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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Yes, they treated him like he was Professor Irwin Corey Is respectful, sits quietly and listens, and is humble--apparently, we need to recruit Sir Paul to host this show...
  2. 7:20 AM Women are VOTING IN THE RAIN in Southern California! Joe, I lived in San Diego for 18 years, and no one is Voting In The Rain there unless it's March!
  3. You guys are quicker on the trigger than me. Hope Hicks Knows Her Value? Lord Above. I couldn't believe it. Meeks also had numerous name/word stumbles today. Since her job is solely as a news reader, don't they coach her or something??
  4. Get used to it because he's winning. Not that I think he should, but he IS winning.
  5. Her I Don't Watch Movie Schtick drives me batty. Its like the people who loudly proclaim they don't watch TV.
  6. Holy cow she just now said "Mosco" instead of Moscow! I didn't believe the poster who said she did it the other day. WTF?? Is that how Dr Z said it, so she's being all continental about it?
  7. You mean like BOSCO? The syrup? Sheesh. Am I that jaded that I see this as the World's Greatest Product Placement? I wonder how much Starbucks paid? Is this in the NBC new Fall lineup?
  8. It's 8:40 EST and what, no love for Mika's New Book being released tomorrow? It's geared to young women, teaching them how to get what they want. Can't this be done by kindle downloading the words, "Have an affair with your boss" Joe used the word "beclowned today." ( I think I wrote a post about this a year ago also!) Those of you who watch rather than listen like me have no idea just how often Mika says, under her breath, "Wow." It comprises about 35% of everything other than going-to-commercial-announcements that she says. And its not in the fashion of "You just won Ironman--Wow."
  9. He was on the cover of Vanity Fair and the did an entire article on him mentioning it. This AM Joe was even more annoying than the usual high-decibel amount of annoying he is. I don't remember what the story was (it was about 7:15 AM) but everytime someone said something he kept piping in with the same quip. (EDITED) I remember where Joe was annoying. It was when the poll of trump vs numerous Democratic candidates was read, and in each case the Dem beat Trump. Joe chimed in loudly after each name was read and it was really stupid. Yeah MJ, let's follow the polls BY ALL MEANS. It's not like that method was ever wrong or anything...
  10. She should have taken off with Beto in his road tour of the Soul. Or she could've hiked the Appalachian Trail for 5 months like the founder of Whole Foods, wearing Donny's gifted Manolos.
  11. Hee! You know, if this upcoming election's outcome wasn't so very DIRE, I would just sit back and put my legs up with a glass of cold Riesling and watch it all play out. Like I did for the year leading up to the 2016 election, laughing over Trumps antics. I think its kinda amusing how Beto was the next President and now he's been repackaged into Mayor Pete. (I was on Beto's side until he took that solo soul-finding tour sans wife and kids after losing the Texas election, which was overly dramatic IMHO)
  12. I thought too he had gained weight. He was doing to shirt over the pants thing overweight men do. During his AI backstory, didn't he say he was an overweight child/teen and lost a bunch of weight???
  13. Ok I am Super Liberal , but MJ's entire riff on how Trump and Barr is trying to kill off all of Trump's political enemies (inc. Joe) by releasing this American guy who was targeting them is too deep state for EVEN ME! Come on.
  14. That's like saying let all the models in Vogue just wear their own clothes from their closet or laundry room. AI is about SELLING SELLING SELLING. They did Disney because Disney wanted to market a movie, and their non-singer mentor has a new movie coming out (prob. by a Disney company.) They did Queen because, low and behold, there is a Queen special on tonight (I am DVRing it, thanks AI) I'm sure that if some Gregorian chanting record company give them enough money, all the contestants would be rockin' in Latin. I loved Lionel telling Alyssa to , basically, not lose the terrible desperation she has about 15 minutes before getting cut. No one really likes her, do they? I really think that it's her veneer of I HAVE TO HAAAAAVE THIS. None of the other contestants have this vibe, and therefore, everything she did looked contrived--the Disney gowns, the reaching out to the audience. All had that veener over it. I M HO. Alejandro, cannot be badly sound mixed EVERY SINGLE WEEK can he? I can't think of a less appropriate singing style for AI than his. About 3 weeks ago most everyone was saying about how this was such a great and talented group. Now Disney and Queen have put them all in the shitter.
  15. I wonder why they didn't just have Caleb and Maddie appear and sing in person, rather than going through the trouble and expense of having Disney create a robotic version of them.....
  16. I couldn't watch, but only listen so tell me, did Mika do any of her snotty eye rolling or other tricks that she does to guests she has a whiff of disapproval for??
  17. Wow, I've been away and I just realized that several days ago Trump tweeted that MJ helped him get elected by constantly having him on and giving him jillions of dollars of free air time!! Trump, get out of this thread's head! What was the convo on this??
  18. Really? Exactly one week ago she wrote a KYV post about her sugar addiction and the therapy she was using to overcome it. Her EATING DISORDER you know. She was giving up sugar because of her EATING DISORDER. Sheesh.
  19. Same with Jeremiah, who sang his horrible, trite original song, since he will never again have the chance to risk that again in this competition.
  20. THIS is true, I think this is what I've been trying to put my finger on for weeks now, why she doesn't come off so well. I think she wants this win sooooo much, it's sort of a desperation that isn't attractive to see. I couldn't finish last night's show, so I'm shocked to hear Uche didn't get voted in by Ameriker. he's so damn much fun! Otherwise. Ameriker got it right, and the judge's saves were good too.
  21. I looked up at the end of her song to see the judges standing. I thought there was a fire in the hall and they were going to leave, because most certainly they couldn't have given THAT a standing 0? What language was she singing--Urdu?? Eddie Ocean stank--good bye. So did Walker--we sang that in 7th grade chorus in 1970. Ashley is really good but, I don't know, she looks old or seems too low key--I don't know what it is. Riley-- I see the hot pants were trotted back out after one or 2 weeks try at a more serious look for Lil Miss Suds in the Bucket.
  22. I forgot to mention--can someone explain to me why Alejandro is the next coming of ____ (whoever?) He has a pleasant voice and I've heard his guitar playing is great.
  23. Ryan Seacrest had to miss the show because of illness. I guess the first time ever. Evelyn was awful, and her accent (or affectation) is awful. Eddie Island, if he could stop being ADHD for a second, sounded great last week, not great this week.
  24. OMIGOD! 8:45 AM Mika hosts the new NBC Special "The Mark Halperin Contrition Tour." After he finishes his apology (a recording was played,) Mika goes "hmm" in the condescending way she likes to do. Interesting...
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