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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. After reading about this video over and over for days, I figured I better click on it. To my surprise I saw it was an episode of "Homekeepers" with host Arthelene Rippy (Jeebus, whatta name). Joel McHale on "The Soup" used to feature this show and make fun of it regularly. I stopped getting cable 2 years ago, so I don't know if he still does. Good times.
  2. RE: The Television Kerfuffle (JJs words) Ooo ooo it's Ombre Wig Day on Judge Judy! 10 minutes of discussion on 3 TV sets in the house, and then she brings up the small one in the bathroom! Read a frickin' book sometime! This is going to sound mean, but they had to have met in a facility for the developmentally disabled. They both spoke like androids. Hot pink and platinum Sophia Loren wanted him baaaaaaaaaaaaad. yeah, ah huh.
  3. You take emergency custody of your 2 grandchildren, and your boyfriend buys you some things that are necessary, and he asks to be paid back? That is a boyfriend who has lost all of his purported sexual attraction. Geez!! Her situation must have been dire. It made me sad when she talked about letting him use her debit card with $68.00 on it. Did anyone get the epp this week with the girl in her 20s, curly hair, whose slacks had been shrunk in the dryer and was the biggest Bitch I Have Ever Seen? With the 44 year old pussywhipped boyfriend? What makes someone like that? Is she Ted Cruz' sister or something (yes, I have a Ted Cruz theme this week. I think he is loathesome YMMV)
  4. The entire time this case was on I was thinking of the movie "Tin Cup," when the golfer Kevin Costner played seized up and couldn't play right, he kept saying he had the "Shanks."
  5. AngelaHunter you are really a tough cookie. I wish you had put the beatdown on fellow citizen Ted Cruz when he was living up there in Canada. Maybe we wouldn't have had to to suffer him in the US! I can't wait to see this. I really have it good, having taken a 4 year JJ hiatus, it's all new and fresh to me! I think no one has ironed their jeans with a front center crease since 1976. I', estimating because that's the last time I slept with a guy who did that...yuck way too meticulous.
  6. However, it provided a GREAT comment from JJ: "I didn't get years of post-graduate training to talk about cologne." "Alice the Goon" case, or as I like to call it "Meth-erpiece Theater," was satisfying in that we finally have a Defendant who blatantly admits they did it!! What a refreshing change!1 And I'll bet the purple shirted 600-pounder did take the money of the dead room mate, because if Alice had done it she would have told the 6 million TV viewers.
  7. South Korea needs to stop blasting KPOP at the North Koreans and start blasting that shrieky violin soundtrack at the start of Bin's interview. It could also be used to keep pigeons off NYC skyscraper ledges. I love Bin's hip hop hand movements in the beginning intro. Straight Outta Tontitown.
  8. Okay I'm old, but I think that if you have all this assorted shit guaranteed to draw attention to your face, you should have an attractive face. The defendant and her witness were NOT of that ilk. Besides she had those facial piercings, glasses and ombre hair. She never listened to Diana Vreeland who said, "Always take off one facial modification, err, I mean accessory, before leaving the house." 40-50 year old Witness Guy had ear gauges bigger than an Umbulu warrior (a made-up African tribe, but you get the idea). In my eyes, you gotta be like under 25 and a barista or in a band to have gauges. Thats just me. Dog mauling case--guy has 8 security cameras on his TRAILER???? I repeat, TRAILER? Can't you put that money into a better home? Plaintiff was UBER-annoying with an alarming underbite, and was unduly snotty at the end. Bitch please, if you lived in a classier neighborhood with better neighbors your frickin dog wouldn't have gotten out to go in the neighbor's yard to get killed? It was YOUR fault. I felt bad for the Defendants, they looked down on their luck and I wouldn't like to have to admit on TV that I euthanized my dog because I didn't have $140. That's sad.
  9. Damn you're right. Parents are all, "My son takes his girlfriend for walks on a leash. He has a violent temper. I will never let him live with us again," And son is like, "I am sure we will get thru this and have a good relationship" Well if son is a druggie he should keep it up because he was normal weight and Mom, Dad and his 2 brothers were all really obese. I was expecting the left side of the court room to tilt. Good catch, Ange!
  10. I am about to greatly up my cred on this thread. In the 70's while living in NYC, I dated the Delorean's butler for awhile. I used to go to John Delorean and Christina Ferrari's Park or 5th Avenue apartment which was like the size on one city block. I loved the powder room, it had pink rock crystal sink knobs and the dining room had hand painted silk on the walls matching hand painted silk on the chairs, a Monet water lily-type design. Anywhoooo, anyone else shocked it only cost $800 and change to fix the car??? Guy could have gotten a much higher estimate from an antique car specialist and no one would have known.
  11. Oh man, screw the Dianes, the Judys, the Mariannes. Fuck all the apostrophe names. Because today we saw L E O P O L D I N E Leopoldine, second cousin to Bertha, Mildred and Brunhilde. Leopoldine, with the hair colored with tart cherry juice. Leopoldine who should have been wearing a caftan. Leopoldine who pepper sprayed the neighbor, his son and his dog because they looked at her menacingly and stepped toward her from 25 feet away. Judy did not believe Leopoldine. So who is the big loser in this case? Not Leopoldine, but MR. Leopoldine, who has to sleep every night with Leopoldine. (total Leopoldine count= 10)
  12. Oh my Spurgeon, those posters are brutal to Bin! Wow. One nice comment was by a girl names STARRCRYSTAL. Ye Gods.
  13. I'll play. I was named after a popular song in the 1950's, which says, "All day, all night _____________. Down by the seaside sifting sand. Even little children love __________. Down by the seaside sifting sand" Ok, let's deconstruct this: 1. Being born in the 50's I can no longer go "All day, all night" in any fashion imaginable 2. Never liked kids, never babysat, (Have 1 accidental daughter though who is great) 3. Ok I adore the ocean, my favorite place to be so there's something!
