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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Kasie must be subconciously going for Joe's hosting seat, because her hair is huge. Its looks like it took a can a mouse and 2 rat tail combs to achieve it. And she wears the most dull, blah tops. At least slap a Unitarian scarf (tm oakville) on that boringness!
  2. Derick is starting law school, a serious and $$ endeavor, and Jill is making a one ingrediant "recipe" and making an amazeballs face over it.
  3. The set looked really weird to me this AM, and I realized belatedly that it was a table with people and coffee cups, not a series of Brady Bunch squares. Noah Rothman actually looks handsome, and 33% less supercilious since he's lost weight.
  4. 6:15 AM--Donny employs the word "Fluffer" for probably the first time on a major news show. Mika, watching the show from a seaside deck in Nantucket texts Donny to ask what a fluffer is. Donny answers and Mika shrieks, flinging herself into the Atlantic Ocean.
  5. I always enjoy the micro mini--black hair bow combo.. Schoolgirl/Prostitute always works. Mini-rant here: They are letting all the girl's long frizzy hair get in the way of the lines of these dances. It started the first night with Jamie and Allison having a tangled mass of frizzy hair flying around in a distracting manner. Last night, I didn't like Magda's hair for a Bollywood--it was California girl-style, I would have liked to see more of a stylized look that didn't fly around. Also, Hannalei's hat shaded her face the entire time. i agree with the poster upthread that the lack of budget is showing. They are always trying to re-create Ramalama, and they never ever will...
  6. Every time I see Heidi I think of the actress on Orange Is The New Black who plays the prison company VP who gets locked in there during the riots and has to pass. This AM while listening to Joe do his daily soft shoe anti-Trump dance a thought occurred to me---I don't want to listen to this anymore. I don't want to go thru this for another 2 1/2 years (and then possibly 4 more). I just am so habituated to listening while I get ready for work, then in the car and then for a bit at my desk (using 3 different listening methods). But it's all so FUTILE. Months back I would have said "depressing" but now I say "futile." No matter what he does he still stays in the low 40s in popularity, maybe high 30s. No matter what he says or does. Is it possible that CNN, MSNBC, the stations I follow ARE incredibly biased and he is doing good things that we aren't hearing about? I'm just too lazy to develop a different AM routine. I wish I could just retire...in Sarastoa with oakville.
  7. Let's get this straight here first--Omarosa will never appear on this show, right? Because Snoop won't allow it. You all agree, correct? If Snoop cannot watch Star Wars because it's too much pop culture, what the hell is Omarosa?
  8. Do they have a good amount of TLC money stashed away? Otherwise, i don't see how it is fiscally responsible to go back to law school rather than get your CPA. From what I understand, law is not the ticket to riches many think the profession is also "flooded." I would think a CPA would be a better bet. YOU KNOW--you're not supposed to be selfish when you have kids.
  9. Kasie is wearing a zip front suit jacket from 1990. And it's ugly. The show was so blah, only good part was when Heilman begged for all the people he know who are close to Ryan, to give an example where Ryan worked behind the scenes, unpublicized, to arrest Trump's behavior and stop things from getting worse. There was radio silence.
  10. During my entire commute I was imagining how I'd come in and talk about how apparently on MJ, today was National Give Reagan a Handjob Day. Lord above--it went on and on. edited to add: at 8:59 they feel they needed to close the show by giving Reagan another suckup. Susan Del Percio gets all misty eyed about the Ronnie clips--"this is why I became a Republican." YUCKKKKKKKK At 8:50 they show vastly unflattering close ups of Nancy Pelosi.
  11. Did anyone think J Lo looked 20 pounds heavier in that weird outfit? her arms especially. My Bf, who follows no media and knows nothing, walked by and said, "Is JLo pregnant?" And why is Jenna so incredibly stiff? She carries herself like she's made of steel. And FLIP stole her pants.
  12. They did but I'm still waiting for an early viewer to tell us why they started down that entire old song riff. Johnny Reznick had the best hair..
