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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Well KW looks different, maybe it's the hair, oh I don't know, maybe it's the MEGLOMANIA????
  2. Hee! She knew what he was like when she married him and had his child. She sold her soul for Gucci, Prada, Lanvin, Dior, Chloe and about 145 Birkin bags.
  3. Is this true???? Don't you just look up to the broken out window, count floors up and rooms over? Sheesh...
  4. Hey hey dial it back, sweetheart. I asked Oakville first, about 2 days ago. How much money do you think he makes recapping Morning Joe? Hey Oakville--Methinks that your 2.00 of Canadian money bought you some gooood meds. I sense a softness and pliancy about you not usually there!! Okay now, I'm going on vacay. See you all Oct 2....
  5. COOKIES!! The only cookies we get here in America are the ones that the Russians associated with the Trump campaign embeded in their websites! Glad to hear you will live to recap again. You may have gotten caught in the dreaded 8 AM repeat of earlier hour's broadcast. It makes them look like they are repeating themselves, when actually its a re-play, and the panel is off re-arranging and taking off scarves and such. McCain announcement??? (toddles off to CNN website)
  6. Landsnark, Bernie is holding some sort of debate or such highlighting how he's gunning for single payor. And every Pundit Know To Man is saying that this is God's Gift to Republicans, because now they can say that they're latest Evil HC Bill is the last bastion against the Evil That Single Payor Will Be (I like caps) Oh, and don't forget to tip your waiter, Landsnark
  7. I swear to God that Mika said that one of the speakers at the new "Know Your Worth" event will be "Bobby Brown." I'm like WTF??? then I thought she meant "Brene Brown." When I started this post I finally realized she meant Bobbi Brown the cosmetics queen. Oy Vey on the Trump vs Kim Jong Ung "Who Has the Smallest Hands" pissing match. How can our laws allow a President to do this??? This is insanity. STOP THE INSANITY. Soon, Trump will call KJU "fat" then God help us all. Bernie Bernie does it have to be now? Jesus Christ, there is so much on the show this AM and we are lost w/o Oakville, gently slumbering on his surgical bed, calm in the knowledge that he is not an American......
  8. Yeah, if I ever have $10,000 laying round and decide to get a facelift, please everyone here stop me. And as a woman of age I ask you this--if a woman who teaches dance/choreographs all day long as her job gains a bunch of weight as she ages, what hope is there for me? (IE: Mandy Moore, Doriana S, Mia) I mean, they are moving all day long presumably, but my can is parked at a desk!
  9. Nope, "Evil Douche Republican." Landsnark and Trademark law requires an exact recitation. I couldn't watch/listen this AM. Did they spend much time on the Jimmy Kimmel speech and break down who was wrong, Kimmel or the EDR? Oakville, good luck. Can you adopt me so I can get some FREE CANADIAN SURGERY, instead of paying my $4,000 deductible? ( Not Obamacare--it's my fault, this year I chose some farkakt high deductible plan starting on 7-1 and regretted it on 7-2.)
  10. HEE!! Oakville, did you record your recap lying on a hospital bed in a gown and shower cap thingie? Devotion to the cause. I will be away next week away from the Land of Morning Joe. I believe it's Conservative thought that health care is not a right but a privilege that you must earn
  11. Taylor's Dad is hot. Kiki was great with Lex. First time I liked him. Taylor did not do well at all in that chacha. Will my office dress code allow me to wear those tights that make you look like you're wearing thigh high stockings? Koine will be robbed. That's for certain.
  12. I posted a couple of weeks ago how it is so weird but when he talks, I believe him, and I know I shouldn't. I wonder why his polls are so low (19%?) people like Trump for being brash and non-polite, why not Christie?
  13. Hey COOL!!! How did you get into the audience?? Give us some dirt!!
  14. When I first turned it on, I thought they were filming a wake. Everyone, including much of the audience is in black. The audience looks so glum. Perhaps they don't realize the historical significance of celebrating the Man who once hung up on Trump and the Woman who declared to the world that covering Paris Hilton "was not news." I hope they at least set out a tray of Danish for that poor audience.
  15. So that's who that was? I'm glad she stopped by Wet Seal for her star sweater before she hit the show.
  16. Joe's droning on and on about ______________ (fill in the blank with anything whatsoever) is boring. He likes to run things about 30 feet into the ground. Oakville, if you can stream MJ on your phone in the hospital, you get sub out your general anesthesia for a topical anesthetic and still be able to deliver our recap. By the way, enjoy your FREE CANADIAN SURGERY. (and best of luck)
  17. Yeah. It's no longer Must See TV. It was for me ever since Trump started campaigning. I feel vaguely adrift........... Thanks Oakville for your recaps. I feel we need to thank you weekly for your sacrifice and service!
  18. Yeah, I heard that too. Made the shower, and my blood, run cold. Katty is looking less "lifted' lately. She looked pretty and natural. Weird, but I always thought she was Australian. Both Joe and Donnie D are tied for the Excellent Hair Award.
  19. HEE! The only thing I like about him is his name (a nickname I assume?) It's cute. I see it as Lex 90% having it, despite his subpar partnering abilities. I think Kiki will come in 4th
  20. The cover of that book looked like a Harlequin-type penny Western. It seems Trump is acting better and getting things done. I am concerned that will get him re-elected. That's probably a bad thing for me to put first, but there it is
  21. When you listen to SHS w/o watching her, she is so dry, drier than Death Valley. It's like she is an entire 180 from Spicey who was always stammering over the lies like he didn't want to be there. She spews Trumps crap w/o any misgivings at all.
  22. I always thought this also. Gabby is probably 2nd in focus. I hardly even see Jasmine, it's a shame. To be fair, my eye always lands on Jenna, featured or not. She has a wonderful magnetivity to her (is this a word?)
  23. I don't know what it is about him, but I always believe whatever it is that he's saying. He just puts it out there so confidently, no stammering Sean Spicer-style. I'm sure he's a filthy rotten liar, but I usually find myself saying, after he's done talking, "That makes sense." I wish they had some sort of "You may want to take your children out of the room" warning before they show any more scrolling Steve Bannon photo montages. That's some harsh shit there. Bad rosacea and......evil
  24. WTF it means is that Nigel (like our President IMHO) doesn't do anything unless it helps him. Nigel must have a financial tie with DWTS. But Kiki is the least sexy Latin ballroom dancer I've ever seen, so why are they trying so hard. Did Mark Kanemura gain weight or is it just because he’s older that he looks so different? He looks like someone’s Dad now. Why is there no slow ballroom this year—Viennese Waltz, etc?? Lex sucked as a partner in the Samba and Disco. Sucked badly. His own personal performance in each of those dances were fine,b ut he has no partnering skills and also seems to have no interest in developing them. His wheelhouse is individual performance. I hold hope for the fact that my beautiful/homely Logan will go far, since he's so young.
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