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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Can everyone die on the final episode besides David? Then make him King of the USA? Unless the USA in Shondaland is a fictional parallel universe, or this show is set maybe 25 years from now, Cyrus is nuts to think a gay man/woman can get elected in this current social environment. And I'm not happy about it, but he's wasting his time thinking of running. Therefore, he's obviously planning on killing or impeaching Mellie. Oh you mean the chick that just washed up dead on the shores of the Potomac??
  2. Goldberg wasn't trying to be racist, he was saying TRUMP would be racist enough to call a black person's hair "Wooly." Though the whole thing fell off because Obama always kept his hair short, not like Don King or anything. Weird, the whole thing was.
  3. Yeah, they could throw her a bone with something artsy like "Call Me By Your Name,' or at least "Chicken Run."
  4. 7:05 AM--Jeffrey Goldberg: "Trump thinks Obama was a wooly-haired Law Professor." Okay then,Massah. Isn't that a bit....extreme?? Oy, enough with the "Mika is above pop culture and movies." This is a masterful piece of humblebragging. If I never again have to hear about Wedding Crashers, I'll be ok. General Martin Dempsey (at 8:45) is Jeff Sessions brother I am sure.
  5. Who the frick is this chick? She looks like the type that Trump would want to do. And where the hell did NRA TV come from?? Mother, I'm scared......
  6. Huh? How do you get "Ted" from "Raphael?" Raphael is a heart throb name, and its nickname is "Rafe" You don't read romance novels(in my past) and not know that. Instead of wasting her time making small noises, Mika should've looked on Cruz' scalp for the "666" we all know is there.
  7. Fuck. That must mean he won. I just got up--have both a N'oreaster AND a pinched nerve so I've been laying low. That means now I ll have 6 more years of acting like Kramer when Mary Hart is talking.
  8. First--Aja: "Ben de la Christ"--awesome!!!! Second; Shut up Thorgy. If I liked her drag more I might allow for her inner nastiness, but she's cuter as a boy than a girl, so NO This screams of a producer set up. where did the white out come from? I think that if it's true that she hasn't been on the circuit since her win, and if its true she allued to depression (and was sooo upset over Morgan--I mean the average Queen could've given 2 fucks) I think she wasn't mentally up for it. She didnt do great enough to have won the challenge, the producers put her there so this could play out. Also BeBe won that lipsinc.
  9. In the wifey shirt AM snuggling shot, Sammy looks a helluva lot like Jessa.
  10. You guys were talking about how good looking the mens' suits were at the Oscars. With Derrick's slim build, he would wear this one nicely
  11. Landsnark, are you a guy or a girl? Or identify as neither???
  12. Why don't they try, "Here's Donnie Deutsch, Dater of Divorcees in the Hamptons"
  13. ....AND goes to Ministry School, AND has 2 kids under 3. Oy! I guess that just for him Jesus took the laws of physics and bet them so that Derrick has 36 hours in a day instead of our 24!
  14. 7:15 AM--from the "Does a Bear Shit In the Woods File" Eddie Glau Jr.: "Billy Graham was not a supporter of LGBT rights" Okay, then. Would never have guessed it would go that way, Eddie.
  15. WRONG!! There were NO DINOSAURS! I went to a creation museum once and it had a case of fossils the pre-dated whatever date they decided Adam and Eve were created. The exhibit actually said something to the ilk that !SATAN! made these fossils carbon date to before Adam and Eve. Jilly Insta: "Where has time gone, my baby is so big!" First, cute Jilly/izzy shot. 2nd: Hon, your baby was ginormous and 2-yearr old looking at 3 months!
  16. Okay you made me waste my company's time and go searching for a soundbite. It's that Valley girl intonation--I really think that about 50% of girls/women under 30 have that same intonation. Although, this could be the very first time someone has been "testifying" before a government panel considering Russian collusion, while wearing beachy waves.
  17. ....because the first visual you get when thinking of fields and streams are assault rifles.. They said Mika was "on assignment.' Apparently, she was assigned to buy running shoes with Joe's VISA at Dick's. I heard a long pretzel logic this Am (on CNN maybe) about how it was just a vast coincidence that HH is "Resigning" the day after her testimony. "Sometimes a banana is just a banana, Anna" (Where is that from?) Should I reserve the caterer for our Thread party the day KAC gets canned/"resigns?" You all better Paypal me $20.00 a head now for the deposit on the VFW Hall.
  18. XOQueens did you make that yourself!! If so--awesome. Oh my dear, oakville. If you lived here in 'Murica, you may not so eagerly recap this show each AM! (but we thank you for your service) In Canada, are assault rifles used to hang pails of warm cookies on them , using the handle of the rifle as a serving device?
  19. Welcome to 1960 Mika, where you use your "husband's" money to shop. Tomorrow will she come in wearing a shirtwaist dress with a crinoline, gloves and a hat and admonish all the women out there to Know Your value and be sure you set your hair and put on lipstick before you make your man's martini and greet him at the door. KCDC needs to sleep with a control room guy, thus ensuring that everytime Mika talks, there is a chicken squawk sound bit played. Mika KNOWS Kasey hates it, admitted it, but on it still goes. Yeah, they should keep that stuff in online porn, where it belongs.....
  20. Thanks, Stowaway. Our work is done here...... Can Ru actually afford writers for the numerous one liners? Because they are EVERYTHING!!!! I'm always chortling over this show. It's like they hired Shecky Green's gay grandson from the Catskills...
  21. 8:50--Holy Cow--Is Mika making fun of Joe's "Voting in the driving rain" comment? I came in on the end of it and she was using finger quotes.
  22. Jesus Joe!! Again with the "Millenials are against abortion because they grew up with the technology that you can see the fetus in the womb." Is this accurate--is ANY research done on this show at all, except have cocktails with Mika the night before?? Look, I'm not a NARAL worker/volunteer, but he constantly throws shit out that pops into his poofy head. To my knowledge, support for right to choose remains stable, it isn't losing ground. Correct me please, if I'm wrong. Ok I go back and forth about her. On one hand, she knew what a piece of shit he was when she married his very rich ass. Second hand--Do you hold the wives of Nazis as complicent as the Nazis themselves? And she does have a school-age son, she wouldn't be the first woman to stay in a marriage for the child/children. 3rdhand--she can't come out of this penniless, although I'm sure Trump has an iron clad prenup.. but of course she wouldn't have riches like she does now. BUTTTTT--I remember her piping in years back that yes, Obama was not a US citizen. So suck the karma, girlfriend.
  23. I was cheering during BeBe's LFYL. She brought us to CHURCH (tm Latrice). Trixie's getup was beyond underwhelming--pink gingham shortall and cowboy boots. Blerrgggg. I don't remember ever seeing her dance--can she???
  24. I think the name Wayne LaPierre sounds like Liberace's handle in a gay dating service in the 1960s. It reminds me of Pepe Le Pew. Oakville, glad to hear you are wearing your Lulu's whilst keeping track of American shenanagins, and eating warm (government supplied) cookies....
  25. I would bet it's a device that turns transexuals into non-transsexuals. I don't think it's appropriate to Insta a partner in the bedroom/boudoir. That's a private area, not open to public eyes. I'm sure Jill loves her husband, but unless you are Ryan Gosling, I don't want to see you posing in a bedroom.
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