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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Is he the one that Nigel decided was too gay??? The dancer said something like "No one thinks I'm too effeminate when I dance with my hoop."
  2. Those shoe closeups are pervy! And then they do a shoe closeup on Barron's shoes! HAHA. Barron is sure tall, lanky and PALE. I think he's white enough even for his Dad to love him....
  3. Jacob Soberoff (spell?) has the most gorgeous head of hair. I couldn't watch today what did they say about JacketGate??
  4. It was an appalling choice of costuming. After about 10 seconds, the audience was dragged into a inadvertent game of "Spot the Crotch." A nice matching panty would've done the trick. I sincerely hope someone puts Baby in the corner...of the Academy. I have a great smile--I am glad to know I have a chance at a dance career!!
  5. She did and I was thinking how inappropriate it was when the entire 3 hours they are talking about children's lives being destroyed. Holy shit yes, I was coming here to say that. She's got the Nicole Kidman Gigantic Seamless Forehead. Too much Botox, holy cow, Katty K! Mika was reading the NY Times op ed piece which was like 10 sentences and she stumbled over 2 of them. What, would another 1/2 a mil impell her to read the news correctly??
  6. Am I a monster that rather than being outraged over the immigrant children-warehousing, I just see it as the Administration going "Don't look here--look over there!" A way to lessen the reporting on his campaign's misdeeds.
  7. ALL OF US ARE!!!! oakville has been recapping MJ for 10 years and now has high blood pressure. I have been faithfully listening to MSNBC for 5 years and I have mostly stopped. Mika and Joe talk about the same thing over and over but there is no way out of this until Nov 2020 or 2024. Them grinding on Trump day by day is making ZERO difference whatsoever.
  8. That's nothing compared to the thing going on between Joe and Donny. If you ever look up PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE in Webster's, there's a video clip of Joe going at Donny over his money, his career, his girlfriends, his money again and most of all, his metrosexual hair, clothes and facial work. It's soooo obvious.
  9. Bible verses and a closeup shot of Donny's ankles! "It's one helluva day at sea, Sir!!" Do you think Satan actually would chose to come back to Earth in the body of a dour overweight woman with a Southern accent? KAC is actually saying, "Hey Sara, dial it back about 7 notches." Yes, John Meacham, the Evangelists at the end of their day actually DO think that a seat on the Supreme Court was worth this demented shitshow (the last 2 words were not JM's but mine)
  10. Holy Cow, I just now realized that this Mark Sanford is the dude who was governor(?) and just took off w/o notice to chase a piece of tail in Argentina while saying he was on the Appalachian Trail? And he resigned, then ran again later? And this is The Great Fallen Hero? Good riddance, I say!! He also had some financial violations--so why is the press saying he lost because he said BOO to trump? This AM Joe pompously said something I wished I would have written down. He was alluding to the 1000% true fact that the Republicans are going to all fall down and go boom this November. From Joe's mouth to God's ears... Maybe Joe has to be in a bunker all the time because NBC won't buy him a bulletproof desk and a 40 man security detail like Pruitt has/needs.
  11. WEDDING DRESS PHOTO: I've finally found the only thing (other than Botox) than can stop Jill from manically raising her eyebrows in every photo--apparently you can't manically raise your eyebrows while squinting into the sun. Cathy has a nice figure, it's a shame she cuts her hair herself with a bowl on her head. She could be much nicer looking. Holy God Above! this is perfection!!
  12. I liked Benji's snap-back to Nigel about age. About 2 years ago I went down some internet rabbit hole that led to current photos of Benji, so I wasn't shocked last night. It was a good article about how he came out and now he's ripped (and tatted up too?- not sure) I DID NOT LIKE THAT DANCE!!! It reminded me of these el rapido salsa numbers of WOD--all tricks, not so much dancing. Did anyone else see her fall out of a couple of moves? Also hated the bondage costuming. Girl who studies ___ at UCLA but just wants to dance. I am shouting at the TV, "Don't give up a great career in the sciences for dance!!!' I am sure her parents who are paying many thousands per semester at UCLA (the UC system is state run, but not cheap, costs a lot more that the Calif. State University system) were shouting along with me.
  13. Sammy is a baby Jessa. Totally and completely.
  14. Oakville, there's a "special place in hell" for you (insert sneer here) Canadians! I don't like Mika's polo dresses. They are too Connecticutty.
  15. So would you, me, millenium, Chloesmom (and Chloe), Jordon Baker, Teddysmom (and Teddy,) J, suomi, elliot, stormy et al. And I believe we are all potty trained....
  16. First I can't tell which is worse, Mary's 16 year-old-girl weave or the silicone-glazed floor that makes it IMPOSSIBLE to follow anyone's feet. 3 Ballroom Dancers: "Oh Alan, no one could look at anyone but you. Kiki's brother, you sucked but we are taking you anyway since we signed a 20 year contract to accept any/all Nimchecks into the cast. We have no choice, and we promise we will, like your brother, advance you unfairly." As for Magda--she has a "hard" look about her. I am going to wear a denim shirt with garter belt and stockings and see what it brings into my life. I was amazed to see Laganga Estranja try out. I would not have thought she would have the energy due to the massive amount of pot she smokes.
  17. WTH is Katty wearing? It's like a prison uniform from an Australian penal colony in 1890. WHY are the filming verbatim the verbal diahrrea coming out of Trumps mouth at 8:30?? They don't need to do this.
  18. This is the Greatest Post to Have Ever Appeared on the MJ Forum. WERK BITCHES!!!!
  19. Holy Cow Sammy looks like a baby Jessa!!!!!
  20. Holy Cow 10 years, oakville!!?? I have only watched for 3 years. You must have a tidy amount of your recapping salary tucked away, huh? Did it buy you your Florida home?? 8:40: Rand Paul STFU. Just STFU. From the school of useless facts, thanks for telling us that Elliot Spitzer used to threaten people with telling their wife about their affairs if they didn't testify. And this has exactly WHAT to do with Mueller and his investigation??
  21. HEEEEEE!!!!!! Kids aren't allowed to do any "Jazz Hands" in that household either! And all that Jazz..... Poor family....makes me feel so bad.
  22. Oakville, never change. Beeker!! Omigod that is perfect! Mika wore the fuchisa blazer-lite last week on Wed. or Thurs. over a grey and pink dress. I thought major networks had people to track these things so wardrobe was not repeated?? Next week Trump shoots Ccmey or the like to complete Guliani's prediction, and Mika clamps down so hard on her straw that it shatters and gives her lip contusions...
  23. Donny said that he and probably reporters such as Barnicle have gotten several calls like that in the past. It's a NY lawyer thing. However, he wasn't dismissing it as business as usual--he did say something of the ilk that no reputable lawyer (such as from XYZ NY law firm) would behave like that. IMHO Samantha Bee--I could just shake her for doing that and junking up the victory of getting Roseanne fired.
  24. At least they filmed a new button sliding session for this year, because last year JLo's manicure was black! I thought the Bollywood guys, who I thought I would love, needed to be more intricate. Also, everyone's piece was waaay to short. I mean, if you polled the US on this show and AI, who really gives 2 craps what the judges say, especially when everyone gets like a 95.
  25. Joe's bunker was disfunctional for awhile this AM. Sorry that it got fixed.
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