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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. This AM I turned on the show to hear Mika and Joe. I looked at my calendar, thinking somehow I slept for a month and it was now the Tuesday after Labor Day.... I have been on vacation, so did not know they made a guest appearance yesterday also.
  2. 8:10 AM--That chick in the bubble gum pink ruffled pinafore (WTH???) looks a lot like Sarah Jessica Parker. Also, WTF with that extended riff on Kristal champagne. Ok, it's July...
  3. This thread is in a summer snooze, so I toddled over to CNN and found this! (hee)
  4. I'm confused--in Jensens' Contemporary/Jazz she was barefoot. Which shoes are you all talking about???
  5. At this point, I imagine that there may be something amiss with Mika's Mom? Or wouldn't they just say she was on vacation--it's summer after all.
  6. Oy Vey Jill. A cocktail dress with flat hiking-type sandals???
  7. Was the bunker mentioned in the listing!!! In CT a bunker might be a selling feature!
  8. to everyone offering suggestions of fruit or vegies to add to the Dixie plates of pita and hummus--none of you are questioning why the hell Jill needs to Instagram a Dixie plate of pita and hummus, with or w/o fruit and vegies. Who does she think wants to see this? Stupid! And I have never seen a recipe where you assume someone is going to want to use artificial vanilla. No one likes that crap and it has nasty stuff in it. Why was that bitch stupid enough to admit that to you!! I agree, I would have clocked her with a King James version myself...
  9. God Sara Sanders is looking ROUGH. It's like every day she appears on stage .5% of her life force looks sucked away. I imagine she makes huge bucks and cannot give that up. Maybe her Daddy would disown her. But DAMN, have you seen her lately? Her complexion is grey, her uneven eyes are crazily off kilter. This AM Donny and _____ (insert guest here) were both postulating on why Trump is doing this with Putin. Donny says Putin has something on Trump and other guy says Trump admires authoritarian figures. At this juncture, I don't know what to believe. I think I'm 49% Donny and 51% for the authoritarian admiration position. All I know is if the Dems don't take back at least one chamber in Nov., I am going to emigrate to Canada and live in the hospital room Oakville is naming after his Dad.
  10. Yeah, she has nice legs but the baby obviously feels he's being defrauded, just look at his face! (Jill looks pretty there, her eyes match her shirt.) Doesn't Blob usually do that thing where he kinda pushes his neck forward? (Like he's overly anxious to get into your business and deny you your personal Supreme Court-granted rights?) It looks like a familiar pose.
  11. AND, it's better for Oakville's blood pressure! Joannie Ernst---there was a whole helluva lot of hog castrating going on in that segment.
  12. Do you think that Derrick will now have "law things," like Jill's "medical things?"
  13. You sound like you are old like me. I feel the same way. But it ain't happening. Its since the 1980s and stronger than ever. Expect lots of saggy old lady tramp stamps..... I thought Tessa Dalke (spell?) was the Judges Pet? She's the microbiologist or whatever, right? Did Not-So-Edgy Goth Girl get in?
  14. Did he look like he just smelled something really bad? If so, that's Noah alright
  15. Did not get to watch. What happened with Laganda Estranga (drag dancer)
  16. HEE! Was that before or after Fox pointed out that kids are getting ready for back to school and hasn't it been humid lately?
  17. 7:50 John Meechum(??) says that responsible Republicans may chose to now step away from the Republican party, formerly Reagan's party, " As you have Joe." WhineandCheez snorts shower water out of her nose. Listening to CNN driving in, I came in late on a man calmly and distinctly discussing Trumps actions and explaining his motivations and what he needs to do next to correct this in very intelligent, calm and measured terminology. IT WAS SCARAMUCCI. Holey Cow. New MSNBC show--"Morning Mooch?" WRONG!! Madeline Albright, esteemed former Sec. of State, at the end of her segment asked Joe where Mika was and asked him to give her her best. Like she was kissing him on the cheek while putting on her coat while leaving a cocktail party at his house. Can anyone enlarge your screen and see if she's writing in a Lisa Frank spiral notebook, or is it a Trapper Keeper?
  18. Yes, and she has Good Arms. So does Andrea Mitchell, in her 70s, with great arms. Mine--nah, you don't wanna know.... You do this to us on purpose, and you know it!!! Taunting, taunting!
  19. She always dresses more chic/pretty than someone named "Evelyn Farkas" would. To me that is a battleaxe name! Does Michael McFaul wear a rug? If not, he has rug-like hair. Yes, this entire post is vapid, but Trump , after 3 years of this mishegas, has run me down.
  20. Yes! And best dance" Girls--Who Runs the World with jasmine, also awesomely fierce (deodorant or not)
  21. This is trivial, but then again this entire Presidency is--anyway, Joe said that "Trump complained that he didn't like the cheese." But isn't it true that he complained because he thought he was getting a full breakfast and they only served a Continental breakfast (BEING THAT THEY WERE ON "THE CONTINENT", DUH)
  22. I was just coming here to ask if anyone knows how to make a "NO HMV" sign with a line crossed through it. Even that young boy in the Vegas group was working it. Ok this sounds terribly jaded, but the VEgas group is crying partially because one of the girl's Dad was working in the area? Not at Mandalay Bay but in the area?? And Vivian Ruiz, a 16 year old boy broke up with her via text and this is the inspiration for the angst? At least on SYTYCD they have actual tragedies most of the time. (Whimsy, you and I were being jaded at the exact same time!)
  23. Love Scoop's smoky eye today.....however, it does not at all go with her long sleeve light blue golfing shirt she is wearing.
  24. In that ChickFilA (what a stupid name) photo, Jill is too young and pretty to be wearing mandals like that. She's at a fast food place, not fording a river on the Appalachian Trail.
  25. Joes hair is in the stratosphere today. He needs glasses so badly.
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