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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Every time Joe refers to himself as an Independent, it was a ring to me of someone humblebragging that they're a vegan. Like "I'm cool, I'm with what's fresh and current."
  2. 6:35 AM. The Republican party is dead!!!! All the millenials have flown from the party! The death knell is tolling! I need to point out that this is the 2nd death of the Republican party, not to be confused with the Republican party death, according to MJ, that occurred in the last 6 months of the election, up until approx. 9 PM on election night. Mika and Joe's ribbing about Sassy and Roy Moore's bronze horse statue--sounds like mean kids in high school. Omorosa--whatta piece of Reality Trash. 8 AM today she is shopping for a tell-all book, which she spoilered on the ABC interview. You can't take the reality TV out of a person (IE Trump)
  3. (small voice) I liked it long and even in the manbun. This haircut looks like a Dutch Boy haircut
  4. awsome!! I was going by the count when I went to bed, which was 99% in. Oh well, I think Moore rode off on Sassy with all the vote tabulations in the saddlebags, so we'll have to do it all over again.....
  5. Don't be so hasty!! First with about only 9,000 votes between the 2 contenders, I expect the Republican govt in Alabama to mess with it somehow. Don't they have to certify the vote and didn't Alabama just rule that you don't have to keep electronic pictures of the vote count (or something) 2nd--Mitch McConnell has to arrange to have DJ be sworn in and he will put it off as long as he can. I couldn't help but was a foreshadowing of Doug Jones looking/sounding a lot like Merrick Garland.... Mika berating SHS is the biggest waste of oxygen ever in the Universe. SHS would have to have a conscience and a soul for this to work. I was laughing so hard at the segment going to commercial at around 7:15. Mika is all " and NO ONE thought that Doug Jones would win!!!" and then it goes to a montage of about 10 segments of her Boyfriend Being Right. After about an hour I got tired of Alabama so I thought I would switch to Fox News for a a palate cleanser. As surely as the sun rises each AM, the very second I turned it on the female bobblehead said "and an illegal immigrant who was deported 3 times has been charged with the assault of....." Alabama who? what??
  6. WOW Doug Jones pulled it off. Oakville, I recapitulate. I will be watching tomorrow morning over the side of my bathtub. I really cannot miss a major Joe gloat session like this one will be
  7. So, I wonder if Alabama was the "only college Joe applied to" because of its academics or because his family could only afford the state school? Either way, any Alabamian who follows and believes rumpled and rosacea'd Steve Bannon is insane! Insulting them like that right to their faces! I think I hate SB more than even Trump. I'm po'd I missed Mika's reaction to the Gillebrand tweet. I hope that when Gillebrand offered "to do anything for donations," that she Knew Her value (I kid, I kid)
  8. Maybe that's what made Jill's shower curtain fall down?? I believe God bought a billboard on I-30 in Little Rock.......
  9. HEE!! Can someone out there write a Morning Joe TIRED TROPE APP checklist? Would make it easier on us all....
  10. I will not listen to them Wednesday AM. I'm sure Moore will win. If Doug Jones wins, also won't listen because they will interpret this as "Now the country is turning the tide back," which it isn't. Oakville, you will have to accurately describe it to us.
  11. Oakville, your recap this AM is The Shit!! Does anyone know who these bloggers are that threatened Mika and Joe, and also who the "Juice box" bloggers are?? If I ever hear on the news that someone is shooting up Rockerfeller Center, I will know that Kasie Hunt finally could no longer take anymore of this "KCDC" harassment. I am sure she hates the name.
  12. Harold Ford, gee whiz!! LOVED the map highlighting how close Pensacola, where Chief pussy Grabber is, is to Mobile, where the Teen grabber is.
  13. Those boots/ shoes are tragic!! Like chukka boots. Yuch.
  14. Grand Old Pedophiles . HEE!! Millenium, did you invent that??? Yep, sacrificing Franken is an empty tactic. No one cares. Trump and Roy Moore will still be there. Because Jesus forgives. And embryos. Well THANK GOD that someone in this country is about to solve this!!!!
