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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Definite eyebrow lift. She looks very cat-eyed. I was just thinking that this AM. New Years is apparently the MSNBC-approved time to have a plastic surgery. (IE: Trumps idiotic Mika facelift remark 1 year ago)
  2. "The flu has hit the Morning Joe crew." What kind of flu? Avian (chicken) flu? South of France flu? Nice job if you can get it. Katty said"schedule" (pronounced "sched-yule") about 8 times in a row today. Hee.
  3. Don't forget to tip your waiter! The veal is stringy tonight..... Yes, Oakville rose to glory with his glowing descriptions of Mika's "Unitarian Scarves."
  4. I am a cake addict but Sir, that is one cake I would not touch. Ewwww. Oh, and Cathy, STFU. Let your kid grow up and defend himself. Stop chirping in all the time.
  5. Next will come the wardrobe of hooker shoes used for one specific purpose. Don't ask me how I know this..... I see Derrick got his hair cut. It's not so Prince Valiant-y but I still like the manbun.
  6. This thread feels so odd this week, and I just realized that it's because Oakville thinks he can loll around Florida with a Mai Tai and not do a daily recap. What are we paying him for?? I loved the dramatic announcement that although Joe is on vacation this week (counting Mika's chickens perhaps) he is WRITING. He wrote an op ed where he waxed on about the impending fall of the Republican party in Nov. 2018. You know, the same FotRP that was talked about ad infinitum the last 4 months of the 2016 election--up to approx. 9 Pm on election night. I for one am not counting on it.
  7. Spurgie and Henry can be read secular books becuase they are good kids. But Israel, due to his incessant and constant manipulation, which we have been told about ad infinitum, needs to be trained up with constant Bible readings (probably about Hell and a dash of Sodom and Gomorrah thrown in for good measure)
  8. Except his hair is so drippy ;looking, Paul McCartney circa 1960s. The manbun made him more interesting. And that's a nice Xmas Eve photo--Daddy reads Charles Dickens or The Night Before Christmas to his sons. Ohhhhhhhhhhh... it's The Bible.... Ok then....
  9. FROM THAT HALPERIN TWITTER THINGIE (cant figure out how to quote it): Mika is showing her true Colors. I called it on her years ago. Awful, bitter woman. Please cancel that low rated show she does with her just as awful boyfriend. Please people wake up! She is all hatred. Oh and her scowl too. Ouchie!!
  10. WARM FLORIDA---YOU BITCH! Now wait--isn't that near Mar a Lago? Hmmmm. Don't be getting any bloody facelifts over the holiday. Happy holidays to all The Faithful Posters on this thread! You all sure lighten and brighten my work days.
  11. Yep. Your wife ain't gonna shovel. She Knows Her Worth....
  12. OAKVILLE, you obviously don't need to go to work today!! I'll bet Canada has a law where everyone gets off with pay the 3 days before Xmas. And free hot cookie delivery to boot! Please adopt us all here on this MJ thread??????
  13. At 8:55 either Joe or Donny said that Haley was acting like Pauly Walnuts threatening to shake down someone. I feel bad about saying this because I am also a woman, but NH has no gravitas whatsoever and seems like someone who accidentally landed this very prestigious job. It's also like, but for different reasons, imagining Sara Palin having the chops to be a governor. I just hate who the world is surely seeing the US now. Oakville--how is Canada thinkin' up there? Also, when they did the whole schtick about Mike Pence's obsequious slimy hand-job of a speech to Trump, I kept yelling in the car "Use the word TOADY USE THE WORD TOADY" Then visions of A Christmas Story flew into my head of Scott Farkuss and his TOADY Grover.
  14. This AM as I was getting out of the shower, a thought popped into my mind. Derrick needs to stay off of social media/ Twitter posting and fights and spend that extra newfound time in prayer for the evil and negativity in the world. Not be out there posting and getting into flame wars with those who do not agree. The monks, nuns, sadhus, etc. in this world do this--attempt to change the world by praying and elevating the vibration of the planet, not by arguing and trying to shove beliefs down the throats of internet users.
  15. This reminds me of a fantastic one liner from a so-so movie, "The House." They are trying to come up with $40,000 a year tuition for their daughter to attend Bucknell (I think.) They go to their financial planner who says they are broke, and Ferrel says, "But it says here they we have $401,000!" The planner deadpans, "Sir, it says you have a 401 K."
  16. Spurgie looks like an elf or a cherub. What a cutie. Jill in jeans again? I'm surprised that God didn't shatter all the holiday lights in protest to her disobedience.
  17. Mika saying she never watches movies is like the person who refuses to watch anything other than PBS (like my ex.) Its humblebragging. Humblebragging that you don't participate in the entertainments of the masses.
  18. I just CANNOT STAND how manipulative that Israel is.... Jill better have a 3rd so that, THIS TIME, Israel realizes he's not the center of his parents universe. Twitter is.....
  19. I agree, however, you trade it off for making tons of money which I as a private citizen have no acess too. So.... do not feel sorry for any of them. I think I read that is a requirement, you have to get part of your tuition in donations. Being a minister or missionary--half your job is constant fundraising I imagine.
  20. Since I do not have Twatter, may I add to Mika's Movie List?; Anaylze This; Moonstruck; Tootsie Why is Joe calling Rep Brady "Kevin"? Doesn't he usually call them by their title--if not, he should be. Again we hear about her abduction to the South of France when she was a teen. What the hell is it with that??? Edited to add: Something about her "walking out of Deliverance " rang odd with me. She was born in 1970, Deliverance was in the theaters 1972. Okay then....
  21. Shit, Millennium, let's stay out of each other's heads!! Coming here to make that same wildly hilarious pun. TODAY at 7:30 AM EST, it's the Death of the Republican party!! The very death, I tell ya'! (not to be confused with the DotRP from last week per Joe, nor the DotRP of the last 6 months of the Presidential Election--up to approx. 9 Pm on the night of the Presidential Election) It's Night of the Living Republicans!!
  22. I'll sure as hell take substance over flash. He seemed pretty nervous this AM--of course he's probably just stepping out as a candidate. It's so early--Trump is going to need some time to drum up a good belittling moniker...
  23. Nononono. If you want to start the Fart Smelling Olympics, Noah Rothman will have everyone beat by half. Soooo supercilious! Who the heck is John Delaney, the first Pres candidate?? Don't you at this point in hyper-American politics need more charisma to run???
  24. Ok, this AM women are standing in long lines, but for some strange reason, it's no longer raining.... Ok Paul Ryan says he is NOT leaving Congress next year, but there are 36 credible resources saying he is. I hate politics--so many lies.
  25. Maybe Sassy is a female horse, age between 13 and 16? (rimshot)
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