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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. HEE. This case has turned me into some sorta SuperTroll. I was looking at the HuffPost comments and someone said "TLC stands for Touching Little Children." Double HEE. Anyway, I turned my Sirius to FOX this AM (I was waiting for the display screen to say, "This action has never been performed on this system before. Are you sure you intended to do this?") while commuting to try to catch a report on the interview. One comment I caught was the the sisters were "shocked" to have them referred to themselves as abused. The blanket training was mental too, I imagine.
  2. I would have bet $100 she walked out with Detox in her chicken suit. They so totally should have done that. I love Violet and am happy with her win, but sorta also feel like Ginger got shafted. I think she worked and worked hard on her part. Ru, if Kennedy puts on such a great show that you feel the need to mention that you should attend it (this has never happened before) than why didn't she win?? I liked how Ru cut off Kennedy when she was ragging on her Mom, since she was there in the audience and all. Does anyone know how Jasmine was hurt by social media??? I knew nothing about this, but it was really pounded home so it must have been bad.
  3. Yes if he puts his hair in the bun he may do better, as he had more hair-whipping than 10 seasons-worth of blonde contemporary dancers and Willow Smith combined. Girl with red lipstick, beige bra and a wink was cute but and alarm went off in my head: DANGER WILL ROBINSON --VEERING INTO JESSICA TERRITORY AGAIN THIS YEAR (black fedora girl from last year's finals). Everytime someone in the audience got on stage is was SO S C R I P T E D it was painful. That jookin teacher's kids were cute but come on, you just happened to have 15 kids with you, sure.
  4. I hope that 7th grade class that made Ru's "All Born Naked" video got permission slips from their parents first. Craptastic. Jinx, who I never liked was ruling it with the 1961 middle aged actress appearing on a game show look. I can only hope she was wearing one of those hostess gowns which were like an open dress over cigarette pants. This episode makes it impossible to tell if Violet or Ginger will win. It did paint Ginger in a pretty good light though. Anyone catch the poster behind Ru--"32 and looking great!' (or something like that) SNERK
  5. Wasn't there some cousin who had gotten out that used to be nicknamed (by us) "FAMY"? I know she is on the outside--has anyone picked up on comments by her? I would think the conservative or Christian view would be that being a mother IS your only job. I don't see any of these young mothers even remotely working outside the home. Don't you think all their fans will send them gift cards, cash, etc?
  6. I LOATHE how Pearl paints herself. And her clothes are tedious and her lipsincing is too generic. She seems to be a good character actor though. I personally think she made it so far because she is the most gorgeous boy in Drag Race history.i cannot think of anyone who has been as striking in real life. Ginger Christ Above, she sure works herself up for those talking heads. I can't sew! I can't put together a costume! I can't dance very well! how about==I can't put on a wig!! They are always asking us to put on gowns and walk down a runway poor ME! Violet isn't setting any personality records but sh'e cool enough. Her opening day lavender outfit is one of my fav opening day outfits ever (Katya's also) Yes I know Kennedy's drag was old skool, but I wonder if she was axed because she is her sister's caretaker and therefore could she make all the gigs and go on tour? I am wondering if Ginger was really talking about Kennedy when she was saying winning meant more than putting on a crown and taking the check? What, no love for Ru's old southern Pappy schtick? I thought it was Eddie Murphy (no not because of the tranvestite story either)
  7. Can a minor legally do this? I can't imagine they would be legally allowed to, like they cannot enter into a contract. I think it should read as "JimChelle requested that the redacted report be destroyed."
  8. Omigod, I was watching Netflix new series, "Frankie and ??" (with lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda) and Papa Pope had a small role as Jane Fonda's gay friend. He was wearing shorts and loafers with no sox. I almost had a cow. They went out to lunch, but no bloviating occurred.
  9. You forgot the crab hands. I'm sure Ms. Echosmith loved Joey's crab hands and voice-that-blends-with-no one-in-the-Universe, making Cool Kids uncool. Somewhere in the depths of my old brain I knew that Fallout Boy was fronted by someone distinctive and cool and kept wondering "Who is that bloated looking guy with the scraggly hair?" How we all age.
  10. First I was 100% sure she was being matched with Tyanna and they would both wear their suits and bowties. But no, she had to hoochie up YOGA instead. WTF was that ?? I'd like to Bikram her ass for that one. Amazed Nick won. I came into it 65% Clark was winning (The South and Youth groups pf America voting their cleancut fingers to the bone). LOVE that Nick won. YAY!!!! His single even sounds cool, not like the ususal shit songs. Caleb WTF, doesnt even get an intro?? Candace in the audience has decided to bag the dissing she gets from the record label and become a nun. Poor Jax, fawned over since January and her final moments she is wrestling a mic away from an old coot. ST wasn't givin that mic up anytime soon. Also Quassim and Adanna, you didnt get to hear them AT ALL. Quentin sounded great. NONE of the acts looked anything but perturbed that they had to let one of the contestants sing a bit (not Nick and Clarks people). That ain't right.
