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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. 8:50 AM Mika is on the KYV infomercial. All that is missing is a pan to the audience, nodding approvingly (like on PBS)
  2. Yess! You nailed what I was thinking. It's like he spent the last year doing market research panels on what will win AI. No one else wears suits--check. Come on to the girls--check... LOVE Uche. He's so tall and handsome too. My daughter is getting married in 7 weeks. Can you imagine hiring a wedding singer and getting him--haha!
  3. My favorite is the guy who lost like 150 pounds and is gay, sang "A Song for You." Name? Oh my, that Southern 16 year old with the rainbow sequin hot pants! We at least need to be grateful her shoes weren't lucite platforms.
  4. Ratner and his charts are In Da House. Is he the only talking head today, and now he's the expert on every subject? Around 7:30 when I was getting ready, he very snottily dissed the things the Dems are trying to do, like Universal Health Care and the Green Deal. He's a multi millionaire, right? Things that make you go "hmmmm."
  5. Today Mika was wearing funereal black, in observance of the death of her relationship with Avenhotti
  6. Awwwww. It's a shame he will never get elected in this country (not said snottily, but ruefully). y ears almost fell off when I heard that last week trump and Melania attended church for the FIRST time since he took office. WHAT?? he hasn't been going all along to look good? And still the evangelicals fall in line. Trumps is magic, I'm sayin.
  7. I just heard this on the radio. MJ will have a good time with this tomorrow. The timing seems so unbelievably coincidential? Trump Avenges??
  8. And yet a bear DOES shit in the woods, as evidenced by my Sunday afternoon hike. This Am in the gym I listened to dieting podcasts, not MJ. Dieting podcasts--yes, I'm just that disappointed.
  9. I think that was the day when at 7:48 AM Barnicle proclaimed, "Ok, getting back to Jesus" When has THAT ever been heard on MJ? How would one tell that Noah Rothman was pissed? How can a human being even look any more pissed than he would on a nice sunny day, with free 100 dollar bills falling from the heavens.
  10. I know!!! But it was proceeded by Joe saying, "well I'm not going to talk about Bill Clinton, " as he was proceeding to talk about Bill Clinton...
  11. HEE!! Kemper! I came in late to the broadcast and to myself I thinking "Who is this whiner?" HOWEVER, Schock "was able to "set many meetings with CEOs and help America greatly because he was on the cover of Mens Health." And Joe, as chameleon-like as 1/2 the animal population of any American desert, sagely agrees that basically all the the Justice Department investigations are !WITCH HUNTS!, don't produce any indictments, ruins good men's lives, etc etc. This is exactly what we need to hear now Joe. Spanks alot.
  12. At the end of the 8:15 segment the camera panned to a blackboard that said "welcome to' and listed about 8 names. New interns?? Of course, the blackboard said WAYFAIR--product placement! Around 7:20 Joe was shrill-ly screaming over some female guest. Lordy he is AWFUL. Christ on a Cracker. Mika, now used the Smollet case to primly intone that everyone went overboard with coverage over Cavanaugh. Glass house meet rock.
  13. I watched the Mc Cabe interview for only 5 minutes, but during the entire 5 minutes Joe was CONSTANTLY interrupting him and cutting off his sentences. Geez--Mc Cabe is quite a "get" and you can't shut up and let him talk? Count your blessings, she could have said the "Librarian" ticket.
  14. Oh my--Evelyn Farkas' eyebrows are OUT OF CONTROL!
  15. 7:15 AM: I enjoyed Joe's characterization of Corey Booker as a guy who would "Run into a burning house to rescue a kitten with his left hand, while tweeting about it with his right hand." Cute analogy-- I used to think Booker would be great (about 3 years ago) but now he doesn't stand out so much.
  16. Oh God I hate that she does that constantly. It's worse when you don't watch and just listen like I do. OAKVILLE--can you do a recap of what Noah Rothman's book is about, because I can never abide listening to him. Whoever was talking was saying something about Goodell making 200 million, and then they add something like, "So do you two." HEE.
  17. ....and that is why we love you! Howard Starbucks sounded vaguely familiar. "This country is not working. (check) I am a smart, successful businessman with no governmental experience. (check) I can fix this country." (check) This is all ringing a bell but I can't put my finger on where I've heard this before...
  18. 7 AM: I don't EVER AGAIN want to hear the 3 words "Noah", "Rothman" and "Provocative" strung together. EVER! And not at 7 AM in the bath, especially. Mika's look today was 1968 French Catholic Parochial School Girl. Not the Britney Spears version, who would let guys get to 3rd/4th base.....
  19. Today is my day to be shallow apparently---He looks very weasel-like. Also, would you hire someone who reported what your boss--KAC-- said in an unguarded moment (if what the boss said wasn't illegal/immoral). I guess these ex-Trump staff feel their books will give them enough income that they won't need a future employer.
  20. Can I be shallow for a minute and say that Chris Christie's gastric bypass surgery is no longer working. He's back up to his original weight. I thought the statement that Jeff Sessions cooked up the "separate kids from their families and they'll no longer come here" idea was totally Sessions own was something I hadn't heard/realized.
  21. UGGH. Already Mika is bugging with her breathy praise every time she talks about about Kamala Harris. Right now she's reading some article about her with the gravity usually reserved for the "I Have a Dream" speech. Can someone tell me why Chris Christie ALWAYS sounds so sensible and right on? And his ratings have been in the tank for a long time. He's someone who I always want to believe, and I'm not happy about that. Joe was chiding us about our Dire predictions about Ralph NadarImean Howard Schultz getting Trump elected. Finger wagging about us predicting things too soon, which can't be done. Can Schultz run 6 years from now, when the fate of the world is not in jeopardy?
  22. Joe said something that pissed me off. He was lauding KH for her great tag line "We're better than this," and of course, denigrating Hillary because she never had a good tagline, only "I'm with her." Idiot Joe--there was no Trump and the massacre he's done to this country back then!!! Harris' line should just say "We're better than Trump" and get to the presumed point. You mean Howard "Ralph Nadar" Schultz??
  23. I've been surprisingly unimpressed by any of her lipsyncs this season. And she was NOT a co winner last night compared to Monique? That said, I want her to win the Allstars because she is drag royalty, and she has the best legs in drag (even more so than Naomi, whose makeup is awful)
  24. It's 8:20 and she's doing it again while she reads the report on trump's latest poll drop. Geez Mika, you aren't reading foreign names with 25 contiguous consonants! Stumbling while talking/reading on TV drives me nuts-- Leslie Jones on SNL can't deliver a straight line and it bugs too (i'm not perfectionistic but man, this is your job and you make a shit-ton for doing it) edited to add: at about 7:00 Am John Meachum calls himself a dig dork (or a big geek, not sure which) It was cute.
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