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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Sammy has this coy expression, "Umm yep, I know they are nuts, but if I ride this wave out I'll get free room and board until 18."
  2. Hey!! I'm glad to see these older broads, and like Andrea Mitchell and Barbara Walters, all sporting good looking facial work. You should work as long as you're able to--glad the non-Fox networks have relaxed the age bias. (actually I have no idea about Fox's age policy, but I assume since they insist on their female anchors having bleached hair, sleeveless dresses and make them perch on the edge of the sofa with bronzed crossed legs, that perhaps they aren't too great about hiring/retaining older females)
  3. The second they interrupted with the Billy Graham death news item (RIP Pastor Graham) I turned it off because now we will have 2 days of 24 hour news where everyone tries to up-Evangelical each other talking about him and their "Faith." Faith without works is dead in my playbook, so there.
  4. Joe said that with the preponderance of digital imaging women will be able to see their fetus/embryo and are going to be more and more anti abortion. Huh??? This true? If I was set upon an abortion, unless some Southern Baptist politician forced me to get an ultrasound, I would never pursue getting any imaging at all. 8:10 is a bunch of Sarah sanders outtakes. I have come to believe that SHS is the smartest person in the White House. She can spout the lies quicker and more facilely than anyone I've ever seen, including psychopaths. Spicey always stammered and stuttered but Sanders ejects the lie immeditaley after the reporter's question. In a humorless deadpan emotionless style. I would love to see a SNL bit with her vs Satan. That was part of their "Let's pretend we're on an SNL segment on us"
  5. Believe me, I can't comprehend how these words are coming out of my mouth, but he's too much Queen. Dial it back to Alaska, please. It's distracting! I loved the new series--how long ago did the original air? Favorite episodes were #1 and the guy who came out---THAT was a PSA about coming out. I actually started crying. The Fireman and the guy with 6 kids were throwaways to me. I kept thinking, "you're stressed and rightly so. Why didn't you use some birth control?" He was cute though. His "reception" was the lamest thing ever. No food but 1 item that the uber-cute Antoni (he really is the hunkiest of all of them) made.
  6. 7:18 AM "Donald Trump is the type of person that people will stand in THE DRIVING RAIN to vote against." See, Joe can change! It's not just women, and now the rain is driving!
  7. Millenium, I am old enough to know what the heck you're talking about. Let's Charleston together... Everytime I need to know about what Clinton did, rather than look up video from 1993-2001, I come here. Thanks Joe.
  8. Hey! I thought two tone hair was all the rage now--like ombre? Oh, you say your tow tones occur at your part? Oh, okay then....
  9. 7:42 AM Joe: "People were out in the rain voting (OH DAMN)... I mean WOMEN WERE STANDING IN THE RAIN VOTING" (KA-CHING) She would make a great next wife for Trump. Then she can abandon all this Know Your Worth crap--the worth will be in the pre-nup, all spelled out....
  10. Oy, the time he has on his hands. I wish I had that much free time!!!
  11. Right now Joe is a million percent browbeating some poor schmoe that thought it was a good idea to write a book about Trumps' spirituality/religion. Apparently Trump is a BEELEEVER. Excuse me while I'm simultaneously barfing and laughing. Last night I turned on MSNBC and Donny is on and holy cow he's not wearing glasses. He looks like a different person. A different person who has a Neanderthal brow. Marla will not like. edited to add: According to Author Schmoe, God is going to judge Trump, you, me and everyone else on Morning Joe. I think we all are doing a pretty good job of that right here, don't you think, God??
  12. Ratner has charts! A brief shining moment to get me though the next 6 weeks of this gloomy, dark Winter. I'm sitting under my SAD light as I type this. You're shitting me. I'm thinking 60ish, and retired. Whoa...
  13. Me likey. I couldn't watch much today--do they touch on Omorosa's dramatically whispered, secretive conversation about Trump IN FRONT OF MICROPHONES? That was like a performance art piece.
  14. I don't know who that grey haired good looking man who was speaking around 8 :30, in tandem with !Anand!, but he is one hot looking older man. Since I am a hot looking older woman--match made in heaven. High School Joe had the same POMPADOUR!! RIP, Sister Margaret. Katty is back in extreme cat-eye territory.
  15. To me, it's looking more and more like Shangela and Ben as F2. Bebe may be too subdued for the trend this show has taken. Aja is a workhorse, isn't she? She comes up with great comments.
  16. But you have warm cookies!! Cookies or tanks...choose one. HEE! Hey, I have one! they go with everything and also make you look like a Beatnik. I have a new theory. Trump is not serious about any of this shit--calling Dems unwilling to stand "treasonous" and the parade schtick. He just knows that us and the media will go apeshit, and he likes to disrupt. In addition, he likes to see himself on the news. What can we do differently??
  17. At this point, the only thing to Stop the Insanity is for Kasey to change her name. Change it to something that is not able to be turned into a jingle or sound effect. Something like "Evelyn Farkas."
  18. Mika is such an elitist. "I walked out of the first Star Wars." Mika, you were 10 when it came out--just where did you go to when you walked out, the playground? I hate that humblebragging shit--I don't watch TV, I don't engage in lowbrow popular culture.
  19. Is this series canceled? Why else would they speed it up 8 months in one week?????
  20. The idea of all these people, including some very powerful, cooling their heels in an ostentatious Vermont house waiting for Liv is ridiculous. And what is even more so, she says she's goona wuite and they're all, "Ok, then. Whew...let's all go home now AND JUST LET HER GO WITHOUT REMOTELY QUITTING OR GIVING A PRESS CONFERENCE OR EVEN CALLING MELLIE??"
  21. The author that was on in the 8:55 Authorslot was good. Was it cool that Mika idly paged through his book the ENTIRE TIME he was on? Didn't, in the old days, didn't the interviewer READ the book in advance, or at least a synopsis prepared by an assistant? Yeah, he spent 8 hours a day for 5 months writing this book and Mika is treating it like it's the March Harpers Bazaar and she's in a doctor's waiting room..
  22. What I meant about her wearing black was about how actresses and such wear black for the new sexual harassment/Harvey Weinstein movement. I figured she would wear black to show solidarity for Nikki Hailey. Who was never accused, but allowed Mika her !GOTCHA!! moment yesterday. Yesssssssssssssssssssssss. The endless "If Democrats win, Nancy Pelosi _____" New blood please--new agenda, please.
  23. If Mika shows up tomorrow in black my eyes may roll right out of my head.
  24. Hey Oakville, if Phil sees his shadow tomorrow, will you be going to Florida to recap there for 6 weeks??
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