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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Hey guys tonight the show will be running on the COZI channel regular time. Cozi is around the 20s, basic cable channel, I think it shows old re runs
  2. Gratuitous The Rutles comparison at 7:18 this AM. Seemed to not fit in and was more about Joe looking culturally hip, in a Starbucks late baby boomer-sorta fashion. This was given about 10 minutes then put aside. WTF??? Why wasn't this talked about for 2 hours? They are always gunning for Bannon. On the side, does there even exist a photo of Bannon where he looks human? And will someone explain his definition of "identity politics?" Is this gender identity?
  3. On a lighter note here........ I was checking out the CNN website waiting to leave work and there's a headline that Mindy Kaling is pregnant, but no mention of the father. So I click on it and up comes a big photo of Mindy and Willie Geist, with Willie's arm around her and they are both beaming. I'm like, "WTF!! Willie got Mindy Kaling pregnant??" He was just interviewing her....
  4. Pffft, 20 seconds. It felt to me like 10-20 minutes. And it wasn't even funny and didn't fit the dance's costumes, makeup or overall vibe.
  5. Yes, I'd like to hear this discussed on the show. TRUMP IS RIGHT--what are they going to take down George Washington statues because he owned slaves? Thomas Jefferson?? Everybody in the Old Testament? To be fair, a reporter brought it up and then Trump bragged on it for a minute.
  6. Bendy Boys--HEE! Those 4 guys (whom I agree all dance the same) need to start a traveling troupe with that name. Lex isn't very sexy, he's more technical. When Leonardo (swoon) took 1.5 seconds and moved his hand across Gaby's face (swoon) it was sexier than Lex' entire dance.
  7. I make a decent salary and I can't afford to visit Nantucket. However, on Friday I am leaving for a one week vacation on the beach in the South of Fra.........Maryland KEWT! I see adding them to the next The Avengers sequel--Mika can shoot out death rays from the furrows in her brow from making frownie faces (depending on whether or not she gets Botox, I don't know) Joe bellows and waves emit from his mouth, traveling down to the Florida Panhandle. As for the important stuff going on nowadays. WHY IS ANYONE BOTHERING WITH THE OUTRAGE???? Donald Trump's mission in life is to be oppositional. Perhaps he has oppositional disorder--isn't there something like that (any Psychologists here?) That's probably why he was sent to military school as a kid. He is going to double down, triple down and bazzilional down until nothing is left but charred remains. There is nothing to be done. IF he is guilty of collusion it won't be proved for another 2 years, as I understand. If the Dems cannot dig around and find somebody who is under 70 to run, Trump will win again. I used to watch/listen 3 hours a day of MJ and then another couple of hours of MSNBC. I have cut this down substantially. I am too optimistic of a person to take much of this anymore.
  8. 10 days. He was Director for 10 days now he gets to say for the rest of his life "Former White House Communications Director" And he's like a sideshow pony that is being trotted around.
  9. Poor Robert--however, if they only allot 1 slot each year to the "untrained breaker/popper/locker/krumper", it should have gone to Konkrete, who was a more interesting dancer. I LOATHED Jenna and Kiki's dance. Poor Logan being in B3, he is great, his solo was unbelievable, but I also LOATHED his dance with Allison, probably the costume/theme's fault. Favorite dance was Koine and Marko, and Kaylee/Impavado was great. She is so strong, such an interesting dancer. Know who is not an interesting dancer--Sydney. I think the Utah/Mormon voting bloc is keeping her here, because she is vanilla, and Paul (squee!) shouldn't have picked her over Kristina (I think that was her name??, who smoldered) Lex is no longer a shoo-in. He is rather too subdued in personality
  10. In lieu of a bonus/salary/stipend/minimum wage, MyAimIsTrue get his/her own extra special purty yellow post background! I'm sure that suffices. That's disgusting. Right that she got fired. I have never been on Twitter and hope to hell I never have to. Seems to me that it's so easy to just take your short fingers and quickly type something stupid and blathering. Email gives you the chance to edit and make sure you aren't copying the person you're gossiping about.
  11. 100% correct. Kiki is leaving either tonite or next week, I think. Konkrete (rolls eyes) would have been interesting and I am sure Jenna could've played up the heat angle very well.
  12. Perhaps the chickens are better there? I remember something about Dr Z sending her there when she was a teen. Golly, thanks oakville. Joe neglected to refer to Bill Clinton today, so I guess you got his back.
  13. To me, it harkened back to Dan Ackroyd doing Irving Mainway, the original douchebag. Loooved Leslie's bit about after she dies she wants the mortician should be looking around to see if anyone is watching him feel her up. Also loved Che's bit on the imigration policy being a bougie girl. I finally think Che is ok on WU, the first 2 years I wasn't convinced, but Trump brought him out.
