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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Oakville, I'm waiting for the link to your new GoFundMe....... What, no love for the 10 minutes they spent on explaining the new award Mika's going to get in April from some Women In The Media In NYC Who Know Their Value? The same one Meryl Streep, Gloria Steinam et al have received???
  2. HEE!!!! Kate Mckinnon did nail Mika's muttering, squirminess and OTT reactions perfectly. And the wardrobe!!!I agree that McKinnon is on screen too much. Give the part of girl sitting in an office meeting to the new girl for once.
  3. He's there because he is in essence, retired. When you are retired, you go with your wife to pick up a prescription. You both go together to buy milk, because, what else do you have to do? My sister who is retired, I asked her one day to come with me to visit an elderly aunt--I was taking a 1/2 day off work to do this. She said, "Well that was the day we were going to buy our strawberry plants at the nursery." When you don't have to WORK and have funds from a pension, social security or Grifting Security, the pattern of your days is different than ours. I have to shoehorn in every appointment or errand using a scientific algorithm that makes time appear where there actually is none.
  4. Evelyn Farkas is into fashion. She normally wears interesting things. Who would think someone named "Evelyn Farkas" would be into fashion? Seems like a battleaxe name. Norweigians think the USA is a "Shithole country". WRONG!! Only women Vote in the Rain For Hours. What weather do men vote in?? At 8:45, Heidi will be doing The Frug in a cage suspended from the MJ set ceiling.
  5. Evelyn Farkas is into fashion. She normally wears interesting things. Who would think someone named "Evelyn Farkas" would be into fashion? Seems like an old battleaxe name. At 8:45, Heidi will be doing The Frug in a cage suspended from the MJ set ceiling.
  6. I was just coming here to say the same thing. Sounds like Christianspeak-- "The Word of the Lord poured into our hearts." Very flowery religion, that is. Just awesome!!! I'm so glad that you poured that onto this Thread!!!
  7. The chick in the yellow plaid with the bagel slays me. She's like, "Yeah, yeah, purity and all that, but I need a nosh!" Jill is not wearing jeans she's wearing either leggings or jeggings. All fine and good but man, to go from needing to wear a long skirt to LEGGINGS is a big ole' leap in defraudment!
  8. RAND PAUL IS A NUTJOB. A conspiracy in the FBI= a guy and his GF emailing about how Trump is unfit. Her voice is very "froggy." Maybe it's the fumes from the gunpowder last week? Mika says Lil Steven Miller is, "like 2."
  9. Huh? I thought that was how they got Lisa Murkowski and such to vote yes on the tax bill? They kept talking about how various Senators chagned their vote because they were promised things. So how can that be? The Court ruled they had to re-draw the districts more fairly by Jan. 28th or such, but the Repubs aren't going to since they are going to appeal. Wake Up! Think of Oakville's sacrificing each AM for us!
  10. So Bannon got ousted!! Awesome, now he has more time to spend on his clothes and grooming. It won't matter though, he'll still stay knee-deep in his Alt-Right drama. That Rep. Boyle talking about the "Stable Genius Act" looks about 20 and even has acne. I know!! it's like 2 steps forward, one step back..... Did not see--what was that?? 'Splain, Lucy.
  11. I'm envisioning Trump in his re-election rally, rolling out a red wagon with 80 pounds of fat in it, then completing the zing by telling America he wouldn't lay her.
  12. HEE! TOP 3 JOE SCARBOROUGH TROPES 1. Women Voting in the Rain 2. High School Football coaches 3. The !END! of the Republican Party This is the 3rd time I've posted this but it bears repeating. Is this the same End of the Republican Party that was occurring the last 6 months of the 2016 election--up until approx. 9 PM that night? How many times can the Republican party end? Is this Groundhog Day?? Your fault for leaving Florida to come back to Canada. You could have remained there as an illegal alien, and contributed to Wacky Stories About Floridians. They are many illegal aliens, so Trump said once. Then you could have raped people, brought in crime, carried cantaloupes and developed large calf muscles!!
  13. Ok early AM bathtub MJ musings here: Noah Rothman has lost a bunch of weight! Anybody else think so? He hasn't, however, lost his "smelling something bad" look.
  14. She has a horrible old-lady haircut now. I dunno, I think he was cute in his Nepal days. He does have nice hair and rolling around Nepal is a cool thing to do, also. The young marriage with 2 kids rapid-fire sure has dimmed his allure.
  15. He figures there'll be a lot of women to insult and/or sexually harass since there will be a "Crimson Tide" there .(is this too vulgar for 9 AM?)
  16. The BOOK author, on at 7:30 said that Bannon and KAC were the ones who arranged White House access for him. I haven't seen KAC for months , cause I don't watch FauxNews, but this would be awesome if this fact caused her ousting. I loathe her. Should I say I "alternately" loathe her.
  17. It seems like the Magic Key that makes it "moral" is somehow you must Grift for the Lord. If Jesus, God or the Bible is somehow mentioned, than it's not grifting, it's A Calling. ( By that formula, an Atheist Hispanic man named "Jesus" is an A-OK grifter.)
  18. But he has "the best words." Millenium, you are this Thread's resident play-on-wordsmith!!!
  19. Blerrgggg. All he needs is a cross to climb on. (I don't mean to be disrespectful to Jesus,) but Derrick is pulling the "I'm more martyred than you are" schtick. And Cathy is his faithful sidekick. GEEZ...you'd think that if they were getting all reviled for their tweets, and it's so awful, they would, ya know, STOP DOING THEM??? last time I looked, we need food, clothing, shelter, and not Twitter.
  20. Can anyone tell me if the new RuPauls Drag Race book that came out in November is any good? There are ZERO reviews on Amazon.
  21. No demented, demeaning lightening on the Kasie Hunt intro today. Peter Alexander in a beanie--semi-yummy. Presented for your approval: a possible sub for "women voting in the rain"--- HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL COACHES
  22. I just watched the pot clip about Desert Springs CA. Wondering why you need a warehouse to grow pot there? You think they'd have year round growth conditions. Anyway, Joe is in the bunker, doesn't look/sound even vaguely sick to me. South of France flu, indeed?? I hope the Dems don't waste a penny of funds trying to run a Democrat against Uber Mormon Mitt. Sold his soul--well Trump said on TV that Mitt offered him a blowjob to work with him ("He would go on his knees, ya know").
  23. From Google: "Jupiter is called a gas giant planet." Yep. Sounds right. Also--the flu??? He "caught it" in Florida. Better make sure you don't come back with a tan after your convalescense Who was the dark hair lady that was blathering on about 8:50? She had eyes that darted all over the place, like someone who'd never been on TV before. Katty somewhat rudely cut her off at 8:55. very abruptly too! Gotta keep on sched-yule.
  24. What happened to "buy used save the difference," Peepaw/Boob???
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