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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Ewww. Did you read that link? MyAimIsTrue, can we hose down this thread for having that link appear on it? Who acts like this in the business world (Hollywood I can somehow understand).
  2. I always leave out the HUCKABEE because that's how she got her job, using the family surname and I don't want to give her one more shred of credit, the lying, dead eyed, dead voiced cow (oops I did it again...) This AM on MJ they did say that the one thing (and only one thing) Trump is being successful at is the systemic tearing apart of the entire past 8+ years of the government regulatory system.
  3. YES but SHS is vile. She has absolutely no energy or soul. Dead behind the eyes, dead drawling voice, fantastic ability to make up lying shit on the fly! Last night I went to a lecture given by Carl Bernstein. He basically said she is the worst baldfaced lying liar who ever lied. I wish SNL would turn away from KAC and onto SHS. I hate when she does this!! She reminds me of the Queen Bee in high school who pulls attention away from her Quarterback boyfriend when he is talking with his team mates. Yes, but how many endangered African animals has she shot??
  4. Well there's one hour of my life I'll never get back. Mellie is one second short of writing love notes in her Trapper Keeper. My Papa Pope hate has transfigured itself into love. I mean, who could not love a scene stealer like that? The drama! The bellowing!! The sitting on the floor inconsolable! He does it all!!
  5. Just try listening rather than watching, like I do. It's a 3 hour Mutterfest. It's very apparent when you listen, you hear these little barbs made, sighs, and animal-like noises. How many mill does she pull in??? Former Librul Nascar Lover/Pig Shooter--didn't he work for NPR or something, to add insult to injury??
  6. I know, it's too sexual for 6:30 AM. HEE!!! Very true. This same restraint prevents me from daily calling Sarah Sanders "a cow." (oops I called Sara Sanders a cow) Oops yes, Trump. Apparently my mind has erased his name I would imagine she had a perhaps over-the-top emotional reaction due to grief from their own situation of losing a family member/partner.
  7. But according to Soul-less Sara, the !SHOCKING! comments the Rep made were not during her speech but while walking around the crowd. Okay Sweetie, there were lots of people at that ceremony, let some of them step up on either side.
  8. Elyce Jordan (is that the lady who was an aide to Bush--although she looks too young) was SPITTING with fury at Bush over his behcvior to the fallen solider's widow. Spitting and enraged.
  9. Am I allowed to say that Hans Nichols looks like an alien?? He needs different glasses. Unfortunately, I think he did this for Love of Country. I can only hope that the Gold Star family comment was snark. I can not for the life of me decide if Cowboy Congresswoman (tm oakville, HEE!) was right or wrong to make such a drama over this. Trump says every single thing in the Universe incorrectly. And the sky is blue. Move on.
  10. ...plus the judicious addition of a couple of stuffed chickens. Not the rubber kind. Can you use poster paint on a large piece of cardboard to approximate a bunker??
  11. Yea this AM Mika is going on and on about how Trumps mentally ill (probably true) and he's about to decimate the Universe (probably true), then her voice shifts, lightens and she's all "...and don't forget to get your tickets to Know Your Worth, with Sara Jessica Parker, etc etc." Yeah, the world is gonna incinerate next week, but dammit if we women aren't all going to get the most we can out of the resulting holocaust!!
  12. Is this programmed into your phone to pre-populate every time you open the voice-to-words app? Hee Millenium! I'M SOOO SICK OF the fallen soldier calls schtick. At some point the US is just going to have to decide that a regular US President's behavior/attittude/actions are at this level, then titrate it down 85% less for Trump's norm, and just go with it. We can't go on like this, everyday pearl clutching over Trump. If he shoots a 90 year old blind woman in a wheelchair on MSNBC, then we'll talk. Otherwise, we're giving him the attention that he craves, dominating the world's news cycle--why give him anything he wants? We're not getting rid of him unless Mueller comes up with a charge so sit back in your chair and put up your feet. GEEZ!
