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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. That's pretty damn funny, but not as funny as Sam Stein going , "Oim Bernie Bernstein. Oy Vey I got matzoh ball soup on my tie!" Mika can kinda be like a "nun." She's kinda sheltered and sorta prudish. (aren't they called PLUSHIES??)
  2. I gotta find some way to have Sam Stein playing on an endless loop. Mika and Joe had tears in their eyes and were dabbing at them with Kleenex!
  3. I didn't know that MJ production even had the software/server to be able to project a Fox News clip. A first? I missed this segment so I looked it up. Comedy gold! "Hi, this is Bernie Bernstein. I’m a reporter for The Washington Post calling to find out if anyone at this address is a female between the ages of 54 to 57 years old willing to make damaging remarks about candidate Roy Moore for a reward of between $5,000 and $7,000 dollars," says the caller. "We will not be fully investigating these claims. However, we will make a written report." EDITED LATER TO ADD: They just replayed this segment. I never saw the panel crack up so much. Sam Stein was hysterical (in a Broad comic SNL-worthy Ny accent): "This is Bernie Bernstein. I just came from schul...." Good for Sessions! There is some movie (a Star Wars??) where the protagonist, who has become an Evil Force, does one last good thing and saves The Hero b4 he brutally dies. For this, Trump is going to dip Sessions in 10 karat gold and hang him over his escalator.
  4. When this was said someone, maybe Willie?, said that the fact that he signed this as "Roy Moore, District Attorney" was a silent admonishment to the victim to remember his power and position. So in that vein, when Jane Fleisher wrote in my yearbook, "remember all the fun times we had in the back row of chorus" she was really saying, "I'll stab you if you tell anyone we were passing diet pill uppers around during the Spring Fling concert."
  5. Yeah, Oakville, sitting pretty up in Canada has tons of time to make up nicknames and eat hospital-supplied warm cookies because he doesn't have to spend time worrying about whether our President is going to get us all blown up and bankrupted .... (I kid--I kid because I love) Is that the same as "stunning superficiality?"
  6. Like a meek sheep I have just accepted that NW is "Cackles," but where did she get that nickname????
  7. Nope, the show doesn't "sparkle" without Joe and Mika. It's just a news lite show without them. Especially Joe being all bombastic over everything. Pre-Trump the other hosts would be ok, but Joe adds extra oomph to the show. At their party--Donny's blazer, Oy Vey but the no-socks look? Trying to hard.
  8. I had trouble with this concept. What happened to innocent until proved guilty? I almost crapped when that Alabama legislator kindly pointed out that the Virgin Mary and Joseph was also a teenager/older man combo and---they made Jesus!! Can someone shoot me if I ever cross over the Alabama border??
  9. Thanks! I always wonder, when MJ broadcasts photos of Steve Bannon accompanying his quotes, do they have a thumb drive labelled "Bad rosacea, homeless looking, (no disrespect intended to the homeless) rumpled photos of Steve Bannon," or is the guy so horrible looking that there is NO good shot available??
  10. OMIGOD!! Wild-haired Anand has the same hair color as Donna Brazille!
  11. I know! Even if you DIDN'T make the obvious Trump vs. Obama gravitas comparison, it was a great collage of photos.
  12. First, everyone might as well admit that Donna couldn't make it this AM, so Queen Latifah slapped on a grey wig and stood in for her. Man, they have the exact same voice. Anyway, Donna was back pedaling harder than a Tour de France contestant sliding backwards down an Alp. I think it's shameful and yes, done for the massive PR her book got when it came out.
  13. Dennis Leary's hair is rivaling Joe's in it's height and poufiness.
  14. LOL!--no, it was an actual glitch in the streaming, a mechanical issue, not not issue that Joe is an idjut that repeats something over and over until it is disproved down the line....
  15. WHAT IS A NIGHTMARE? 1. I watch MJ streaming on my laptop and I don't know why, maybe the impending storm, but every single sentence Joe said was repeated 3 times. Yes, 3 times the mad, 3 times the smug, and 3 times the Mika grimaces and sighs. 2. Later this AM I was forced to watch Faux News in a hospital waiting room and listening to a shrieking litany of post-shooting "!They're taking away our guns to appease Michael Bloomburg!! " at 8 AM while waiting to be called for an important test appears in some Hieryomous Bosch painting of Hell somewhere.
  16. Today Joe's hair is so swoopy it looks like Max Headroom Oh.. just saw the Know Your Value montage/tent revival. Although this sounds shallow...My God Mika looks incredible. Also, I didn't know Joe was so tall. I'm not sure I have ever seen them standing next to each other, only lounging on car hoods and the like.
  17. I bit my tongue yesterday about posting on how this is a once a week occurance now, does the reporting on it have to be an all-day thing with no other news being shown? Or 2 day thing? this probably sounds bad, but I don't want to hear it hashed out over and over. Peter King seems reasonable for a Repub. I am washing, waxing, and polishing the bus for the moment it drives over Golden Boy Jared Kushner. Wait for it 'cause its a' comin'.
  18. Yeah, property in Connecticut and faded red Nantucket pants don't make up for the Pensacola upbringing and the scads of relatives that voted for Trump....
  19. It's 6 AM and they're !GIDDY!, !GIDDY! I tell 'ya! I like that the only photo they can dig up of Papdopoulous is the one where he is sitting in a meeting with others and Trump, with a circle drawn around his and Trumps' head. Subtle there....
  20. This is great---At 8 AM they were talking about Manafort and his Russian ties and they said something happened after "The Orange Revolution." I just assumed "The Orange Revolution" was when Trump won the election!!! Turns out this had nothing to do with Trump, happened after an election in the Ukraine in 2004. BUTTTTT-- I think MJ could definitely use that term on their show!
  21. OMFG I'm reading this that she ended up as a HOOKER on Larry King! Why aren't young or good looking guys rubbing their dicks on women in the workplace?
  22. Well....it was better than last week's snoozefest, but only by a small margin. Already they are setting up the Olivia Redemption Arc. The new White Hat Agency (can't be bothered to look up it's current name) is pathetically, embarrassingly eager--nice assortment of killers and torturers eager to locate little girls. And Mellie is still writing "Mrs. Mellie Bashari" in her Trapper Keeper.
  23. I liked the handling of it. And they went straight to commercial right after, so none of the men had to say anything. Noah Rothman has one of those "I look like I'm smelling something bad" faces. I am perpetually upset that every time Chris Christie appears on TV talking about an issue I always think "This man sounds measured and sensible," and then I remember it's Chris Christie and he's a humongous tool.
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