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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. So a failed courtship isn't "giving away pieces of your heart?" Is that because you're not giving away pieces of your vagina??
  2. Why is Jeremy's jacket so short??? Are 3 piece suits back in style again from the 70s? Michelle looks good and her dress suits her well. And finally, WTF with those tree trunk flower stands? Seriously, they look like faces are going to appear on them, and they are going to rise up on stubby little legs and chase the guests around.
  3. Ha! I was just coming here to say, "More, please?"
  4. This wedding looked like an explosion ocured in a Pintrest factory.
  5. Anyone catch that hand lettered wooden sign--"....Jinger will do Jeremy good and not evil all the days of her life" Huh? WTF kind of gift item is that? It sounds to me like they are saying "Jinger will be a good wife not like that evil bitch who was his first wife."
  6. They look like they are ready to drag out instruments like a wash tub tuned upside down with a stick with a piece of string on it, a harmoneeeeekah and a washboard. Duggars NEVER look trendy, ever!!
  7. Hee!! Churchoney, you forgot to mention that Defrauding Cathy also used a private email server. As for the mystery game Derrick and pals are playing-- I'm old, but this looks like a gigantic version of Chinese Jump Rope (anyone ever play that)?
  8. I'd happily take "shot" looks like Jessa's (no disrespect to the snark posted above--Duggar snark is always good). Spurgie has no idea that he is soon no longer going to be the center of anyone's universe. Why have another baby so quickly!!--I still can't get over that. It's like shoving Halloween candy into your mouth one piece after another. Stop and savor each one, people!
  9. A sporty T-shirt with a floor length denim maxi skirt. Words fail...
  10. IS that Derick in the LOSER photo? I have been away for a week and not reading this site, but it looks like he got rid of Manbun? A shame.... Mechelle looks so much thinner. She actually looks...gulp...modern??
  11. Ok I want it known that I would re-activate my canceled cable subscription to watch this. Fantasy dates to the Creationist Museum, champagne toasts with Sprite. Could be great..
  12. All I can see is Smugs. GAH!!! (Smugs probably even has adorable pudgy feet.)
  13. Oh, you mean The Catholics. The ones who don't know who Jesus is, although he's hanging on a cross all over the country. WTH??? Kellyanne Conway, who has the biggest and also worst job in America, has FOUR kids (found that out via SNL skit last Saturday). And they look to be all under 10 or so. By the way Giant White Baby is looking really cute in these Fall colors. He usually has an adorable, "Look at just how cute I am!!" smile.
  14. In line with the racier comments posted above, it's a pink taco!! The Razorback selfie, I think she's wearing a Texas necklace, which is kinda sweet.
  16. Pffftttt. You better go there expecting hoards of kids, because what fundy woman doesn't always have a kid under 18 months!!
  17. Very interesting post, that guy is an interesting writer. He actually used the term, uterus cannons !!
  18. The singular thing that impressed me the most about Tati was how incredibly well she airbrushed (or whatever) a cleavage onto her chest. It was so realistic!
  19. Roxxy is being used. Let's keep picking Roxy to stay because after being in the bottom 4 times no way is she winning. So the Chooser gets to make it look like she's choosing a friend when she is REALLY using strategery to get rid of a possible winner (Yes, Alaska, I'm looking at you.) Roxxy is a great drag queen, she falters on the quick wit and writing talents needed to win this show. She has to be beaten down at this point yet she still looks great each runway. My impossible vote's for you Roxxy!! I didn't get the great irony in Katya's runway. I guess she can sell anything though, she's so goddamned funny. She looked like Sue the gym teacher in Glee.
  20. I lurve seeing former Queens in the audience. Why couldn't there have been some sort of little walk-on for each? You could hardly make out who most of them were. A waste having them there if they don't spend any time showing them off. I saw Lagana E., Alexis Mateo, Vivacious, Porkchop (glaring), Nicole.Paige.Brooks (I think), Latrice Royale (SQUEE!), and Yara Sofia or Kenya Michaels--not sure which. Who else was there, please??
  21. Alaska does gorgeous makeup. As much as I live for Alyssa , Tati did beat her. Alyssa was throwing everything but the kitchen sink into her routine a bit too much even for drag. I don't know why Tati hasn't been on the tour before. She is top notch. Poor Roxxy. I'll think she'll go next. She is so pretty! How does it work that Detox and Tati had matching outfits, albeit white vs black, how would they know they would be paired together when they were at home packing? Hmmmm Am I a bitch to mention that Alexis Mateo has gained like 60 pounds??
  22. Finally got to watch it last night. It was cute to See Kida's, Fikchun's and Kida's family's reactions. No one thought the Juggernaut of Tiny Cuteness could be defeated. JT was pretty gracious though. Nigel kept talking about how they didn't know if next year the format wouldn't revert back to adults. GOD I HOPE SO!!! I hope it comes back at all, no way is that a given, from what I understand.
  23. Ahh thanks!!! Ohhhhh.. I see you weren't talking about me. sorry.... When I see an adorable baby I just want to inhale them. Spurge is like that. So my question is.....why not take your time and enjoy him, give him all the individual love and individual attention he deserves? Why roll out another one. Sheesh.
  24. I believe it's actually, "Oh the shade, the shade of it all." Always have adored that quote... I dont know how Alaska won that lipsinc. She stomped around, BFD. From the start everyone knew she was winning the title, it was basically set in stone like Chad's first All Star win was, Gets tedious in my eyes. Katya bothers me in that she never seems to rise up to her potential. Detox' chartreuese makeup was gorg
  25. WRONG!! First thing I thought was "there she goes again with the raised eyebrows causing her forehead wrinkles." Botox would take care of that Jill. No ability to raise your forehead even if you wanted to!! Look Ma, Green trees!! Dave Ramsey is religion-based, but not heavy handed Christian. His workshops in given in Christian churches all over the country on a low cost basis. I took one, they are based basically about not using credit and saving. Yes, I had to pay $99 to be told that! Your husband or wife attends for free. I was the only single woman there, but I swear I defrauded no one during the 8 weeks.
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