  13. It's 8:45 and they're talking about a book. That is reserved for 8:55. Wassup???
  14. I have a different take on CallGate. First, as I say ad infinitum, I listen to MJ, don't watch until I get to my office. So am listening to the Congresswoman and she has done TONS to work with mentoring of African American youth, also started a program about the girls kidnapped by Boko Haram, personally knew the fallen Sargeant from her mentoring program and to top it all off was a school principal to his father!! All good stuff. Then I come to work, turn on the monitor and see Hoe Down on the Las Vegas Strip, all rolled up in a hat. What do they say about dressing for the job? I feel torn--on one hand she is older thus may dress wacky, and I know African American ladies wear hats like 100 times more than other ladies....but MAN!!, what a way to have your appearance distract from your message. And you know Trump is going to have a field day with her. Steve Bannon I think was fired on purpose by Trump so he can work behind the scenes. But the !GOTCHA! about his comments on Goldman Sachs and !GOTCHA! those dumb rednecks he's talking to don't realize he worked for GS---!GOTCHA! Makes no sense--since he worked for them he's exactly in the position to be in the know about what they are like. Over-reach.
  15. How PITIFUL is it that I had NO PROBLEM believing our President said that. Geez Louise. Good one Oakville. I'm used to 98% of your posts starting "Joe is mad that ________________"
  16. SERIOUSLY??? the phone was invented 1876. Lincoln died 1865. (does someone have a gif of Stork in Animal House saying, "you MO-ron"?)
  17. Dan Daniels the Forbes reporter= The McDreamy of Morning Joe. He's almost too pretty for the naked eye. Ha!! Yes I guess KAC and SHS know their value alright--lying mouthpieces for Trump. Can I amend this statement? It seems to me that Joe has superficial knowledge of the_______________ (fill in the blank in any which way whatsoever), or doesn't bother to learn more.
  18. That was 6 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Totally stupid and TMI. And then Olivia's braying laugh was scary. Isn't there a kind of snake that "laughs" before it kills you?? (or some other animal--sorry I didn't sleep well last night) How gorgeous was Abby and her dress!!! And David can't even get a girl to hold his hand. Attorney General of the US and still a schmoe. I would rather watch an entire new Fall series of Huck and his wounded eyes going to all kinds of events--State Dinner, child's birthday party with bounce house, bat mitzvah--and the comments and "hilarity" that would ensue. DEAR MOD: Why does the SCANDAL thread no longer appear on the first alphabetical listing page, it appears with the old shows? Can you fix it?? thanks
  19. Hee! That's all, did not sleep last night and woke up to hurriedly call my daughter (on the ACA exchange) and tell her to get her procrastinating butt to the doctor immediately, soon you won't be able to afford insurance anymore.
  20. I don't know what happened in the news--but Joe complained that Melania was bitching about "an ex Mrs. Trump" (Ivana I imagine, since she's been in the news) rather than worrying about Puerto Rico. This seemed to be compared to her hubby, who is lashing out at the NFL while those pesky folks in PR are dying.
  21. Passable Thurston Howell III imitation.. Mika is basically a high paid announcer with a nice voice. As I don't watch, only listen, I get another viewpoint on MJ. All I hear is her introducing guests, in and out of segments, and making little mutters at other's statements. YES! to the Weinstein Enough Already statement. As I said before, I thought the "Casting Couch" that has been around since the beginning of film was still in place? What do I know? Hillary's blurb pissed me off. you are no longer running for anything--tell it like it is!1 "I was friends with me, AS WERE OTHERS," etc. always adding that disclaimer. made me mad.
  22. "I have a great brain." You Canadians (sneer font) aren't even willing to share a simple holiday with the US. Have fun, take your $2.00 good meds before dinner and did you save any of your free post-surgery cookies to eat for dessert?? (I kid...I kid because I love)
  23. That's because covering almost anything other than what Trump is doing is like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic!!! He's that awful and that inept! We are the Titanic and Trump is the iceburg. Lotsa good stuff on this AM. I missed some segment, maybe concerning Pence going to the football game for like 3 minutes and like $250,000--but it was something about using an old photo and they thought we wouldn't notice??? I am not being sarcastic, but I seriously thought the shit Weinstein was pulling on actresses was happening all the time in Hollywood. Actresses (and sometimes men too) would always be having to give a BJ in the limo, or whatever, to get the part. WHEN DID THIS STOP? I'm serious here--but then again how would I know.
  24. Who the hell would hire Quinn Perkins and Associates???
  25. Around 7:00 AM today there was some glitsch where you could hear the crew talking in the background for about 5 minutes. would be curious if it was on the main set or in one of the Brady Bunch boxes. Around 8:15 we find out that Ivana trump, Ivanka's mom, talks to The Donald once a week and has advised him to continue tweeting. I imagine it would go something like this: "Vy yes, Donalt, by all meanz continue the tveeting, you are so strong and masterful. And yes, continue to send me my $100,000 a month alimony..."
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