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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I don't understand Paul. In his interview he was talking about how he didn't want all this money going into the pockets of insurance companies and I'm thinking, "Oh good, that means you back single payor!!" But no.....
  2. There should have been Junior Solo and Junior Group categories. Its not logical to put a girl doing 10,000 HMVs against a group who has multiple members that have to appear in sync, which is mainly what they are judged on. All the girl has to do is her 10,001st HMV.
  3. Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee Therefore, send not to know For whom the bus rolls, It rolls for thee, Jeff Sessions If I NEVER again have to see a video of Trump talking, have the video end, and Joe and Mika sit there speechless and silent for about 5 seconds, I'll be ok. There's 3 1/2 more years of dramatic 5-second silences to go thru guys. Stop doing that. McCain's not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.--as quoted by Guess the Hell Who??
  4. When MSNBC, CNN, POTUS and Progressive channels (All on Sirius) are on commercial I will reluctantly press the FOX button. Last week I heard someone criticizing Trump and I thought I had pressed the wrong button. Maybe there's hope?
  5. I saw what you did there..... I was on the beach for 2 days, and coming back and starting up with the news again was enlightening. I could see clearly that every single day as long as Trump is in power will be the same. News will pick on every single thing Trump does, because in comparison with former Presidents every single thing Trump does is ego-driven and mostly appalling, but in this new paradigm it's business as usual, Trump won't change and we will slowly, depressingly march toward either 1) impeachment, 2) his resignation when his taxes are required to be released 3) election in 4 years of someone else.
  6. Sock puppets on his hands would have helped. His movements were very sock-puppety. Wow, let's embarrass Robert by showing what a loser he is. Sounds like fun, production! Has Jenna had facial work? Allison was wearing the ugliest red dress I've ever seen.
  7. Ick. There is no dance in their "dance." No transitions. And why does Lukas look like a twin of Ike Barinholtz??? Loooved Kinjaz. Something is wrong with Jenna, beside the hair that changes length each scene. Its like her shoulders are up around her ears,or something like that. Or does she just have big shoulders? I'm not sure what it is but she looks pretty ungraceful, which as a dancer is odd.
  8. This AM Donny is rockin the Harry Truman look. (If Harry Truman had a home in the Hamptons and $300 haircuts)
  9. At 8:58 we learn that the current trend of the White House being lying liars who lie started with...wait for it....Bill Clinton!!!! Who knew!!
  10. I respectfully demur. Actually its the French Schoolgirl Look
  11. In my earlier post I quoted the poll they showed this AM that SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT of Republicans don't care about this!!! It is hopeless! Trump is winning in his paint all the media, except Fox, as "fake news." Most of America is just seeing this as Democratic Hysteria. They commented this AM that during Watergate no one cared either, they wanted jobs, etc. I thought that was interesting.
  12. "....And I also promise to be more successful in our marriage than Hillary Clinton, who argueably ran the worst campaign of any candidate in history. In addition, I vow to be a strong husband, stronger than Obama's stance on Syria"
  13. Zacharey Downer said that this time when he came back he would be dancing very male and aggressively (paraphrase). When he was on the show before, was he one of those that Nigel likes to dig about dancing "too gay"? Cause he loves those digs. This wasn't the Ribbon Guy was it?? Lex Ishimoto is sooooo winning this.
  14. YES! At first I thought of a Caucasian Don King, but Lyle Lovett is perfect. WTF?? !LOVED! Mike Pence's statement!! So great! Throwing the Trump family under an overly ornate, gold-plated bus. Yeah Joe is an Independent until a good Republican candidate comes in (ie Paul Ryan or the like). He basically said he was no longer a Republican and then immediately proceeded to spout all the classic Republican party line beliefs. Ok then.... I'm here to solve the Mika bathrobe arguement. Mika was sporting a classic Calvin Klein wrap dress/ coat dress style originally from about 1976. I had one and they do indeed look like a bathrobe. PS: Forgot to say-- Saw on the show the recent survey that 75% of Republicans think there is nothing to the Russian investigation. Aren't about 50-55 % of Americans Republican? And they don't care??? To quote our country's leader..."Sad."
