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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. He IS an athlete! He is an expert marksman (Pistol Pete) and a noted Cat Tobboganist.
  2. Well, it's been 11 years since her Emmy-worthy "Paris Hilton Is NOT News" revelation. which, by the way, on the stream I watch MJ on still plays as a commercial!
  3. MIKA KNOWS HER VALUE!! Invite an author on who you know has made a sexual slur against a prominent female politician, put him down, say his book was written very quickly, and shuttle him off the set. Now everyone knows who didn't know previously, including myself, that it is said that Trump and Nikki Haley had an affair (eww, just eww.) Rather, as a Journalist of Integrity (hee) you should not have had him on in the first place!!! (I would only sleep with Trump for a wardrobe of top couture clothing and handbags, like Melania did.) Yeah, I commented here about a month ago. Noah Rothman too I think. edited to add: Does Rand Paul make sense or has his Jerri Curl solution seeped into his brain?
  4. Joe criticizing Trump, then automatically throwing to the Clinton bashing immediately after is like Jerry Seinfeld adding "and there's nothing wrong with that..."
  5. I'm glad no Democrats invited her to sit in on the speech. Keep it classy Dems (unlike Trump with Bill Clinton's accusers). I couldn't watch last night. I have this uncontrollable reaction when I see Trump do that hand gesture he always does (fingers curled, moving hand up and down vertically to highlight his stupid points as he's speaking.) Its like a Kramer-Mary Hart thing to me. Signed, Also a Dreamer.....
  6. Anyone else turn on MJ today with the looming apprehension of a high school senior opening the decision letter from the only college he applied to for the Fall? I knew it was going to be the State of the Union Follies. Can someone hear strap on a barf bag and watch it for us--take one for the team?? It is! It's one of those pre-paid Visa cards for those whose credit is fucked. That's why its F ISA.
  7. Did you know there's a prescription medication for that? Hee! I love you Oakville! Noah "Fartsmeller" Rothman.
  8. Great comment. I thought this episode was written by a 14 year old Emo boy from 2008.
  9. That before and after of Hannity backpedalling over calling Trumps trying to fire Mueller lies and fake news was hysterical. You'd think having no soul would make one look less bloated.... Did they ever say what happened to Donny (ie "the mugging") Did his 25 year old girlfriend go to town on him with her French tips??
  10. However cut and pasted this Tweet here, neglected to include Derrick's last sentence: "Oh by the way, Ghandi's in Hell now."
  11. Like Joe's "former socks?" All those indignant Republicans that were sputtering this AM on MJ about the "lost emails," and "Secret FB Committees to Dethrone Trump" have to hear that the lost emails were do to the Secret Committee Known as Samsung and it happened to about a thousand other customers too for the same months. HA!
  12. Oh God, I forgot that! Remember when Dan Quayle was considered a "joke?" "Howdya like me now," he says.... This made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Joe always has something that he is sooo very sure of that evaporates down the line. Like the DOTRP (death of the Republican party)
  13. I am reading this as Trump is going to "purge" himself. like he's so distraught over the investigation, that he will become bulimic. By the way, Oakville, you are a National Treasure. Nic Cage will be playing you in the sequel....
  14. HOLE EE SHIT!!! Joe! You are NOT allow to wear dress shoes without socks unless you are under 25, gay, or work in fashion. PREFERABLY ALL 3!!!
  15. Oh Geez--I saw the red part and I'm thinking S A T A N !! (said in The Church Lady voice)
  16. God, you Canadians! Recycle your TV. Doesn't anybody over there ever take a drive down a country road and pitch shit out of the back of the car? Trump supporters would....
  17. GOD ALMIGHTY!! Even a government shutdown cannot stop Kasie's lightening blots! I can see this happening: "And North Korea has launched a missile towards US territory, Kasie (insert lightening bolt graphic and sound) Hunt is covering." PLEASE tell me that the 60ish protest-march sounding song played over the Womens March II coverage wasn't Joe's. Because it sounded weird. Edited to add at 8:15: HOLY COW I WAS RIGHT!! Didn't read the previous posts b4 posting, sorry. Joe I can see what you are doing. Trump isn't going to fire 32 year old Stephen Miller because you are saying overandoverandover that he is controlling Trump. Oakville, how many of us can you fit in your snug Canadian house? We will sleep on floors, shovel snow and cart TVs around your house as payment. HELP US!!!
  18. You are right. The whole"Sam Stein needs to buy tech a Starbucks apology card" was labored over for about 15 minutes over about an hour and a half. What's that phrase about Nero (?) fiddling while Rome burns?? HEE! "I have seen marlins landed more easily." Millenium, I would not have pegged you as a big sport fishing fan!
  19. Yeah but last week Heidi wore a mod 1960's Emilio Pucci knockoff dress. Where did that "Breakout look" come from? Oh, oh Jordan Baker I just figured out why Heidi had 2 braids in your dream. It's from Heidi--the Book/ movie by Joanna Spyri (spell?) Heidi was a little German girl in the Alps! Was one of my favs as a child. I don't wanna know from Joe Scarborough. He was fine until that schiksa Mika got her hands on him. And that Willie Geist is such a mensch.
  20. I think once the Mod wakes up we all will be dinged for being OTT on the vegan convo. Cathy telling everyone to turn to Jesus so you won't go to Hell when you die--this has always perplexed me. I would think Jesus/God would want you to love him for his own sake, not to avoid Hell??
  21. Oy Vey. Panhandle Pete pronounced it "chutspaw." Hasn't he worked and at least had an apartment in NYC for years? Its a shanda.
  22. Chloe'smom and I each get our $5 back.... I was listening to the entire "report" on Sirius and I thought perhaps I was listening to a 14 year old boy reading the homeroom news. He was stuttering, stammering and using "you know" and "um" more than Caroline Kennedy. Either he's very inexperienced with media or HE IS A LYING LIAR WHO LIES??? Which is it? I say, let's get Dr. Jason Bull on this STAT! Just watch, in about a month the Dr. will be relocating to his new condo on the 10th green at Mar a Lago. Yep, there goes Joe's pet theory that Trump has either Dementia, Alzheimers, or Munchausens By Proxy. She sure as hell did!! All of America was embarrassed for her.
  23. The opening segment with Dave and the Beard in All It's Glory was hard to look at. I asked Mr. Whine, "Is Dave in his mid-80s???" Obama is soo uber cool. I was hoping for a "Howja like me now??" from him.
  24. In the comments, a poster starts berating Derrick about his Jazz comments and another poster replies about how it's offensive to take a post about MLK and turn it around and rant, etc. I'm starting to think, "Hey I agree with you, lay off on MLK Day," then the poster adds--"IN OTHER WORDS, TAKE YOUR LIBERAL BEHIND SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!!!" ooopsie......
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