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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. "PENIS GOOD VAGINA BAD"..... Donny Deutcsh Angus king looks like an Angus King. When you watch him muted he looks like a Scottish lord of the manor.
  2. Nah, Jill would be like, "Hey is Ayurvedic near Little Rock? And do they have a Starbucks??"
  3. I thought I heard how it will be phased on, so voters won't see their taxes go up until AFTER the 2018 or 2020 elections? This Am's MJ was PSYCHOLOGY TODAY again. What a waste of time.
  4. I imagine as we speak, that idiotic "Project Veritas" is, under Trump's urging, taking on this case. Envision a Mika lookalike coming out and saying Joe groped her at one his dumb concerts
  5. What, did Joe drive a secretary off a bridge in New England and not report it until it was too late?? i know nothing about this....
  6. Morning Joe, also known as Psychology Today with Joe as Sigmund Freud and Barnicle as Carl Jung, discuss how Trump has dementia, or a mental disorder. A year ago he made a statement that he was sorry for making locker room talk about grabbing "kittycats," but yesterday he said that wasn't his voice on the Billy Bush tape! Altzheimers! Borderline Personality Disorder! Mentally ill! What they neglect to instead discuss is how he is totally and completely without morals or any modicum of decency, lies constantly because he's always gotten away with it, is getting away with it now, and will probably get away with it when he gets re elected in 2020..
  7. I don't have the time today, but a Morning Joe Haiku contest would be super!!
  8. teddysmom, you Know Your Value. I am Pennsylvania Dutch. In PA Dutch there's a term, "stroobly." It means disheveled or stringy, especially in the hair. Mika's hair has been looking STROOBLY lately.
  9. HEE!!! Nose piercing laundry photo. Sammy's face is totally "Get me the frick outta here!!" The photo with the rainbow wrap --Jill's hair looks like it's in dreads. Try as she may--there is NOTHING cool about being a fundy Duggar. NOTHING. So stop trying, girrlll.
  10. Can we add "Birmingham suburbs" to the list of pre-recorded statements that Joe says over and over and over. And then some more again. Like "Trump is a lifelong Democrat," and "Women standing out in the rain." Could that new Alabama write in candidate possibly have been more boring? Also, although he didn't dig at the 2 contenders much (even LEFT WING COMMUNIST Doug Jones) he also said absolutely nothing to show how he was qualified.
  11. Oakville, during this thanksgiving season, I am thankful for YOU.....r recaps. I could sit here all morning and read "Joe is mad at..." "Joe is shouting at.." (in fact--i DO sit here all morning and read that) I was lying in the bathtub listening and wondering where the party was? Did they all stop off at the Pot Candy food truck before the taping?? And then Mika pontificating about women who, wait for it, SLEEP WITH THEIR BOSSES to get a promotion!!!!
  12. abbeym your an idjut (both PURPOSELY mis-spelled to match her post)
  13. That sweater needs it's own Insta. Dwerp's hair is veering into Amish territory.
  14. Today is the first day I ever realized Dana Millbank was not a woman. I am known for not paying attention. WTF they get to quit the show at 8 AM today? The Hell?? I guess that means they will get $7,000 cut out of each of their paychecks.
  15. I used to steal money from my Dad's wallet to order Scholastic Book Club books. I remember checking off the form and handing it in. Who steals money to buy books?? Have a warm cookie too. Someone told me once, somewhere, that Canadians love cookies.....
  16. Oy Vey, the flame war on that feed!!! It's hysterical . Here's a sample of the flame war on Derek's most recent post: (BOLDING MINE.) Oh Derek you won't win. Give up, bro. The photo Derek used on his Go Grift Me page looks like an American hiker with his sherpa. He couldn't have used a photo of him building a house, or digging a well? Ohhhhh............
  17. Included in this is the punishment for his awfully lowball Steve Bannon interview.
  18. What is this? Mika is delivering a 45 minute sililoquy outlining everything thing that ever happened about Trump and the Russia scandal in an emphatic voice. All that was missing was the Russian National Anthem playing the background. Was Trump arrested since I left my house this AM--why are they doing this now??? Is this the equivalent of the Top 100 countdown on Am radio on NY Eve? Because she has a wedding planned with him...
  19. Okay I loathe Trump and all his cohorts, Roy Moore included. But in this segment (and on all news shows, to be fair) they keep calling Moore a "pedophile" and a "child molester." They specifically said those 2 phrases this AM on MJ. I don't understand how preferring teen girls, uber creepy and wrong as this is, makes you a "pedophile" and or "child molester"?
  20. This is how the religious organizations serving the homeless operates, like the Salvation Army.
  21. NOAH ROTHMAN: 1. looks like a 1930's news reporter today. All that is missing is the fedora with a PRESS card stick in the band 2. how can someone look like they are smelling something bad 24 hours a day?
  22. H.R. Kathcart your entire post was funnnnnny.
  23. Umm what forum have you been reading and posting on? OMIGOD doesn't everyone see that the "candle" Cyrus' new millionaire boyfriend gave him is a listening device????? It has a charm of sorts on the front of it. he gave it to Cyrus so he can think of the BF who is staying in the mountains. NO IDJUT, he approached you, came onto you and is screwing you because he is trying to get into something in the White House.
  24. Holey Moley--did you see the ACTUAL POSTED names of some of the Patrons (with token $5 donations): $5 Doosch Baggs $5 Yuza Grifter
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