  15. Derick shouldn't we first pray for all the hatred, violence and intolerance in the world. Then we can pray for all the people who develop diabetes from eating cake--wedding and other types!! Cathy looks pretty chic in that photo Derrick has gone full-on Prince Valiant
  16. This is HORRIBLE, but I was expecting to hear that "Bossie" was Sarah Sanders--as in Bossie the Cow. I'M SORRY LARGER WOMEN OUT THERE!! (including myself), but Sarah Sanders is a cow in every sense of the word--IMHO.
  17. Who is Bossie? Wouldn't Mitt have had some sorta Conscientious Objector status, since he was a missionary at the time? As for never serving despite the ability to do so, reference please: Trump, Donald J; Trump, Donald, Jr.; Trump, Eric. Bannon is out of his mind to pull that shit out.
  18. Corey Lewandowski could give eels lessons about being slippery. He would make a FANTASTIC politician. It was a sight to behold, again and again Willie and Mika vainly trying to reel him in, like 1800s whalers trying to control their boat while the harpooned whale takes them for a ride. (today is obviously the day for marine references)
  20. I know!!!!!! (plus 10,000 more !s) I only listen to MJ and some CNN so I get an insulated view of politics. You follow MJ and you feel like Mueller is standing in front of the Oval Office with his hand poised to knock, and deliver a subpoena or the like. You feel like in the next election, the Democrats will sweep government and re-install a country full of compassionate laws, social and economic justice. In truth, 30% of all of America think trump is doing everything exactly right, and like 70% of all Republicans approve of him. Nothing is going to happen, nothing AT ALL. I am truly starting to think I am doing myself a disservice only watching MSNBC. edited to add: 8:50 and Mika is wagging her immaculately manicured finger at Facebook and it's new social media platform for little kids. That rushing sound you hear is Mark Zuckerberg's hoodie flying by as he rushes to cancel the entire project....
  21. I know!!!!!! (plus 10,000 more !s) I only listen to MJ and some CNN so I get an insulated view of politics. You follow MJ and you feel like Mueller is standing in front of the Oval Office with his hand poised to knock, and deliver a subpoena or the like. You feel like in the next election, the Democrats will sweep government and re-install a country full of compassionate laws, social and economic justice. In truth, 30% of all of America think trump is doing everything exactly right, and like 70% of all Republicans approve of him. Nothing is going to happen, nothing AT ALL. I am truly starting to think I am doing myself a disservice only watching MSNBC. I mean this...
  22. Nice magenta tie Joe! Joe is acting downright spastic, with his overblown imitation of James Carville and his KAC "I was with The President on Mars yesterday." Mika has been demoted to a series of "yeahs," "sighs," "mutters," and segment intros. By the way, is Michael Steele still a Republican? Over the past 6 months, every month he riffs on Republicans more and more. This AM he downright stated that the Rs nose their way into everyone's personal life and it's wrong. Hey Republicans' get out of my body and my religion, I agree on that for sure. Holy Crap, I just now for the first time saw a photo of Ty Cobb (I don't watch the show only listen) Can they re-make one of the 1960s Burl Ives Christmas cartoon shows using him? Holy Shit they just showed the KAC lie-fest on Fox and Friends yesterday and the Fox "reporters" on the couch were even "WTF?????" When Fox "reporters" are going "WTF" you know you have blown it.
  23. He works full time and his wife works part time? So how do they like working for S A T A N????
  24. Today, Grassly will add, I am sure, that also too much money is being spent on paper bags (for hding the Colt 45) and juke joints. May as well. Didn't get to watch much today, I was hoping they would do more on the SNL thing. IS THIS THE FIRST TIME THEY HAVE BEEN MENTIONED ON SNL???
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