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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. The term isn't "outspoken," it's "uppity". HEE! that passed me by the first reading!
  2. Alyssa Edwards is my favorite queen. I had no idea this show was on, I squeeed for like 15 minutes when I saw it on the Netflix homepage. I'm enjoying it, I just get tired of Dance Moms living their life thru their kids. Been there--done that via several other shows.
  3. Tune in tomorrow to have Joe explain that Nicki Haley is leaving her job because of the Clintons, (while Mika nods supportedly.) In fact, you can make the above statement into a Mad Lib--like this: Tune in tomorrow to have Joe explain that ________ is _________ because of the Clintons, (while Mika nods supportedly.)
  4. Willie did WAAAY better than Joe. Could it be Willie's lack of self-aggrandizing soliloquies?? (PS was surprised Rachel M didn't score higher) Between Soboroff, Jeremy Peters and Joe, MSNBC is the channel of "The Higher the Hair, the Closer to God." I am still vastly amused that Joe's hair still mirrors the Statue of Liberty's torch behind him. Avenatti is really being presented as the big spoiler of the whole thing.
  5. Well this A.M. I get up, anticipating a great brouhaha on MJ, turn on the station and find out that Taylor Swift said she will vote Democratic. Actual time was spent on this. Half of the broadcast says that the Kavanaugh debacle will guarantee a Dems sweep next month, the other half of the broadcast was spent predicting that this will gin up the Repubs and will let them keep both houses. Oakville, you're coming back at a good time. We need you and General Days to help us sort out all this dreck!
  6. Hee watching Noah Rothman talk about the Me Too movement--his imperious level ratched up about 10,000%
  7. Oh my God those still photos they just showed of Kavanaugh with his face mid sniff. They look like they took them from SNL! I had a dream about Kavanaugh last night woke me up at 3 and I couldn't get back to sleep!
  8. When Trump first started his run and took on KAC, she was a guest on MJ, apparently, backstage and off mike KAC said something to Mika and Joe that she was just doing this for the money and, I believe, inferring that Trump was less than. So M&J months later say this right on air and KAC denied.
  9. HEE! Is that the new KMart slogan? Is it just me--why every time Mika delivers a (well- deserved) zing at KAC, why do I feel there's a meangirls component to it? Like every thing she says about her is tinged by the time KAC badmouthed Trump to them 2 years ago and then denied it later. Although we ALL know it was true? Am I just one of the people in the world that think there always has to be a girlfight?
  10. OOPS! I think he's moving to Florida, which is close.......
  11. I think you're right!! All I know is I thought they were going to introduce the guy as a guest or say some somber comment, but no, it's Mika's "bright and cheery" voice. Gah. edited to bitch some more: It pisses me off when they have a guest on, and he tells us accurately that Trump is the Doom of the Known World, and then Joe ends the segment by by asking the guest some version of, "So how about those Red Sox??"
  12. General Days are you mayhaps related to our Dear Departed Oakville? He used to recap for us everyday. This bothered me. Mika spoke about Andrew Gillum and about how he had suicidal thoughts and sought treatment, then she tone-deafly chirps a segueway about the next segment, probably some stupid-ass sports thing. Holey Moley. I have the same first name as Trump's sister and I never knew it!! Maybe I should start shielding the $1500 I have in my savings account....
  13. Am I without caffeine or does Mika keep saying "GROW Your Value" when the sign behind her still says KYV??? I was driving when I heard he was on and at the stoplight, I quickly took out my phone to see what color Chaps cotton cable knit sweater he was wearing today. (I am that obsessed with dumb details) C'est moi....
  14. Who the fuck can overcome Avenhotti? You have to be way stronger than Kasey is. When he's on TV, he's a master of the screen. In fact, I'd love for him to run against Trump just to see him give Trump a debate beatdown. Mika can be his First Lady. (However, I do not want yet another inexperienced President)
  15. NOTIFICATION: This is a Cavanaugh palate cleanser: Doesn't Willie's hair look way darker, like he dyed it? edited to add: !!Kasey!! listened to us, she is wearing a fashionable lavender top with matching eyeshadow. I am also wearing a fashionable lavender top with matching eyeshadow. I do not, however, have any lightening bolts accompany the mention of my name...
  16. I heard that on MSNBC on Sunday, but I heard it as "Kassie"? This was a thing of beauty. Donnie was about 10,000 shades beyond livid. IF he had been wearing any socks with his Italian loafers, they would have surely melted off him...
  17. Joe is speaking and his hair goes up about two feet and swoops to the right and it exactly matches the image of the Statue of Liberty's torch right behind him! It's an exact match!
  18. Don't mock, he was able to nab the gig as a national model for Chaps by Ralph Lauren. Sun, rain, snow, searing heat--we have no idea if our government will exist in 6 months, but Podhoretz will be wearing a blue cotton sweater as we all implode. I actually had to take a homeopathic medicine for anxiety this AM. I do not have anxiety. This has come to a head for me, all beginning when Trump came down his 24K gold elevator. I just cannot take the RAH-RAH for our team-ism, the partisanship on a 10,000 x the normal dose steroids. Is it helping us get better? (Thanks for the moment to get all philosophical.) Do you know if there is a procedure to impeach Kavnauagh WHEN he gets approved and it is found he perjured himself yesterday? I hope there's a way out of this if needed. And even if he is not "guilty", therefore not perjuring himself, he has shown himself to be so distastefully partisan with his rants (all intended to impress his Liege Lord) that how could he ever rule on a case brought before him by a liberal OR a Democrat? My head is being scratched here.
  19. Yeah, I guess you can call Graham's veiled threat "foaming at the mouth": Well let me put it this way to my Republican colleagues. If this becomes the new standard where you have an accusation for weeks, you drop it right before the hearing, you withhold from the committee a chance to do this in a professional timely fashion. When they say they’re going to do this is to delay the vote, get the Senate back in 2018 so they can fill the seat. I don’t want to publicly reward that kind of behavior. (WhineandCheez adds: MERRICKGARLANDMERRICKGARLANDMERRICKGARLAND because that seems to be all I can say anymore..) I think we’ve been very fair. And to my Republican colleagues. If you can ignore everything in this record an allegation that’s 35 years old, that’s uncertain in time, place, date and no corroboration. If that’s enough for you, God help us all as Republicans. Because this happens to us, but this never happens to them. Let me tell my democratic friends, if this is the new norm, you better watch out for your nominees.
  20. No disrespect to the alleged victims, but I can just see the Late Night jokes writing themselves. I also am hoping Kimmel or someone else does a "What I did on My summer Vacation in 1982" calendar segment.
  21. He DOESN'T have a 3 hour show. Its 2 hours tops because they repeat so many segments. If I tune in at 6 AM I can expect to hear at least the first 1/2 hour replayed around 8, whilst JoeMika go out and get Bulletproof coffee and a schmeer. Many thanks. NSFW indeedy. Let's hope a Page offers Kavanaugh the Virgin a drink of "punch" during his testimony....
  22. I wish he'd stay the fuck out of this issue. This is serious stuff, not a sex with a porn star case.
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