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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I was just coming here to say that this episode has just about as much filler as the Zappos lady's face. I was afraid that the Juvaderm Volumna that she had injected into her cheeks looked like it was about to pop out of her skin. Cobrasnake and Rocky (the guy who made wearable art) are both hideous. Its funny how you can't be a woman in the beauty industy and be ugly but a guy--no problem. Cobrasnake is a tiny bit awesome though, in that he looks like he used to be a porn camerman in the 70's who fills in at the last moment when the male star snorted too much coke the night before and didn't show up (thus the "Cobrasnake") Anytime you take markers, posterboards and gluesticks to write a mission statement or a business plan....come on, Tyra give them a laptop, projector and Powerpoint at least!!
  2. Tyra's mom as a photographer--whoa!!! Shove Erik's wrinkly white ass out the door. i can seriously say that each of these 4 sets were equally good--perhaps Lacey's slightly worse of all. I want Mikey to win. Him crying in the talking head with a paper towel hankie--come on you hard hearts out there. I loved everyone's high drama back stories and Lacey's still working the "I was 15 when my parent's divorced" back angle for all it was worth. I think a medical photographer takes pictures of wounds, lesions, diseases and such for textbooks. no further comparison with ANTM shall be made here.....
  3. Teebax congrats!! Great news! I feel I must disclose that, unlike my name, I am actually Vegan so I cannot be in charge of the dairy portion of the menu. However, the wine and/or WHINE I've got down pat!!
  4. YES!! THANKS!! It was wormlegs. Ahh the good old days.
  5. AngelaHunter, I bow low in respect to your service to this Forum. Taking it upon yourself to daily scan the obituaries all over the country searching for the Litigants on the day's show. Wow-- i was just about to make a snark on ole Sarah when I saw your post that she died but now....... oh WTF, At the end she was showing the scar she received from MONTREALLE (spelling?) (who I believe was NOT from Quebec and did NOT speak French) and proclaimed that she can't have a scar because she models. If Georgia May Jagger can have a 3 inch gap between her front teeth, I think Estee Lauder won't mind your scar. Ange-- When I was thinking about the old timers here, there was one really active poster who lived in NYC, had 2 kids and whose husband was a dr. rememeber the name? -I think fixed the wrong episode problem and on Monday i shall report for duty.....
  6. I am not getting the same episodes as you guys--yesterday I got 2- 20 year old Hispanic girls trading bitchery back and forth about crashing a car, a woman in an unfortunate yellow suit suing for a refund of a car down payment, and a surrealistic 1/2 hour exchange about road rage with a bleached blonde older woman who tried to snatch the very curly hair of a banker who looked like Heather Locklear. ANYONE??? I gotta somehow get in sync or I can't play.
  7. I didn't like Susan getting 'dissed because she's heavyset. that's always the worst thing any woman can be in TVland. The last scene of Olivia realizing she is the most powerful person in the world was kinda cool. But because I NEVER forget, how does she walk around the city all alone when 6 months ago she was worth 6 billion dollars or something? She is no less important now, probably more. Major faux pas like this piss me off.
  8. Ok Mikey is trash, but compared to Nyle, he actually models. Nyle only has ever just stood there with his beautiful face. Mikey knows how to work it. To me, Miss Jay is everything. I forgot to mention his look when Hadassah took it upon herself to so some twirling in the salon runway segment.She would have loved the A-Swirl Twins (remember?) I enjoyed seeing him walk the runway again, like 10 years later. After all, that is what he was hired for originally.
  9. I used to be super active on this thread on The Other Site That Shall Not Be Named. (Waves coquettishly at AngelaHunter, Teebax, ToasterStrudel, et al--glad to see you guys still have no life), but busyness got in the way about 3 years ago and I stopped watching/posting. Well this Fall,they up and cancelled 4 shows that I watched, thus (thought bubble over head) "Why don't I start taping JJ again?" And because there is no use watching JJ and not snarking on it, I humbly present myself here. ON A WIG AND A PRAYER: Soooooooo, I ask you all, has ANYONE EVER dared to exit, in a huff and before the ruling nonetheless, out of Judy's private glass door? I can't even. And almost knock over the cameraman, who now qualifies for a SAG card since he appeared on screen? Why didn't she go out the back in a huff, others have done that. This is so wild. I wonder if just inside the door was that little office JJ sometimes makes calls from, with the law book-wallpaper on the walls.
  10. Michael!! Why can't we see more of their relationship or non-relationship whichever it is? After Fitz went on and on asking Cyrus back, and after Cyrus negotiated all his deals, at the last minute, he should've said, "Can't do it...Ella needs me around too much."
  11. Cyrus' rant was a bizarre as the finest of Papa Pope's rants. All that was missing was that awesome 1970's wig he wore 6 episodes ago during his life flashback. I have a hard time believing that Quinn and Huck are handling clients, without murdering them all, as Liv implied.
