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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. BEST Dr Z. smackdown EVER! Even better done in a Polish accent. I hope tomorrow they cover Eric Trump's inane constant tweeting during the testimony. I don't have Twitter, but I hope that his avatar is a dead lion or some other animal he paid to kill. (no I'm not PETA)
  2. I love Pussy Galore's comments. They are always wedged right in the middle of leghumper posts! Jill looks cute there. That's a nice pregnant lady outfit, HOWEVER--why is it acceptable to tightly show off your pregnant belly but not your unpregnant belly? Is it because in Duggarland pregnancy is a "Fetish" of sorts?
  3. This is hysterical. It's like Trump is going to close the door, walk over to you and ask you to perform a hit and on the way home, fence some stolen diamonds.
  4. THAT is blasphemy!!!! Better than Latrice--OH hell no! I will, however, let Peppermint be an altar boy/girl in the Church of Royale. Rustyspigot, you are not ancient like me. That was a cultural reference to Sally Field's Oscar speech for the best actress win in Norma Rae in the70s/80s. Its exactly what she said. She was wearing what looked to be character shoes with the native costume. Consequently, it looked like she was LFYLing in Naturalizers.
  5. Yes it is "working"--I don't know who on the panel this AM pointed this out (or it may have been CNN--sorry--I switch back and forth) but it IS working as a way for him to communicate to his base, his 40% that still support him while the rest of the world think/know he's a whack job. He only cares about his base who provide him his as-important-as-oxygen ego stroking. Twitter is a way to circumvent the media, so to sum it up--tweets are working perfectly for Trump
  6. Words fail. Wait for it--Smugs is going to claim that trauma over this MADE him go to the Ashley Whorison site, instead of the real reason, which is Anna was deficient in many ways (I KID!!!!!!!)
  7. That Gothard diagram is soooo from the early 90's. When women wore white tights with their outfits. (me too). I thought it was bad taste to wear a sports-type T-shirt with a skirt. Both those chicks are doing it, it looks dumb and sloppy to me. Henry looks like a very large lump of skin colored clay with baby clothes on it.
  8. Poor little guy--Smuggar's DNA has Kryptonite covering it, and it will identically reproduce no matter what. Is it because I would be despondent in her situation, that it looks like Anna is not happy?
  9. Why did Jill wear a long dress to the wedding? Was she the Maid of honor? If not, she should have hemmed her version with the doily attacking it. Now wait, maybe she couldn't afford to get hers hemmed, so DONATE BITCHES!!!
  10. In Jessa's wedding photo, Jill's hair looks like its made of actual rope, or some sort of raffia
  11. I know!!! It's like take a drink every time he says it. I believe it's Joe's code phrase that means, "Hey against all logic, I'm still a Republican." Best line of the AM: Putin says--paraphrased PUTIN: " You know, hackers are like artists. An artist may get up one morning and decide he feels like painting, a hacker may get up one morning and decide to address affronts made to his Mother Country that he feels angry about, but on his own and with the decision made totally and completely all alone, all by himself" JOE: "Yeah, and he woke up one morning with a gun put to his head."
  12. Finally found the photo that's causing such a posting firestorm. Nice outfit Jessa, a sports Tshirt and knit skirt. Sierra, as usual, boggles the mind that she is not 45. The chick on the left has 100x worse posture than when my Mother used to crack me across the back to sit up straight ("round shouldered" it was called when I was growing up in the 17th century). What kills me the most are these Teva-type sports sandals. Don't these chicks know that those shoes are beloved of Lesbians Around the World??? Someone said that this was after/during the wedding? If I was given a cup of red dye #2 punch and a transparent slice of cake for schlepping there with a gift, I wouldn't dress any better either...
  13. I think I have figured out what's wrong with this Season (isn't that a grandiose statement?) The stars of this season are a much dimmer version of a previous stand-out Queen. It's like they are a 65% less version: Trinity is a 65% less version of Shanell or Chad Michaels Shea is a 65% less version of Bob the Drag Queen Peppermint is 65% less version of Latrice Royale or Coco Montrese Sasha is a 65% less version of Jinx or Pandora Boxx or Acid Betty
  14. As for the dirty bare feet thing, this came into my inbox. Apparently, going barefoot is a New Age yoga woo woo thing called "earthing." The Duggars are cool, Y'all!
  15. When I heard Al Franken was going to be on to discuss his book, I panicked, thinking somehow time had gotten away from me, and it was now 8:55. But apparently if you are a politician, and not a PhD, historian or scholar, you get more than 4-5 minutes to shill your book. Franken got 2 lines out and then Joe took it over, talking 2 minutes about HIS stint as a rep before Franken could even do his part!! Did they talk about Kathy Griffin or was that CNN I was listening to? Because that was awful, what she did.
  16. I'm so glad there's a forum for this. This has to be the most completely charm-free show on TV I've ever seen. JUMANJI starring The Rock. Jumanji was one of the most perfect movies ever made.
  17. HA!! But when you watch the clip, he also adds, "It's almost embarrassing to listen to you." HAHAHHA. By the way Mika's hair is sooooo much better with the honey blonde than the platinum. The Dr Z Memorium was wonderful. And they bagged Jimmy Carter! Joe, THERE is a President you can consider worthwhile to have on your show.
  18. Where can I find this? I watch on Amazon, and this was not part of it
  19. I agree and I'm getting frickin' tired of it. "Bill Clinton lied and lied all the time," was what he said this morning. He really was OTR about Hannity though, wasn't he? I think what Hannity is doing via the Democratic party worker is so-so on the bad scale, although Hannity truly is a bloated right wing scumbag. I'm always ready and willing to bash a far-right winger, but man Joe, you're getting into the territory of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Everything doesn't command an equal amount of bloviating outrage. Because I'm too lazy to look it up, what did Joe's female aide die of and why was there anything attached to Joe about it?
  20. MaryAnne Spier, but have you give away PIECES (ofyourheart). That's what we all want to know!
  21. I know!! Yesterday when I heard an author coming on again, I looked up and damn, it was 8:55! It's like MJ wants to look all NYC and literary, but is only willing to give 3-5 minutes to it. Like they have to have a full 2 hours and 55 minutes left to (deservedly) Trump-bash 5 days a week. Where do I find a cat's claw emojii when I need one??(even though I know you are a guy, oakville)
  22. Happy little photo of Israel. He's got some long-asss toes there. Don't ask me to explain why, but my daughter was group-homeschooled for 9th grade using a Christian curriculum and the Math literally was "if Jill had 20 Bibles and Derrick gave out 12, how many more Bibles do they need to grift for?" Michelle + apron = Photoshop
  23. Even a broken clock is right 2x a day--Joe is correct. Also true is that this candidate needs anger management classes IF he decides to continue in public office, where he will be challenged by reporters and even moreso, constituents, daily. He is winning anyway because 70% of the early votes are in already and, this is frickin' Montana. Good, abundant hair on an older man is an asset that cannot be overvalued! My BF is older than Joe and his hair is great--I always tell him he is 10% personality and 90% hair.
  24. Che (Shay?) was everything in that pilot. The espadrilles line was awesome! For me the F3 will be Che/Shay, Trinity, but I am 50/50 on whether Sasha or Peppermint will be in the third spot. Nina and Alexis are going the next 2 episodes for sure.
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