  14. No one has commented on the greatness of this comment. I see this on a Tshirt, a 70's-type cartoon of Boob and Mechelle, with the Stinkbus behind them rising up to be taken back to its home planet... I don't watch the show but read the threads daily, and watch the occasional clip posted here. Anna's contorted mouth is pretty bad, could it be she developed Bells Palsy from the extreme stress she's been under?
  15. Did she shout, "You're a HUS LA!" CAN NOT WAIT
  16. I don't know if I'm getting different episodes or if no one is posting because oh holiday prep, but did anyone see the one where a guy's (non-pitbull) dog got out and the neighbors took it inside to call the owners and the dog killed their cat within 5 minutes? Well she employed my personal favorite trick, the use of YIDDISH. Neighbor was spinning a yarn about why he didn't have to pay 1/2 of the $6,000 cat vet bill and she shouted out that he didn't need to go on with his Geschichte (meaning long story in Yiddish). Remmebr the time when she called some testimony bubbe-meise (Grandmother-story in Yiddish)
  17. Shutupshutupshutup. Haven't you watched any JJ cases before you came on the show? Don't chew gum, don't ever drink the water, and DONT EVER INTERRUPT. Stupid fool. Instead of flapping her jaw she should have spent time kissing her very fine looking man, whose name(?) sounded like it was a sure thing for another case of the APOSTROPHES, but when it was on the screen it wasn't. My BF's 90 year old mother got bed bugs, no idea where because she only goes to the doctor's office. $2,500.00 to eradicate them and her daughter also got them. When my BF would go see her if was like a scene in a space capsule where you have to prepare yourself in the airlock before you go out into space. He would see her, then take off all clothes and shoes in her foyer, go out to his car in clean clothes and shoes, then when returning home, strip down in the garage into a 3rd pair of clothes and shoes, running to the laundry room to boil all clothes in hot water. Nightmare time. Is it bad that I laughed hysterically during the announcers intro about the dying son and plane fare case? The Announcer is like, "She says (close up shot of Mother) that she loaned her ex-husband (close-up shot of 150 year old Dad) plane fare to see their dead son (Closeup shot of dead son who is not a corpse but is in the studio) I don't know I thought it was hysterical.
  18. Judge Judy’s prejudice about every litigant starts showing when Bryd proclaims, “All rise!” That said, enough with the dog bite cases. Sheesh. I just started watching after several years of absence and it seems like ¼ of all cases are dog bites. 95% of the time it's the defendant’s fault. Lather Rinse Repeat. I love that screenshot, but for the Litigant not the extra. She looks like she is in mid- attitude head going back and forth horizontally. When I was talking about Big. Pink. Mean.Lips I wasn't talking about the girl who went to Hong Kong, had Ivana Trump for a Mom and put security cameras inside her house, I was talking about the chick in a business suit with candy pink lipstick on her scowling Juvadermed lips, who gave a loan to an ex for 3k in cash. The injections looked uneven. I guess I'll get the ball rolling on the couple who takes in 9 or 10 unwanted 18-20 year-olds at a time to help them get back on their feet, but need to take a title loan to pay for them? As my mind is not right, I did not think "charity" but instead though "available young sex partners." But if anything was shady I'm sure the Defendant would have mentioned it when she proclaimed she regrets ever saying they were nice people who helped her, those horrible tyrants who gave her a home, didn't make her pay for anything at all, and let her drive their car.
  19. Big. Mean. Pink. Lips. Is she angrier at the down-on-his-luck Burt Reynolds impersonator of an ex- boyfriend, or at her plastic surgeon who injected the Juvaderm unevenly? Which comes first, the ownership of a pitbull or the horrendous grammar? Maybe if some of these folks SEEN what a pitbull can do, they wouldn't get one.
  20. I also hail from TWOP since the beginning...aw I guess all things change in time. I feel that I must point out that although Tyra made a big deal out of them being at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, they were not allowed IN the actual hall. Walt let them set up on the landing OUTSIDE the place. I think the rent for the cement plaza out front was $150 a night vs. $18,000 for the actual hall. Kinda like in the old TWOP fav "Showbiz Moms and Dads" where Shane Klingensmith's Mom was blabbering on and on how Shane was playing at the "Raymond James Stadium Where the Bucaneers Play" and he was really singing on a flatbed truck parked outside in the lot. Mame had a flawless runway, Nyle was super stiff and I don't think he'd been less stiff if he could hear. It was an inexperienced stiffness-same as Dustin. I think Mame was robbed but man is she a bitch. So was lacey but Lacey was a stealth-bitch. Nyle is delusional if he thinks he has versatile looks. He has one and only one look but at least that one look is gold. He could definately be the next face of _____________(insert European designer cologne name here) . I liked Mikey and wanted him to win but his Zappos photos were really dissapointing. Laceys were the best but she has a weird body (too short, short legs) Bye y'all!
  21. Why must every single one of these kids saw away on a violin? Isn't there a choice of instruments to play? I can understand a parent mandating you must learn an instrument, but why violins? Does Aldi carry violins??
  22. Because I'm old I really don't understand how Instagram works (but am cool enough to know to call it "INSTA"). But why would you write a note to your HUSBAND on it?? Isn't that showy? Isn't it used to keep up with friends and people who follow you? Also, I scrolled down the comments and its hysterical how one comment is all gushy from a leg -humper then the next comment is all scathing. I just went back to the link to copy and paste the scathing comment and it disapeared? Is Jessa up on Black Friday at Aldi's sale trolling her feed ? Can she delete bad comments??
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