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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Mika is rocking the Nantucket Soccer Mom look today. Ok I was in the shower but am I mistaken or when the show went on some long tangent about John Ossoff and his appearance, and how he could've been in "Reds," and how un-Southern he seemed, was this all code language for, "Umm, he's Jewish"? (I just realized that 75% of my posts here include the phrases: "I was in the shower and didn't hear __" or "I was driving to work while listening on Sirius and couldn't see __")
  2. Ok but who was the actual person on the show this Am that made that comment. I did not recognize the voice?
  3. I thought they were going to send her to the class, but they put her through?? total and complete Hairography. Sounds like a great list of allstars! HATED the kiddie version last year. Was there anyone that liked it--yuck.
  4. Apparently the ONLY act that didn't move on was the drippy African American guy dancing for his dead Grandma. GO FIGURE. I also had a problem with the nude mini-costume of the last young girl. Only because all the pervs who watch TV, not for an actual live competition. Her bangs are very distracting and she was more gymnast than a dancer. he was wonderful. Which season of SYTYCD was he one--which winner??
  5. Ok, I was listening on Sirius while driving, so can someone tell me who said, at about 7:50, that Trump was a sleazy business man that no one in America will loan him money, so he will be charged with money laundering thru Russia, and his sons have also said suchandsuch?? It didn't sound like Donnie. It was right before a commercial. I would be interested in finding out which male guest said such a blatant statement. For my money, I hope this somewhat-comraderie (sp?) of bipartisanship after the shooting lasts a bit longer. As I see it, I detest Trump and all his admin is doing to systematically unravel what The Last Democrat did, because it has to be bad, it's Democratic! "I'll get back at Obama for dissing me," is what it feels like. HOWEVER, I am getting tired of my own hatred. I just want to sit back and let the legal path take over and let the cards fall where they may. We dummies elected him, albeit narrowly and not by popular vote, but America elected him. (end mini rant) Oakville, I wanted to thank you for your loyal recap of the show each day! And, it's been about a month since we've had a scarf shoutout from you, so thanks!
  6. It's been oh-so-very vague and hard to pick up. Not like Derrick posted on how MANIPULATIVE AND SINFUL his toddler child was for asking for a cookie while telling him he loved Daddy, or anything like that. (shudders at Izzy's horrible human nature) Bigskygirl, don't forget to get one of your Retrievers to also submit a "LAB" Report.
  7. Sure is true. If they knew him so well before he ran, they should have known by his boorish behavior prior to his run how unbelievably unsuited he was to hold this high office.
  8. Another applicable Dillard Bible verse: "Thou shalt DONATE, Bitches!"----Habakkuk 19:2* *disclaimer: there is no Hababukkuk 19:2 but no one wants to read that book so my ruse is safe
  9. That's a cute typo! I've always loved your name Maharincess. Great Lucy episode.
  10. I haven't seen that they've done anything wrong. What is your opinion --what do you think they did wrong? I gave a high 5 to Brokow for bringing it back to guns during his segment.
  11. How do you even remember this?? they take too long, and over too many years to reveal the backstories. Only ones I remember are Maritza (Stealing luxury cars), Red, Tastee and the lady who got released/Daya.
  12. The best thing about the whole series this season is the coffeehouse. It was so funny when they all snapped their fingers instead of applauding, Beatnik-style. I wish the Meth heads would get axed. They always ruin things. My biggest complaint about this show is how few flashbacks they have anymore. Since it's one year apart, I forgot most of who they have featured. I thought they already did Taystee, now they go back to her and it got me connfused.
  13. IS that the first Henry smile we've ever seen? He probably just joined the lawsuit.
  14. ...and what if the Judge is a Ho-Mo-sect-u-al!! I heard that almost everyone in California is!
  15. I have seriously forgotten 1/2 of these chicks.
  16. Thanks for the advice, I thought that over the weekend, old age had set into my eyes all of a sudden. What did Jeremy say in a sermon that everyone thinks relates to Derrick? That's an outstanding idea--Amazon warehouses are ALWAYS hiring and they start at about $13 an hour with benefits, Derick!
  17. I'm looking and him wondering why he's wearing a sweater and shirt combo in 90+ weather? Mika is wearing Nantucket-chic. Looks nice. Still do not like her hair--it's like ever since I saw the clip of her with it longer and honey blonde, you can't go back to the severe platinum. Sometimes I think that 90% of what she does now is the intros and going out into break voice-overs. Maryland and ___ (another state) are suing Trump for taking away business from their convention center? good times!!
  18. I forgot to mention I don't know why Shea's never been read for her makeup. She paints to make her self very close-eyed, which is not a good look for anyone.
  19. Also, she wears ugly shoes. I don't know if she has an extra wide men's foot, or a reason she can't wear nice shoes. Her "I'm really smart" schtick to me is 80% saying "Most queens are dumb, illiterate runaways and drop outs" Shea needed to be called out for those mocha bra cups riding above the breastplate (like Alexis' Wicked costume) I was waiting for the smackdown that never came. Her athletic wear drag was very fashionable I thought Now that Pep shined in this episode, they are all 4 equal in their ability to win. I don't remember a season EVER where you didn't know who was gonna win. So this makes it more fun!
  20. That Best Friend Dinner looks like a burnt piece of French bread, a roll and fries. Your basic 3-Starch Dinner.
  21. I heard Comey say he was in his FBI car when he made the notes, immediately after the Trump meeting. On an IPAD????
  22. First, that meal looks beyond disgusting, a gloppy mess. Its like Shit On A Shingle was made Mexican somehow and put into a casserole. As a reply to Derrick's latest Pearl of Wisdom, we have for your enjoyment, a sample of the intellect of your average Duggar leghumper.
  23. No one mentioned that this AM Joe cut off then practically told Mika to shut it, so much that she pulled back her chin and sat there in silence. Nice to do to your girlfriend on the day of her Dad's funeral. All in all, I was surprised that they talked about England and other things, instead of just 3 hours of Comey.
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