyone get the episode where this really young naive girl was suing to get back her used car that she surrendered to the Defendants because her parking tickets went to them? If she was so naive that she turned over her 2k car for $250.00 worth of tickets, how was she smart enough to know to sue? Also, the defendant's wife had really ugly chest and arm tattoos. They looked like someone wiped mud all over her.
  23. There really was no one she could have picked where the pound mattered. Felecia was in the bottom 2 with her no matter what.
  24. Thanks for your insight, teebax, I feel exactly as you. It's kinda like a "look over here and feel righteous," as people are reaming us out "over there." Enough of this, anyone watch the cases yesterday? I wanted to not yet slap, but firmly poke the Plaintiff who was suing for being shot in the leg with a pellet gun. JJ asked her like 5 times for the amount of her UNPAID MEDICAL BILLS and she kept including the money for her lost wages. She would not comply and finally when JJ got her to, she just estimated the amount. Who "estimates" the amount of their medical bills? Borrow Judy's giant 1991 calculator and add it them up, chica. Also bugging was the chick who just let the former owners of her car repossess it for unpaid tickets that were sent to the former owners, because she never registered the car (due to never receiving the title, who would allow that shit?). She kept saying over and over "They wouldn't let me look at the tickets! They wouldn't let me look at the tickets!," like a Tibetan monk chanting a mantra.
  25. Poor guy all he was trying to do was take the advice he was given to not go inside himself but connect with the audience. He is doomed from all sides.
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