  14. I always liked Benji and when I saw your comment, I looked him up online. HOLY COW what a change!!! He's not a skinny kid anymore. Wow. (strolls over now to look up his cousin Heidi--screw work)
  15. I know. Very trite. I didn't like the fact that Les Twins didn't go over and hug Eva. They should have done it right away, or at least at the end. They made some comment shouted across the stage to her, that's all (from what I could see) They were way over scored. Every time I see Swing Latino dance I think the cameraman pressed the Fast Forward button by mistake. Also, one day someone will literally break their neck doing on of their throw a person 40 feet across the floor backwards moves.
  16. Does a bear poo in the woods? I play this little game with myself I like to call "R or D"? (No, not research or development) I don't usually watch MJ just listen so when I hear a politician talk I figure out if he is Repub or Demo by his/her words then glance up to see the telling initials after their name in the caption. SO MANY march in lockstep with their partyline. Its SO DEMORALIZING to hear the Rs defend whatever Trump's latest blunder is with "he meant to do that" rhetoric AND it's also boring to hear the Ds tear down Trump 24/7, as if he is the only thing wrong in DC right now.
  17. Did anyone say anything about Little Steven Miller's claim that Trump "was the greatest orator of our time"? I spent most of the morning locked out of my house, sitting on my front porch waiting for the locksmith to come and charge me $190 for 10 minutes of his time. Hey outsourced factory workers that support Trump because he's going to bring your factory back---learn to become a locksmith!!!! You know who will admit to supporting our Whacky President. Line up 3 people. One out of the 3 loves and supports him. Why, I cannot say--all I know is I flipped to CNN this AM and they were in Hawaii discussing how you have 20 minutes there to react after N Korea launches their missile. Saying this deadpan. WTH have we gotten ourselves into???
  18. Back in Medieval Times, when I was a teen, they had this series of movies called "That's Entertainment." They showed excerpts from MGM-type musicals. The above was always my favorite tap number. I especially love the "pause" that occurs at 1:00 though, right when the orchestra swells, and they hesitate for a second. If you can get these movies thru Netflix, watch them! (That's Entertainment 1 & 2, made videos but don't know about DVDs)
  19. NO she's not chunky. She is solidly built and not a little blonde wraith. The dress, combined with her hairstyle unfortunately made her look like she was in drag. She is great though, she really stood out in the auditions (although I do think there was never a bigger disconnect between a person's name and physicality than she. She has this little girl cutesypoo name.) The bent foot at the ankle, as they are picked up by their partner is like nails on a chalkboard to me! My fav was Comfort and Mark (?). Jasmine's partner looks a little old for the show. He has some skinny little Krazee legs! Kiki and Jenna may go first. First, Jenna no one likes, although she is great. She is like kids and broccoli. 2nd Kiki had no real charm or sex appeal, which a ballroom guy needs. 3rd Jenna was 7/8 naked, how was anyone supposed to be looking at Kiki?
  20. I remember that much of the pre-election was spent in pearl clutching about how the Republican party was kaput, this is the death knell for them, they have no place and no way to get back in power. I distinctly remember this because I was cheering and happy every time they said it. Now its the same spiel with the Dems. You know what, when I was a kid TV stations had to fill up like 3-4 hours a day with newscasts. Now it's 24 hours, and they can't just have blank screens. It's all impossible and pretty much worthless. Oakville, I'm glad you are no longer in the Hilton, Marriott, Holiday Inn or wherever....
  21. I wish it was 2980. We'd have a different President.....
  22. NOW I know why she was wearing a black leather jacket everywhere in Southern California. I'd like to know how Mallory with 4 tiny kids is everywhere all the time w/o said kids. Need to pick out new glasses? Mallory will be there--alone.
  23. Fred Savage is great. I didn't realize who he was. Annie Parisse is such an interesting actor. Like she isn't attractive and extremely attractive all at the same time. Keegan--the whole zaniness doesn't go with the serious literary figure he's supposed to be. Shows do this all the time and makes me nuts. Lots of waitresses living in NYC with brownstones with big sunny windows. I think I've seen like 3 Jennifer Anniston movies like that.
  24. Koalagirl, are you saying this because K&M were screwed because that meant the judges would pity Les Twins? Or because that meant Les Twins were going to go for it hard? I thought their rountine was way too short--ended too quickly.
  25. How can I see this clip? Is it available online? Would love to see it. Joe made a funny this AM. He said that the wordsalad that KAC came up with about Mueller "Made my teeth hurt." Hee.
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