  15. This is so stupid. The entire panel is mostly, "Gotcha! The Russian lawyer associated with the Kremlin says the Trump Jr. asked for the meeting. Not the other way around!! See ! That's proof positive of collusion." Only the one visiting guy (don't know who--I listen not watch) gingerly pointed out that Russians tend to lie. And she said she wasn't associated with the Kremlin, so there!!! All she was missing was a cigarette holder and a pint sized cohort named "Boris." Sheesh. PS: I really like Mika's smoky eye. She looks like she's going clubbing after the show
  16. Holy Mother of God. Are you serious? It's a Trump song? No way. What is it called, "Trumpland, Trumpland Uber Alles?"
  17. 1. 7:45 conversation continues about Trump lifting Russian sanctions. As they go to break, they play what sounds like the Russian national anthem (a bit heavy handed show, dontcha think?) 2. Donald Trump Jr. is even better at shooting off his mouth than he is at shooting and beheading African safari animals. 3. At 8:58 why is there a baldface commercial segment for Amazon Prime? Right during the show, not in the commercial segment. Is this acceptable? 4. BEST COMMENT EVER HEARD ON MORNING JOE: Some pundit is saying that Trump used to spend all his time "feuding with B-List celebrities." Then he went on to mention "Rosie O Donnell and Mika and Joe." Although the way their names were added it could be said that he didn't mean THEY were also B-list celebrities, I'm still going to say "BOO-YAH!!!"
  18. Yep, Yep and Yep. I watched her a few times and then proclaimed her to be charm-free. (However, she was better than Al Sharpton, who had that slot 2 years ago.)
  19. Suomi, that is the smoothest goddamned transition I have ever seen. From fairy tales to Trump in one seamless segue way. Awesome!
  20. I had to turn off the sound, at this point his voice is like Mary Hart's was to Kramer. Then after 3-4 minutes I couldn't take watching his little white hands making that gesture he always makes, and had to turn the whole thing off. I turned it back on every 5-7 minutes to see if he was done speaking. Reminds me of when I was a kid back in the Byzantine age, "The Wizard of Oz" came on TV once a year and I couldn't hack watching the forest where the scary trees came alive and the WWOTW swoops in. I would first turn off the sound, then after awhile I had to turn it completely off, and kept checking back to see if the scary part was over. I'll be checking back 1-20-2021 to see if the scary part is over yet.....
  21. Everyone is wearing a dark suit (Mika a dark dress.) What funeral are they all attending on this summer's morning? ...unless it's Hillary or Bill Clinton's fault. I just had an epiphany. A couple of days ago during Christie's BeachGate he said something like "the polls show that I don't care about public opinion." Since he apparently has the lowest numbers--15% or so-- of any governor since polling started, I thought he was saying it didn't bother him. But now I realize he was saying that he has low polls because he speaks his mind and people don't like him for that. Geez Louise!! edited to say: Poor Steve Scaliese. Back in the ICU.
  22. "There's a reason Joe remained a back-bench congressman from Florida. He's intellectually lazy and lacking in any real insight." HEE!
  23. A couple of days ago I was watching either MSNBC or CNN and someone referred to Sara Huckabee Sanders as "Sara Sanders," and I thought "Wow, she'll be pissed over this, since she'd have gotten nowhere without her maiden name," and then I thought "Ohhhhhhhh." (ie Mika) Ratner brought charts! I didn't see the entire show but I guess BleedingfaceliftGate was not mentioned??
  24. I guess your spelling will be even worse then usual! (I kid, I love, so I kid.) Anyway, I got a new cellphone and the voice texting has not yet "learned" my cadence, and it's tragic)
  25. I enjoyed the whole beach riff on Chris Christie this AM. He didn't give 2 fucks when he was totally in the game and running for re-election, I guess now he give negative 2 fucks. I know some state parks/beaches have campgrounds that you have to reserve a year in advance. That would be so lovely to have your long awaited July 4th vacation pulled out from under you!
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