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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. 8:20 they targeted KAC as the writer of the Op ed. The arguments sound very valid, in light of the fact that she is angling for a show with her Trump-opposing husband..
  2. Why is he barefoot in a public place? Gross. I will always say that he looks like a mini Jessa. Naw, it's just that she has the world's most hideous haircut. Its a Dutch boy pisspot style. She does have a nice slim figure. And Derrick--he needs to grow out Jill's awful haircut. He looked attractive with long hair.
  3. YEP. And it don't matter, because the old white guys with used car dealer hair (like Kavanaugh) are in charge and will shuttle him through.
  4. YIPEEEE! Oakville, there is a new mod here, so you probably have to re-interview for your job....... Millenium, you are on fiyah!! You treasonous bitch/bastard!!
  5. I thought the judges were going to fall all over themselves to give a standing O to that, but no. I was shocked. I love the way Nigel gave Slavic the Death Knell of Praise speech, signifying this was a far as he would go. My money is on Genessey for 1 reason, well, 2--her showmance with cutiepie Slavic pimped her out, and the fact that she has an interesting back story, her parent's bodega. But she is pedestrian for me, as is Jensen (her name bugs)
  6. It was a shanda. JOE SHUTHEFUCKUPSHUTTHEFUCKUPSHUTTHEFUCKUP. I HAVE BEEN HEARING THIS FOR 2 YEARS. Joe's brain in his overly big forehead is going, "Yeah--NO ONE has tried this! I'll needle him into submitting to a Mueller hearing and then BAM! we got him." Stop it Joe!! It's not gonna work! Lord Almighty! And now also stop with pointing out every .5 seconds that Trump is debasing Southerners. You think even ONE of those multitude of Southerners/Alabamans who are a big part of his base believes ONE WORD any of the media says Trump said? Hell no. How the frick does this man make ____ million a year??? edited to add: And Mika is the only voice of reason about Kavanaugh's HandshakeGate. I'm as liberal as you get and even i think there could be many other reasons why it happened.
  7. That hummus photo slays me. I follow links to tons of recipes and everything is beautifully photographed, the perfect napkin folded beside the plate, vegetables artfully strewn across a vintage dish. Jill's bowl is crooked, a bag of pretzels ripped open and hastily DUMPED on the platter--all artfully displayed on a raw wooden sill with a scrap of lawn peeking out. Not exactly a 17th century Dutch still life.......
  8. 8:43 AM: Mika, the ultimate shiksa, uses the word "schtick." Just no.... I've been on vacation. It's not her fault. Just last night Mika and Joe played Teacher and Naughty Schoolgirl on the first day of class.
  9. Let's try instead, "Severe judges cuts." Sounds kinda the same...
  10. Maybe she could be a Medical Things salesman??
  11. Wordy McWorderson. I agree that McCain's passing does deserve some Kennedy-esque brouhaha, but remember all, he unleashed Palin upon this Planet.
  12. I too enjoyed the "bus thud" sound effect. It was the best part of the show. Methinks that if Scoop and Joe were splittsville, Trump would have found out and would be plunging his dagger in and out. But something HAS to be up.
  13. I think this is the most accurate post ever made in this thread since its inception.. I went back to college at 40 and once i brought my 5 year old, had no other choice, to an evening lecture for a course on the Biology of AIDS. The room was theater-style--we sat in the back and she colored. No problems, but that often isn't the case.
  14. If Mika never again says, "Wow....Wow." I'd live happily. That's about all she says anymore. Donnie Duetsch, Michael Cohen's BFF. If I was watching rather than listening, I'm sure I would have seen the matching braided string bracelets that he and Cohen both wear. As for Cohen--as I am a official Goy perhaps I shouldn't say this, but I am INSULTED over Cohen's latent Jewish/Holocaust guilt that is supposedly now surfacing. You were a scumbag extension of Donald Trump for all these years and NOW conveniently your Grandfather who survived the Holocaust got to your conscience? You are up to something, don't know what yet, but Scoop will hopefully ferret it out. edited to add: Big kudos to your last post, teddysmom. All these teevee types are either looking down their noses at porn stars and Playboy bunnies, or being politically correct and calling them "Sex workers." (I love that moniker!) Anyway, Trump is sooo uncool--yes, let's be an old guy having sex with porn stars and Playboy bunnies--1975 is calling, Donald.
  15. Hee!! Is that what is meant when they call Jesus"JC?" IE; "Jesus, correct."
  16. I KNOW! Is a TV reporter allowed to do that? Is that kosher, especially for a major network? I just heard Lanny Davis (Cohen's attorney) over on NPR say that under no circumstances would his client accept a pardon from a besmirched President such as trump. I hope Meeks covers this, coz I think it was an interview just for NPR. Wow--I just now started watching rather than just listening this AM. Meeks looks great! She is glowing. Ok, i'm ebil---plastic surgery? Is that the reason? Or South of France? I need to start a survey monkey!
  17. NO--the call is coming from inside the bunker!!!!
  18. I think Magda's downfall was that she looked older, and her face is "severe" because of her prominent nose. All stupid reasons to throw someone off, but this is what we have here, a popularity contest. I would have thought Cole would be everyone's dream, looks and versatility-wise, so don't know why he was axed.
  19. 8:07 AM: WOMEN STANDING IN THE RAIN TO VOTE!!! I had feared that this trope, like Mika, had been prematurely retired. (oops XO Queens beat me to the laptop)
  20. If Snoop was there, she could've dressed as Natasha in the cartoon, and Noah Rothman could've been Boris.
  21. I was sitting in an awful traffic jam laughing my ass off on this segment. Laughing out loud, which I haven't done in awhile. Rudy: "And they may not have even known she was Russian!!" Golly Gosh- Natalia Vladimirovna Veselnitskaya. Yep, I'm sure she's Pennsylvania Dutch, Rudy. A Christian book author, looking very uncomfortable, is the only person on set other than the host. It was weird, especially when he started talking about fetuses.
  22. IntotheMystic, speedy recovery and thanks for sharing from your past. Now that it's official that Derrick is registered and has started, we need to get one of us in there to send back reports. Does anyone have the time to get a part time janitorial position at his school? Remember how we stalked Smuggar when he was in Jesus Jail? Can't we at least send a drone flying over?
  23. The photo reminds me of some ad from the past-- Some guy going "Thanks _____". Anyone? Anyway, I don't want to rag on Dillweed, I went back to school at 40 to finish my BA and I was ridiculously excited about everything too. I'm ok with him on this one (And this one ONLY)
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