  11. THIS. I just realized last night after seeing Ginger moan, wail and practically shake her fists at the Gods about how she couldn't sew, and she couldn't do design challenges, and yadadayada, then she comes out looking not only perfectly fine, but great. That made me think she has done this EVERY TIME. Ok a Queen needs her drama, but this is dumb. Stop it already and move onto a new schtick, Ginger. Violet I just love and now I'd like her to win. She seems game for everything. I did not like her HK couture though, I was disapointed after the big buildup. I am not even going to go there about Katya. I think her LSFYL was understated, she could have done more. Kennedy was ridiculous, its like she had a LSFYL Bucket List of Hot Moves she was mentally checking off. But that was the stupidest song to LSFYL for anyway. It should have been some cutsey Hairjuku type song (Gwen Stefani?)
  12. Nick's coronation song blew less chunks than Clark's, It' a shame they were both written for a frickin soccer match, or they may have been more interesting. Clark is soooo old and un sexy. Georgia. Sittin On The Dock of the Bay. Why doesn't he try something from the Gay Nineties or the Roaring Twenties? Boooooring. Nick looked weird at the piano making his faces and facial tics he does when he sings, but I want him to win. He seems nice and I loved his home package. This is odd but my favorite part of the show is when Harry pulls out J Lo's chair each week. Sometimes he gives her a hand down the stairs. I don't know, I love that stuff. Good old Nawlins boy.
  13. In another series, and if Cyrus wasn't gay, there would have been a dramatic pause, then the 2 would have starting kissing and tearing off each other's clothes. Speaking of which, When does Susan Ross get some? Just because she's a larger woman doesn't mean she can't date. Send over Cyrus' husband to service her, because Lord Knows we aren't going to see him again. WTF is it about that?
  14. NICK: His hometown package made me tear up. It was one of the best I've ever seen, and it seemed like there were tons of people there. I really hope he wins. Its amazing how he has grown and lately he is nailing each and every performance. JAX: Are any of The Who dead? If they weren't last night, they are today, after watching JAX kitty-purr her way through their seminal song. Can we say "Talking 'Bout my Abomination?" Also, she looks like she is the recipient of a corporate merger between Wet Seal, Hot Topic and the Deb Shoppe, except all in 1985. CLARK: Can Clark just become a Music Ministry Leader now and be done with it?? Clark reminds me of my 19 year old cat. I decide he should be getting fresh air, place him outside and just like there is a giant rubber band wrapped around him, he immediately returns to his couch in the basement. I decided he needs to sleep on the couch upstairs for awhile,and the rubber band returns him to the basement couch. Ad infinitum in various situations. Try to pry Clark off his "couch," and he returns to "Sittin' On The Dock of the Bay," the most boring song on earth, and Clark's idea of soulful. It's damn frustrating, but he's not interested in anything else other than what they play in those dueling piano bars in tourist cities. RAYVON: Had a damn good personal style, I always loved what he wore. SCOTT BRUSCHETTA: Loves Jax so much because unconciously he is relating to her 1980s style of dressing, the same as his. That Star Trek glitter jacket was appalling.
  15. I watched Untucked for the first time this season. Katya was slaying me. WTF was she doing, all of a sudden lowering herself to a squat over the drainage grate? And Kennedy looks alot like Octavia Spencer. He makes a very pretty woman, I love his makeup. Where is this filmed? Is it possible to go lurk around the back door and talk to the queens when they come out for smokes? Or is it on some studio lot??
  16. Tyanna singing "Circle of Life" from the Lion King. Blerggg...she was never the same after that. Its a song that doesn't work out of the movie or off the Broadway stage. I agree with everyone on her--she is the most talented of all of the final 4. Its a shame that she veered off course.
  17. HEE! I forgot to mention that hideous schmatte that JLo was wearing--it made her look like she had MAJOR saddlebags. So unflattering. And her ass, Kim Kardashian was going, "Whoa." I wonder if it was from her new Kohls line, because it looked kinda flimsy. I enjoy an arc and Nick's got a major one. As I said, I think F2 should be Nick and Jax. I hope Borchetta takes a washcloth to her face the second she signs the contract, and scrubs off the X. I was gonna say and makes her dye her hair to a human color, but his plastic looking wife has the same hair!!
