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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I can't believe it, they just spent 10 minutes on a video about Pennsylvania elections where I live--Lehigh Valley. I thought I was on the wrong channel! I heard on another station that AvenHottie may be dating Christie Brinkley. They also said that he is not squinty and has never worn fleece (I made up the last sentence...)
  2. Today the word "Bunker" was used on the show about 6 times! Not us saying "Bunker", but all those bunker-dwellers saying bunker! I was very gratified.
  3. Is there a Nobel Prize for commentary?? I love how Beck Bennett plays Pence on SNL!
  4. That video clip played over and over of Pence walking holding hands with his wife (Mother) looks stupid. Who is the awfully-dressed chick next to his wife wearing pink capris with a ruffle on them and giant wedges? I hope that's not Secret Service!
  5. What was even nuttier is that this guy was an executive of a mining company! Is W. Virginia that bad?? Yeah--props are due on that one!!
  6. Last week I questioned how many Chaps cotton cable knit sweaters he had and today i think I know the answer--one. I think he re-wears it over and over. SOMEONE GIVE ME AN AVENHOTTIE RECAP--did not watch There's no good time that Noah Rothman cannot ruin. He looks like he's sneering at everybody. AS WELL HE SHOULD ON THAT SHOW!!
  7. Also the background "oheoeo" was too faint and they needed guys on the balcony doing the side to side dance thingie. Cade....sucked. Really his voice is 0% trained. He's got a good growl but cannot hit a note that well. Catie....well I think that she is not the type to watch herself years from now and cringe at her behavior, which is good. She is just soooo...I don't know.. she has no filter. I had a friend like that she would just walk up to anyone and say anything. I didn't enjoy it with her and I don't need to see it on national TV, clothed horribly. Jurnee, with the new hair LOOKS like Beyonce! A tiny Beyonce. But she's a Seinfeld Bizarro World Beyonce, because Journee has zero "oomph." Maddy for the win. I like Michael but he's soo uneven.
  8. NOOOOOOO! Don't leave! If New Day is a quality show then what would we have to snark on? Don't jump ship now! I'll make you deal (and I am serious)--when Trump is gone, by whatever means it happens, we'll all stop watching/recapping/snarking the very next day. All that will be left is my Aim Is True going, "Ok how am I going to pay the bills now??"
  9. Who is going to hold up the ornate gold mirror?? I too think Maddie is going to rule with that song. Still po'd that no one is doing my fav Prince Song--Gett Off. Someone should have done Raspberry Beret. Also, I could see Cade doing 1999.
  10. I might be able to get behind Catie singing "Gett Off." (23 positions in a one night stand.) She might be goofy enough to go for it.
  11. ...and onto Russell Brand. Holy frickin' cow. I knew her Father was a pastor, but didn't know she is/was religious herself. Caleb is such a snore. You all are talking like it's a done deal that Scotty II has to win? I am a country music disliker, so I would not know. Anyway we can get him to sing 'Gett Off" next week? (23 positions in a one night stand...)
  12. I know!! She's a cohost for godsakes shouldn't you actually allocate 5 minutes for it rather than the 10 seconds they gave to hustle in the cake , flowers and balloons, while simultaneously segue-ing to the author? That was stupid. And Mika acted embarrassed. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MIKA? She doesn't act normal. Is she a MSNBC hostage?
  13. I mildly object to the use of the word "haters." There is a lot for people to "hate" with Catie--she is a tough pill to swallow. Quirky does not at all even get near it. And the awful clothes. Guess I'm a hater? Speaking of QUIRKY--Is Maddie getting at all on anyone's nerves a tiny bit? She's a bit twee for my tastes. I wonder if she can do anything but even tempered quirky type songs. I think Idina was right on the money with her advice to modulate her voice more--up and down in volume and intensity.
  14. This you've just noticed? he always is. HEY.. I didn't get to watch, was there much brouhaha about AvenHottie filing new Charges on Trump?
  15. Well as we speak Mika is at Bergdorf's buying a new tight scarf-less dress because I assume that AvanHottie will be popping in tomorrow to discuss the new lawsuit he dropped on Trump this afternoon. At least I hope. I want to see Joe's eyes go from raisins all the way down to Zante currants.
  16. Yep and yep and once America got to vote they were as gone as they should have been from the start. America done right for once. Looks like Gabby is back to doing her own hair and picking her own clothing. They were booth awful and didn't go with the song at all. I thought she would be out tonight for a weak performance.
  17. How many Chaps cotton cable knit sweaters does Podorhetz own?
  18. Never heard this phrasology before. It's useful! Donny seems to be up in Cohen's ass. Do they regularly brunch together? I was cringing when they were describing Cohen's pitious attempts to get Trump to attend Cohen's son's bar Mitzvah (mazel tov, by the way). You know there are so many cases of people having unrealistic and unfounded loyalty to Trump. I've never posted on this, but the Summer before the election I was having lunch with coworkers and one of them knew the lady sitting next to us and hadn't seen her in a few years. We had been verbally grousing about Trump's election antics and the lady stated that her husband was a helicopter pilot for Trump and what a wonderful man he was and she said without a doubt, "He's going to win." We were all mentally saying, "Bitch, please," but look what happened.
  19. 8:16 Am EST: Mika insinuates that Michael Cohen has homosexual feelings for trump. Yup.
  20. Oakville, I think you need to go back to school and get your MR (Masters in Recapping). Cute!
  21. It tickles me how Mika STILL calls Stormy a "porn star." Not "adult film star" or "sex worker." MEOW! Thanks for picking up my thrown-down gauntlet, novhappy! edited to add: BWAH!!! The faces on the Fox "reporters" during trumps rant were awesome! I've never seen them with WTF faces before! The guy on the right even cut Trump off!
  22. Can someone less lazy than I extrapolate this out--assume this tend will continue for the remainder of 2018, and come up with an HOURLY SALARY for Mika??!!
  23. Maybe I fast forward too much, but why are people saying this? I think he is awesome and can take a train to Broadway right now. Caleb looks too doughy to be a heart throb, and this I thought this even before he said he used to be obese.
  24. "Why does he need it? I wouldn't do it...I wouldn't do it, to be abused by a bunch of politicians. Why does he need this?" YES TRUMP WHY DO YOU NEED THIS WHY DO YOU DO IT?? RESIGN!! RESIGN!! It's disheartening to be my age, in the shower, screaming at my cellphone playing MJ. I don't ever remember screaming over Obama, or Bush, even. I didn't understand how suddenly this got extrapolated to the Republicans are going to lose BOTH houses? Why all of a sudden is it the Senate too? I've never heard that before.
  25. Let's all rub our hands together with glee anticipating the fallout tomorrow from Trumps' nominee/physician-who-thinks-Trump's-in-great-shape.
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