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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I work in a hospital and trust me, the guys down in the morgue put on a better office birthday party than that one. What a joyless assemblage. Mika was tryin' to work it...but no.
  2. Is there ANY way they won't pick Catie? I kinda think it's coming down pretty quickly to her being subtlely being made fun of. For example: They let her go on stage looking like that. In a Minnie Pearl dress.
  3. Oakville, let's all think up a sound and graphic that will play when you come on, like Kasie's lightening bolt!
  4. When you listen rather than watch you notice various things. One is that only when Joe is on does Mika revert to her muttering little side-comments under her breath, typically about Trump. When she was host she said everything clearly and strongly, not that little passive aggressive muttery stuff.
  5. Mika is that you? Hey Mika, Dwayne Johnson was in "Star Wars" and "The Wedding Crashers." (or was it another movie that Joe is always trying to get her to watch) At this point, I would welcome The Rock as a candidate like those people at the gates waving in Jesus with the palms. I haven't heard anything about him being a shyster like Trump is, and his horrible family.
  6. His face looks like bread with raisin eyes and poofy hair (a vain search ensued to find an image to accompany this post)
  7. I love Podhoretz. Always a good time. I was waiting for the announcement that either Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton's badly-run campaign were responsible for MLK's death. Either early this week or late last week they did that again! I was taken aback, remembering the good ole days, coffee cups and shit laying around, Mika wearing a sleeveless sheath dress with bronzed legs!
  8. I think he's probably too old looking and too dramatic. Not Disney material... LennieBriscoe, maybe I haven't had enough coffee--but what are you saying??
  9. Anyone wanna chime on on Ms. GoGo Boots singing "Bad Romance?" It was a bit like driving by an accident on the road and trying not to look, yet it was aiight too.
  10. ...because apparently there's some ordinance in LA that only ONE heavyset girl is allowed in any show??? That 2-off really p'od me. Also, Thaddeus got shafted. Yeah, he's dramatic/Broadway-ey but so is You Oughta Know guy. I think maybe because he looks old? Of the 2 teen heartthrob guys they put together NEITHER deserved a spot. If anything, the football player was worse. Jurnee is 18 and married ? She's not 25-26?? MAKEOVER STAT PLEASE--she's so delicate and pretty but she's like on hip hop steroids looks-wise. Cade Foehner for the win!!
  11. How do all these people, most of them murderers/torturers, just mill around Fitz's Foundation like it was the neighborhood clubhouse? Where is the Secret Service he has for life???
  12. Likewise, I have no need whatsoever to know that any guy "Feels Like A Natural Man." Does.Not.Work.
  13. The funniest line today was when someone was talking about Russian News in the Cold War, that there were 2 channels. Channel One was Russian propaganda. Channel 2 told you, "Turn to Channel One."
  14. An absolute golden moment in last night's show was the extended sitting on the bathroom floor crying scene with Brittany caterwauling and Gabbi just sitting there with an "I Could Give LEss Than Two Shits" looks on her face. Why do they keep putting thru that mediocre guy with the brown Beatle-boy type haircut? He was mediocre last night, and even worse in the Groups. Same with the very meh guy that Katie P fights with his GF over. Feh. Do they need more tween eye candy?
  15. YES!! It was the first time they aired the segment--perhaps they cut it out of the repeat. Somewhere around 7:45 or so. I was not watching, only listening with the shower going, so perhaps she had a sarcastic smirk on her face?? Can someone help out here?
  16. She said she almost !lost her job! Did anyone catch her comment, somewhere in the parroting news readers segment, she said something about female journalists being under the thumb of her male cohosts. SHE REALLY SAID THIS FOLKS. Also, like 3 people said like 80 times that this reading from a script was "chilling." Yeah, right, chilling--with all the shit that the guy who has his the nuclear codes does, THIS is chilling??
  17. SAY IT ISN'T SO, OAKVILLE!! Noooo! Good luck to your daughter,by the way, from all of us I am sure. If need be, she can attend the community college near me, nicknamed "Harvard on the Highway," and live with me??? In the spirit of Holy Week, I'm gonna knock over a gas station. Can I expect my pardon to come now?? Stupid cow. HOLEY COW!! i just thought of something. Did anyone mention that KAC is #1 to replace Hope Hicks? what a snarkfest we will all have here! Or has Mika forbade even the mention of her name....
  18. You shouldn't have turned it off because Donny, who has the actual cred to state this, said that TV ratings come only from people who watch it live, and nobody does that anymore unless they old white and working class (Well he didn't actually say that, but the implication was given)
  19. For the love of God, Mika. Asking Shulkin if "Trump has the mental capacity to understand his job, etc." Like he's gonna say "no"? He has to get a job in the future, even the guy interviewing for a Wendy's counter position knows you don't badmouth your former employer. And then either Barnicle or Donny pipes in with the same--I don't know who it was, the alternate days anyway of Trump thrashing.
  20. Bingo-Rama. Just coming here to post that. I've heard, and no way would I have any personal knowledge of this whatsoever, but injectables bruise, even if you use Arnica like they tell you. So I've been told, ahem...
  21. Mika is such an Ice Queen Beotch. About 7:15, when they were talking about Stormy Daniels, Mika said "This (insert 1 second discernable pause) ..woman." Ok Mika, doesn't Stormy also Know Her Value? I don't know (or care) about her background and why she got into porn and bought gigantic breast implants, but perhaps she wasn't born into an influential family and had to make do? And from what I understand she was at one point at the top of her business and now has transitioned into making adult films, and has a child. Doesn't that sound like Success? Perhaps she didn't have a leg up by being the daughter of a former top government official, going to a private school and capturing the eye of her co- host who argued for a bonus for her.
  22. Ha,that was before Michael Flatley (who was mesmerizing, IMHO). My Riverdance tape was worn out. OT: why do the girls wear those krazee curled wigs. I could understand them all wearing red wigs or something, but why those??
  23. Suomi, you win the interwebs today!!!! I was just logging in to suggest " Bring back your spanking ways."
  24. Braggart Every time I hear "Stormy Daniels" I think of that beautiful 60's Classics IV song, "Stormy." We can only hope that the 6 other NDAs that are apparently out there are for Tawny, Candy, Destiny, Cherry, Bambi, and Krystle. Nothing like a klassy billionaire going to porn stars and Playgirl bunnies. Retro.
  25. He's cute and dresses to be remembered and he is going through for sure Has anyone checked her social media to see if she's faking this geek schtick? With the 1960s pastel patent boots and the hanging all over everyone?? She sounds great and looks awful. She's actually a cute girl I hope they do a makeover on her.
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