  12. I know because of how she was raised this cannot be, but if I saw a picture of Jessa somewhere else, I would think, "That girl has had a bunch of plastic surgery." She has an odd face, I think.
  13. Mommy I'm scared. I was texting the words "too much" and misspelled it as "tou much" and my spellchecker actually sugtested the option "Tooch." TYRA'S INFILTRATED SAMSUNG!!!
  14. Hadassah's attitude had been improving but now she is all 1000% affronted that Dustin came back? Like he was ever going to be anyone's threat? I loved the way he dissed her when he left, and started the hugging with the next person in line. She seriously has the best body in many cycles of this show. Lacey and Mame are waning and Mikey may win. He never gets criticized. When he had his hair tucked back at panel it made him look surprisingly handsome. I love the way everyone but farmboy Dustin felt free to say that basically they'd rather stay in LA and go to the movies than to Vegas. They aren't going overseas are they? I wonder if at the pre-show intake they asked "But aren't I required to obtain a passport?" and the producer's assistant said, "Um, why don't you just bring your license and a bag of quarters." The best thing about this show is delineating it's decline in quality of models and production budget each cycle. I will never get tired of Miss J hollering out drag queen references to the especially "fluid" male contestants.
  15. Truly beg to differ. Now it's known that Liv has the President's ear (and also his dick) she will get tons of clients who will hope that she can get some advantage for them. I understand that Washington DC is a City of Whores. Of course, she is going to need some new associates, real ones not that trio of Murderers she currently has working for her. She may as well add Charlie to the payroll if she is going to continue with 3 people whose resumes have blood splattered all over them.
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Shit, we knew he was going to be back, chewing up scenery like prison-issue roast beef. 'Paris is Burning' is a great drag queen movie. I think it's on Netflix. Cyrus had a great scene there. And again, Fitz is the stupidest, most arrogant and least concious President on earth if he didn't think Cyrus wouldn't turn on him with that dis'
  17. I know, even the money that fluttered down from the ceiling was fluttering lamely, like it knew it was no big deal. I'll bet they were fake 1s instead of fake 100s! Courtney is the worst possible choice for a model. Put the right makeup on my old ass, get the right angle and even I look good in photos (Albeit with orthodontically straightend teeth). You can hide what you look like in person. A model cannot be 5' 2"!!!!
  18. I could use some help I have not watched this show in 3 years and just re-remembered it. What is this about Kody D I V O R C I N G Merri? And marrying Robyn? And what is the Catfish? If someone could throw me a line, I'd be curious to know. thanks
  19. I didn't (small voice). I was like, "Oh, cool, it's the Queen! What a neat twist!!". She needs to hire Gladiators. 1 person running a business that used to be 6. Shivering Huck counts for butkus. ...and I still marvel every single episode how the woman who was worth 1 billion on the black market 6 months ago still walks around the streets alone and lives in an apartment with 4 locks obtained at Home Depot.
  20. That doll challenge was adorable. I loved the little accessories and extra outfits hanging on the box sides. I think Courtney is the worst looking, shortest and worst performing model of all ANTM time. Worse than Luveey.Its like all the mean girls in Courtney's school took up a fund and paid Tyra to put Courtney in the show to embarass and humiliate her. Hadassha is the dimmest bulb in the 25 watt package if she can't see that Bello is gay. That exit was the most dramatic exit, gayer than all 6 seasons of Ru Pauls Drag Race combined. SOMEONE HELP ME WHEN DID THEY GET RID OF THE BLONDE FARM BOY WHO COULDN'T MODEL? I SWEAR THAT EPISODE IS NOT ON THIS FORUM??
  21. Translation: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ in lieu of actual work like normal American folks have to do.
  22. I am plotzing over the Kid Farm episodes on youtube. They are so spot on!! I am parceling them out one every 3 days, as a reward after I've done something I don't want to do, to make them last.
  23. The National Society for the Deaf thanks you, Trya, that there is now is sign language portraying "BOOM BOOM." Ashley was so frickin' pissed at the panel. it's not like she was going to become a model though--too short. Another girl ruined by a Ty-over--it made her look about 35 and hard. Can someone please run an IV line with Adderall into Devin's arm during the photoshoots and challenges? A tech can photoshop it out--but please!!!!
  24. How has this not been seen before? How do you pick the best moment? "I love cousin Jamie, too bad she's going to Hell." The kid wanting to buy broccoli-- "Sometimes my bones hurt". "Michelle's" wig. Josh being called "BJ" or "Beej?" All priceless.
  25. She does it on purpose to look quirky. Each time I have seen her specifically place her feet that way. Like her hair style--it's all a gimmick. She told 3 jokes I think. 3 jokes.
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