  13. I hate how they keep pleading for acknowledgement because they do everything "in 5 inch stilettos." Obviously it's their decision to add that stripper-vibe by performing in high heels (at least they aren't acrylic platforms). Kudo to the poster that said it's all about Marissa and not enough being a team. I felt bad for the crew against Ruby and partner. They were very good too, and since there were many of them, many more opportunities not to be in sync. Anyone else ever get the idea, whether from here or from SYTYCD, that Ruby's Dad is a whip-cracker, all work all the time kinda guy?? Cubcakes got a ridiculously high score for being out of sync often. Cute little stank faces are mostly what they were about. The dumbest thing I ever heard was JLo and Derek complaining to one crew that their music was too good. God....
  14. What was the article/announcement that preceded their discussion of popular music, IE GooGoo Dolls, Sugar Sugar. Did some "Top 100 Songs of All time" article come out? I don't understand how some Republican senator doing insider trading gets added to the claim that Trumps Admin. is corrupt. Plenty of Congressmen on both sides are corrupt and it happened b4 Trump came in.
  15. Insert any other name into this and they would also go home. That was so very unfair. And Nigel has to pipe in that he cannot wait to see Evan dance with gabby. OF COURSE, because a tapper needs to dance with a tapper. It's not equatable to a krumper doing ballroom, it equates with a krumper doing pointe work. When Chelsea gets kicked off, they need to nullify it and say they tried something new and it failed. But no, they only have like 1/2 an episode until the finale. Stupid show, This show used to be a high point of my summer. Ok he actually topped himself because now he is creepy with female contestants AND male contestants who dress as female!!! 100% creepy, 100% of the time!! Jensen is only 20 and she's engaged??? Why??? She doesn't look pregnant!
  16. ...and Podhoretz is wearing his It's-90-Degrees-Out-and-90%-Humidity-Sweater. Are the parents of Sandy Hook kids ACTUALLY having to move around the country because of threats? Joe says this every other day. This whole excitement over a 3 month long Ohio election that Dems still couldn't win is just sad. I suppose I should feel happy we got so many more votes than historically, but when I think of all the support for Trump's vision, I just get tired and lost.
  17. Look at all the women on stage! It's really nice that Cross Church is training women in the ministry also! What's that you say? oooooooooo
  18. Joe is wearing an enormously wide tie. IS this a thing again??
  19. Has Barnacle lost weight? Everybody on this show is losing weight. I enjoyed the comments about Trump's tiny hand on the cover of that new book! That hand gesture that he always makes that drives me insane I hate it. It's like Kramer and Mary Harts voice
  20. Like the attorney that my wallet wishes I was, Let's dissect this statement. 1. It wasn't "many years ago" when your Mom had a new baby. I rest my case...
  21. I can totally see Dr. Z saying in a heavy Polish accent that Mika is hot and if she wasn't his daughter he'd get some of that (I kid). She's referring to that old article posted around the beginning of the Admin that Jared was going to run for President first, then Ivanka would. And I would rather have either one of them than Trump, sadly.
  22. Looking at those trillions of replays of Trumps rally last night in PA, anyone notice the Evil Twin teenage girls placed behind him, to our right? That is beyond bizarre....
  23. Holy shit. 6:50 AM Mika eviscerates Ivanka for about 15 minutes over the immigrant child situation. What brunch or cocktail party did Ivanka not invite Mika to, or invite her and pee into her Cosmopolitan? YIKES. Welcome Woodman! We have a lot of fun here. Hey, there's an open position as a highly unpaid Morning Joe recapper here each AM. You up for it?? And because it's our job to be shallow here, Mika's eye makeup is like the nuclear bomb-version of the smoky eye. At 6 AM, with a hot pink business cardigan, its beyond jarring.
  24. Oakville--how lovely that you are taking early retirement just so you can resume recapping for us!! 75% of the entire 3 hour broadcast is baiting Trump. It's so transparent and they don't even care. It's the old "tell your surly teen you don't want him to do something so that he immediately goes and does just that." And this comprises 75% of a multi million dollar major network AM news show???
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