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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Gratuitous "Working Girl" reference, when Melanie Griffith looked like Melanie Griffith, and Sigourney Weaver looked like Jack White on SNL last week.
  2. STILL tired of Ada singing only from The Great American Drag Songbook. When they said next week is Disney songs (which will be cool), I immediately thought, "Ok, Ada is sooo doing "Let It Go" from Frozen. After bitching about Jonny Brenns for weeks, this week I actually thought he should have gotten a slot. Go figure... Also, Catie has been killing it--in a non-visual manner. Last night they let her on stage wearing a librarian's church outfit with her Moms Naturalizers. I think this well describes what I've been feeling about Jurnee. 2 weeks ago I pegged her as the winner. Problem is she never really brings it. She brings it 75% and that's not enough for the style she sings in.
  3. Holy Cow--not only is Mika wearing her Unitarian Scarf (tm oakville), She's also wearing some sort of Ecclesiastical robe or garment!! Oakville, just saw that the Canada tragedy was near you. Sorry that the USA-style shenanigans have come your way.
  4. It also felt like it was written in 10 minutes by somebody who was over it. David, never overly sophisticated has his legacy (after having been in relationship with that horribly acting character that was Cyrus' real life daughter) now dies like a dumb stupid dog. And I STILL don't understand why no one goes to jail since Jake was arrested. Why??
  5. PUTZ. PUTZPUTZPUTZ. Yes, let's go ahead and kill the only decent person besides Susan Ross ever to appear on screen. Rowan's Final Soliloquey in 3...2...1....
  6. Well I'm watching it live for the first time ever. Hope some of you live post here!! I've got my Vermont Country Jam all ready!!
  7. You guys are often prone to exaggeration (I say this with love) so I Googled him. Holy Shite!! He's like an Avenatti Doppelganger. Yes!! And when they say Mika's name there will be a chicken squack noise and when they say Joe's name there will be a voice-over mini excerpt of Dr z calling him "Stunningly superficial."
  8. While watching last night my intuition "pinged" that Jurnee is going to win.
  9. Go Stefon!! He's one of those guys that I just believe every single word he says. Experience says he's a scumbag like every other non-Legal Aid lawyer out there, but he has such an innate believability. Like that riff they were doing on the DVD that he was threatening Trump with weeks ago. It's probably his daughter's Prom video, but I believe that its Trump in Urinetown.
  10. This was a travesty. But this is not American Greatest Singer. The girls are totally wiping the floor with the guys this year, they needed SOME more males. So far, Ada has been singing The Great American Drag Songbook. Not too much subtlety, I'm looking forward to see if she can move past the high drama. I'm gonna buy one of his cds. I hate to admit that AI can influence my buying, but in 2002 I bought a new Ford Focus because they always advertised/did fake commercials on AI, so I guess a cd pales in comparison...
  11. I'll supply the Egg McMuffins and Mimosas for everyone! The bunker will be on FIY-AH!!
  12. This is straight from the "Does a Bear Shit in the Woods" file. Comey pisses me off. Everything he says is valid but it's all overrun with that petty Mean Girls shit he just HAD to add (Small hands, orange tan, etc)
  13. Word. The same with Shannon telling us how her Dad lost his job and she needs to be the financial saviour for her family. I don't mean to be negative, but getting a good career/trade is way better odds than acting/singing. Are they getting rid of 6 tonight? If so, my choice to go (based only on last night--many can save themselves in the duets): Alyssa Raghu, Effie Passero, Shannon O’Hara, Ron Bultongez--all of these for not having enough strenth and presence (Effie dissapointed me here); Garrett Jacobs--stank the room up; #6 I cannot decide.
  14. Perhaps he's on the Trump Steak and Trump Water Diet? Joe's "Have You Served?" rant this AM made me uneasy. Like if you don't enlist/allow yourself to be drafted in your 20s, then you have to keep your mouth shut for the next 60 years.
  15. Make me 3 on this theory, HOWEVER, it's not cool to just name anybody who is odd/dorky as Aspberger's , (but it's totally cool to do it here!) There isn't enough Glarkware to wipe out the memories from that show. That had to be the best all around Forum comment wise, ever! I wonder if Duncan still has no idea, 7 kids and 18 years later, that he is gay???
  16. Last night he aired a video called something like the Clinton and Mueller Crime Family. And Trump tweeted promoting it. I think Hannity's super- low hairline is interfering with his brain function. I hope he takes that Ayn Rand shit he promotes and (not fatally) chokes on it. He's going to a cush private sector job for one of the companies he put over the private taxpayor with his Bill. They can dismiss him from being Speaker but he is still in Congress form WI until Jan 2019 right??
  17. Yes and I can go years watching a show purely to snark about it here. If Previously ever shuts down, you know MJ's demographic's going to go down.....by the 15 of us here!!!
  18. Omigod--Carmen aka Goat Throat. Good times!! And Tsathy, lived under The Seal, right? Anyone under 30 is thinking we are in Altzheimers territory at this point.
  19. I'm telling you if I ever hear on the news that there is a sniper on the top of Rockefeller Center shooting into the crowd I'm going to know it's Kasey Hunt. Because the pain on her face, even though it appears for a second, when she's there trying to be a serious journalist and they're doing that lightning bolt AM radio DJ schtick they do, she's going to one day lose it. I mean it could be like "Russia has just sent a nuclear missile towards the u.s. and Kasey hunt, (insert lightning bolt and graphic,) is reporting on it."
  20. Someone in an earlier thread said her daughter/son goes to school with Catie and she is like this. She is well liked apparnetly. I wouldn't like someone hurtling their body at me all the time, IMHO (unless it's Cade haha)
  21. (wipes away sentimental tear) My favorite was always Simon saying, "It's like some ghastly cruise ship show," or "It's like some ghastly dinner theater show." And remember The Seal (for old TVwoP fogies still on here)
  22. We ARE talking about a sheath DRESS, right? A sleeveless form fitting dress. RIGHT??? If not, even I cannot go there. I was so totally thinking the same thing when it was on!! Poor, gorgeous, aristocratic, Olympic rowing (I think?), 6'5" tall Winklevii, who settled for paltry millions from Zuckerberg.
  23. UNITARIAN scarves!!! (tm oakville) I don't know what to say about this AM. they aren't harping on the Cohen thing, they are actually talking mostly about Syria. Sad.
  24. I was happy that their performance in the duets actually affected whether they were picked (except for Johnny Brenns--cute but meh). Proof is the JLo girl and the Dennis who sang the duet with Allen Stone--which was goosebumpey--i don't think Dennis was in the cut before he sang that. Also proof is that KayKay was sunk by having to sing with an old dude from Erie. Also sunk was Brandon Diaz, who they OF COURSE assumed could sing/speak Spanish. And he gets up there and can't do either very well. Poor guy--hey Ai, lots of people have Spanish surnames and don't speak or sing Spanish!! I totally disagree. They are going to let her pick every sloppy, gaping outfit, they are going to let her (not) comb her own hair, they glasses will stay. They are going to let her fling herself around the stage drunkenly. I think for the sake of showing how fresh and diverse she is. Poor little Layla Spring's face. But she was totally taken over by Jennifer, and Gabby totally was not.
  25. Katy Perry's outfit stank, a long sequined cardigan with a short different kind of sequin dress. I missed her parents--damn. Isn't he a minister?? Why did they pick the country judge? I mean there's low key, but come on! Cade is so different than Caleb Johnson, who was an incarnation of Jack Black in School of Rock, a caricature. If Cade can do contemporary stuff and is versatile, I'd love for him to win. He seems mighty respectful, M'am.
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