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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I know! She resembles Rosie O'Donell body-wise. Trump will gleefully throw her under the bus at some point anyway. Yeah, but are they 400 pounds and hacking the Democratic Party headquarters??
  2. I only heard that it was that Joe buys 3 6 packs a week at the convenience store, which he says he doesn't buy beer. I heard nothing about any affairs
  3. So Donny's going to offer to "meet Trump in the schoolyard." With his Prada suit and $200 haircut. Andrea Mitchell reporting from Aspen. Did Joe deliver an edict that now all on the show must also wear fleece?? If that is true about the whole National Enquirer mishegas, that is beyond the pale. Kudos to them for not mentioning it before this.
  4. Les Twins dance was incredibly beautiful (so are they haha) Who can beat them?? I enjoy the Lab but, at the risk of sounding old, I wish their tracksuits were less baggy, could have seen their moves more. I hate the set with the fire ofa million burning suns. That floor is so highly polished that you just cannot track anyone moving across it rapidly. And the mirror screens behind them. Its awful.
  5. I loooved it when blue haired girl comes out with some pretentious long operatic Italian name and Nigel asks her what her real name is and she says "Kayleeeeee" Ha!! Nigel smacked that shit down real fast! I thought overly grasping/emoting Japanese girl was more clutching hand gestures than dance. I thought that she was going to choreo. Then again when the hell do we ever see anyone in choreo. Its gonna be a big room with only Double Cheese or Big Cheese in it.
  6. Agree agree agree. I wish they would become bigger people and just cover the news without the hand-wringing sighs and barbs. Cannot take this for 42 more months! "She was bleeding from her eyes. She was bleeding from her....whatever." (said in Alec Baldwinesque Trump voice)
  7. No, he's not. The poster above mentioned how they lambasted Bush Jr. I remember a co-worker had some photos of a chimp with his face over it. Did we hear from him? Obama had to deal with all the Birther mishegas, and 1/2 of it came from Trump and Melania. Why would any little school kid respect/want to be President now?
  8. Read down her reader's replies. It is a veritable Encyclopedia of GIFS! I wanna learn how to make them (is it hard?) Mika IS ALLOWED to get a facelift!!! Most women in the public eye do!! She has even talked about it in one of her books (I have heard) I am sure Melania has never had any procedure, filler or Botox (snerk--although she does look lovely. I would help organize her rescue party, but Grrrl walked right into this marriage open-eyed) edited to add after reading comments on NBC head's tweet: Cool, now Melania can handle her own husband, since cyber-bullying is her "platform"
  9. If you can't say it in 140 characters, then it shouldn't be tweeted. Continuing it into a 2nd looneytunes tweet is soo uncool. "Sad" ......
  10. Whatta recap, oakville!! Help yourself to a hot shower and a cigarette! At about 7:20, Barnicle said that if the Republicans pass this bill they may as well don Kamakazee suits because they will all be shot down in the 2018 elections. Really? Look at what this egotistical buffoon called Trump is doing and he still has the support of about around 35% of all people polled. I think this entire show has lost the right to predict anything anymore. It seems the "quantum mechanics" of politics have changed. The office of the Presidency has traditionally been held by a person you could respect (give and take--yeah Clinton was a sex addict) but all is different now and I assume will be so going forward. There are too many people who will vote Republican even if Pol Pot or Idi Amin was the candidate.
  11. It's like the horrible roadside accident that you drive past, but cannot help but looking a.t
  12. OH MY GOD--I just realized who it was I was thinking of. First, I have to say this was not a political setup question-- but its MONICA LEWINSKY!!! Holy Cow she looks so much like Monica Lewinsky! Same body size too. Weird, huh??
  13. He just said that the State Department is rotting under Tillerson. I had a chuckle at that verb usage. Somebody tell me who it is Sara Huckabee-Sanders looks like? Some celebrity or something--it's been driving me nuts for weeks. "Huckabee" is such a goofy, Mayberry-esque name. Speaking of names, Evelyn Farkas, (who is wearing a pretty dress) and is in her late 30s/early 40s, her name always sounds to me like I'm going to see this old ugly battleaxe. Ok the peals of laughter and incredulity over Trumps fake Time magazine cover. Really? You are amazed over this? My worry is that the media is going on and on about all these trivial things about Trump and his egomaniacal personality and his lies and obfuscations to prop up his image, that everyone is getting immune to and will miss the big giant point that Trump, Bannon et al, and the Republican party are trying to ruin our country (IMHO, of course)
  14. Does anyone have a better version of the video (this one stalls) I looked on Youtube to no avail. I won't be able to go one w/o seeing this. Does the video have a scene of Mika and Joe talking to Trump on NY Eve? (snerk)
  15. With her pull and her salary she can't get them to turn down the AC in the studio?? Perhaps she's so cold because she has 5% body fat. Then again, I would know nothing about that.....
  16. Thats the BEST I've ever seen Bob look. PURSE FIRST Well something was fishy about that finale and it wasn't Valentina. First Trinity was robbed in her lipsync. And now that Sasha won she's never going to wear a frickin wig again. Trinity and Shea were the obvious F2 for some time now, Shea since the start. I wonder how they feel about the rug being pulled out from under them? Sasha's still wearing ugly shoes
  17. Rand Paul, talking about the health care bill now (and at 6 AM) sounds logical. Why is he Republican?? He's really Libertarian, right? MY STUNNINGLY SUPERFICIAL COMMENT OF THE DAY: John Ossoff has one gorgeous head of hair
  18. Mari has the ugliest haircut I've ever seen. It's so ugly it actually distracts me out of their performance. The video background during the 3 Norweigan/]Asian guys was insane--it was so colorful and active that I got eyestrain trying to follow the group. I think that its been decided that Eva Igo and Fickshun are the annointed finalists.
  19. IS this a statement or an extrapolation based on Barnicle's stated favorite team?
  20. I hope they make fleece tuxes and wedding gowns with long flowey scarves
  21. On Monday Joe said this Ossoff/Reds comment for the first time and I asked everyone here if that was a (stupid) code word for "Jewish," but no one else heard Joe's comment but me.
  22. I KNOW I have seen that pose in one of the Austin Powers movies (Dr Evil)
  23. On that flubbed ending alone, she should have had to go to choreo. She is way more solid and less willowy than her sister. When I see a fringe dress/pants I always expect to hear "Hip Hip Chin Chin." I enjoyed Vanessa incredulously proclaiming, "What is that!!??" during the triple jointed section. I'm not excited yet. I hope to get to excited at some point.
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