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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Joe: "I wrote a book. Not to talk about my book, but...." Ted Cruz was on in person--it seems lawmakers rarely are on set, so that was odd. Also odd was the fact that I didn't loathe him with the heat of a thousand suns like I always do. He seemed less smarmy--perhaps its because of being forced to become a toady if he wants to stay in the game has humbled him??? I didn't get to watch/listen much today. Oakville-- were they only talking about the Speech, or did they address the shameful fact that Jews are supposedly toppling over their own headstones and calling in bomb threats to their own Synagogues and community centers?? Mumbles, that was perfection.
  2. I would like a copy of their Special Zika Repelling Prayer. Hot water dispenser? In a Danger America "frugal" hovel? I'd sure like one of those in my USA hovel. What, is it for their Starbucks VUE instant packets?? Israel needs more burn salve and bandaids. !DONATE!
  3. Why is there an American flag on the stage in Danger America??? Blow that shit up, zahdii!! Am I wrong to think Boob was cute? How about the $24,000???? (or was it 20k). I am sure they are going to arrive and turn that !DONATED! money over immediately.
  4. Thank you, Joe, for telling me that there were anti-Semitic attacks also in the Clinton administration. Mika cut loose on the Trump administration today, and I really appreciated it.
  5. My daughter and I fulfilled a fantasy of ours by going to see Alaska, Ginger Minj, Detox and Sherry Vine (non- contestant, NYC queen) at the Borgata Casino/Hotel in Atlantic City Saturday night. The queens graciously stayed for about 1 1/2 hours after the sow so we could take (free) photos with them. Fabulous show, surprising amount of actual singing, especially, Ginger and Sherry, vs lip syncing. We adored it!
  6. His hair was the only thing physically that he had going for him. Sad. (hee hee, couldn't resist that last Presidential addition)
  7. YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT!!! I actually snorted shower water out of my nose when I heard that one. Joe is like a wildly veering car being driven down the freeway by an 11 year old. To the right--too the left--back again. Stop it Joe!!! I think Mika was right to ban KAC. I saw that Meriam Webster tweeted several times about KAC's incorrect usage of definitions ("Alt facts," "feminism,"--which includes a belief in abortion--WHO KNEW???!!!???, etc.) The fact that Merriam Webster tweets is just about the most awesome thing I've ever heard in my life.
  8. HEE. Yeah, and also one of the few jobs available to you in this country is in Trumps' cabinet.
  9. "Heated rant" is underkill. Joe was L I V I D. If he was a cartoon they would have drawn him like one of those old-timey steam whistles with smoke coming out of the top. I HATED him. Send your kids to Brigham Young if it bothers you so much, Asshat. Oh God, Joe is transparent. Everyone in America can see his EXTREME JEALOUSY over Donny. Joe, you can get beautiful divorcees in the Hamptons to date you too, if you want, since you're rich. But you may have to shop once at Barney's rather than LL Bean. Man, Donnie is a fine looking man.
  10. DUH. From the "No shit Sherlock" desk--did that even need to be reported? Joe likened Trump to Eisenhauer (spell?) in that Trump has a cabinet full of people he doesn't know, not just "pals." Wow, like Trump was ever friends with military generals? So we are digging that deep for compliments now.
  11. Again with the chickens, ...... Obviously Mika either does not live in NYC , or has a weekend house near Joe's bunker, or has a Seinfeld/ Sex in the City chickens-in-NYC thing going on. They spent awhile on that Yiannapolus (spell?) guy. I looked him up, to me he looks like he's just a Gigantic Famewhore say shocking things to get attention and more money. Sounds like.............ohhhhh..... Whenever Joe talks about his relatives madly texting him, he makes them sound like a bunch of redneck hicks.
  12. But they live a frugal lifestyle!! They've been going to Dunkin Donuts instead!!!
  13. Isn't Arkansas in Central America! Geographically, in-the-center-of-America?
  14. Or that godawful LulaRoe shit. Ok first, Missy Vixen, thanks for taking one for the team. Awesome piece of literature, there. Second, a grandiose scheme like Derick's is going to require one of those !DONATE! buttons with black and white imbeded rotating spirals , like they used to use in cartoons to hypnotize people (or on that 60s show The Time Machine) Third, when I was in my 20s I kept signing up in community college so I could say I was a student to cover up that I was 100% lazy, 100% unmotivated and 100% confused. I grew out of it at around Derricks age and started down a career path. DEREK -- LEARN FROM MY PAIN!!
  15. AWESOME Kasey Hunt just did a thing when she asked both Republicans and Democrats what their opinion was of yesterday's Press Conference. She had a large blue or red bar under each Congressperson's response. To the number, all the Republicans were in a meeting of some sort and hadn't seen it. HAHAHAHHA
  16. Mika said something so stupendously awesome that I had to pull off the road and write it down (I listen via Sirius while commuting): (KAC is) "a blithering media-obsessed clothing seller." ME-OW. LOOOOOVE IT 10,000 times. Go Mika!!!!!!
  17. They should have put KAC in one of her usual sleeveless dresses instead of lingerie.
  18. Yes!! The better peroxide job--Mika's--wins!!!
  19. That's that Douchebag Cody's line from the opening of Sister Wives! I thought Mullet didn't watch TV haha.
  20. HA! just coming here to say that it beats Moon Unit and Dweezil. Great minds 0
  21. Arwen Evenstar, excellent analysis. They always say that "work expands to fill the time available." You don't have to work--wow that should mean you get lots accomplished. But it doesn't always pan out that way. ask a busy person if you want something done (these are all slogans but boy are they true) I just don't understand missionairies that are in foreign countries converting people and not building schools, wells, etc. Also there is A LOT to be done here in the US.
  22. I think that Jessa took Binjerman aside a sketched out a picture of how tightly closed her legs would be in the future if they named their kid "Wilberforce." The first time she let it slide because she mistakenly thought she had to listen to her new headship. Well, that won't happen again.
  23. And she rammed into KAC. Talking about her lies. YAY!! ...and mandatory aborted fetal funerals, from what I understand.
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