  18. First, cutest part of the night was Clark trying to wear his seatbelt strap low slung to please Keith. Why is Jax so excited to sing a duet with the guy who delivers the firewood? Oh Steven Tyler, you say? Jax killed it tonight. NY was beautiful, she emotes while singing so authentically. I wish her exterior wasn't so poserish. I would like her to win, i think they could do ALOT with her. Man I cannot decide if Scott is genuine or a Giant Douche. Is his record company real, I mean, is it more than just Taylor Swift? Anyway, he looked liked a douche standing in front of a charter plane who donated the flight in return for product placement, implying that this was the life of a rockstar. I am hoping for a Nick/ Jax finale. Obviously Nick will be doing Dueling Rob Thomases while Jax sings with I'm a Lumberjack and I'm Ok. Next week I hope will be Clark in a shocking boot. Cue Daughtry shockface gif.
  19. I hate the way Trixie paints. I know its supposed to be over the top, like Bianca Del Rio's paint, but Trixie's paint does not create an interesting character. I think she thinks she's better than we think she is. Every season I wait on the edge of my seat for The Library To Open. This year, all I got were ridge marks on my ass.
  20. Can we make a show with Susan the VP, Sally Langston and Cyrus as the stars and have everyone else gone? Mellie, Charlie and Micheal the ManHo can come and guest star too, I suppose. Everyone else--gone!!! Where is Papa Pope getting the money to keep all these ex-agents on the payroll and still do missions? Does anyone know.
  21. Quentin IS a fashion sales associate, so I hope its in a funky store, not THE GAP. I too think he has a super style and shoudl put together a blog or even have a fashion line. WHICH REMINDS ME-- Clark actually said that he had changed after he worked with the stylist and movement coaches. So therefore: 1. We all wondered if the budget for these coaches were gone and the kids were on their own. So I guess they are not and 2. The Clark we are looking at is POST STYLIST and POST MOVEMENT COACH. And he's still dull as dishwater. What, did they buy him button down cotton shirts that buttoned right to left instead of left to right? Mix it up there.
  22. First I am taking the Stadium Anthems sign and hurtling it out the window. WTF name a theme night and don't make them follow it? Second I want to sincerely apologize to Scot bruschetta for calling him creepy and mocking his facial hair, because he seems truly nice, involved and sincere. And I like the brown lizard jacket for a change up. Ok Jax blew chunks on the Jet, song, which I adore and do elliptical to 3 times a week. First, she kitty-purred her way thru it, she Marilyn Monroe-ed the whole fucking thing. Her voice was so weak with no power to it. And if she was truly punk, she would've have kept the SHE pronoun. Poseur. ( I love her black bugle bead jacket though) I wish Clark would go and keep all the rest and even bring back Quentin. Tyanna I fear will be B2, though I loved her bringing da sexy. Rayvon's first song was the best performance of anyone all season. I rewinded the Tifaux 3 times. I never rewind. Of all of them he is a good singer and good performer, I like his smooth moves (exlax)
  23. First and foremost-- LATRICE ROYALE LATRICE ROYALE LATRICE ROYALE. My fav queen of all the seasons. Sasha is a beautiful man, albeit a bit doughy. He needs to stay out of drag. When he was walking around the WERKroom, I am thinking, "Who is that gorgeous guy." Also, Tempest is a good looking man, his face does not at all translate into drag though. What, no love for Fame's (was it?) bloodied tampon earrings? Prison challenge was one of my favorite of all seasons and I liked it more than the Siamese twins. The descriptions they wrote were the best part. Katya smuggling geese out of the Ukraine--funniest thing I've heard all my life. Ok its time for Michelle to read Violet on her corsets, like she did with Max and the grey wigs. Enough already. Violet is improving week after week. She has wit behind that pretty face.
  24. No matter what happens on that screen, I still cannot get around the humongous error of the fact that a woman who 2 months ago was worth 1 billion on the black market daily walks around Washington DC un-kidnapped.
  25. As of tonight, I will say that Jax is totally being indulged and it's gotta stop. Beat It blew and the first song was way to breathy in the non-chorus part. Quentin's silver outfit was perfection, loved it. I wish he was a trained singer, he is off key way too much. He's B2 next week, america doesn't like petulance and seeming ingratitude. Best that Nick ever did. Way best of the night. Surprised me. Worst of the night is (boring) Golden Boi Clark. That would be interesting if he is B2 next week it might shake him up a bit. Too straightlaced. Tyanna's first song made me sure she would go home, the 2nd song was pure joy. Why can't she hook into that all the time. Finally some clothes that are a tiny bit sexy. After all she does have a nice figure. After the nuclear winter, it will be the roaches and Rayvon left. Good band name: Rayvon and the Roaches. Joey out crabbed all of New England, Maryland and even the Dungeness areas of Washington and Oregon. A giant crab-handed finale.
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