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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. 1. ALERT! Mika says something great, and I am not being sarcastic! JOE: (concerning Paul Ryan's new book section criticizing Trump--excuse me while I gag) "I assume that other Congressional members will be speaking out after they are free" MIKA: "They are free now. They are free now" YES!!! 2. On a shallow note, again--Mika looks awful this week! She has zero color in her face this week. None! She looks like she is suffering from a disease. Really. 3. Loved their reaction at after Harvey Weinstein's newly-hired attorney chimes in that she should be much more accessible and less threatening as she grills the victims who are obviously telling the truth (ok, I added that last part)
  2. Should it matter that I find AK's voice to be flat and droning? It's like she shows no excitement or interest, at least voice-wise.
  3. Holy Cow she was in full Kardashian mode, makeup-wise. I don't know if I have ever seen false eyelashes on a Morning Joe guest at 8:45 AM to boot. I was somewhat depressed that like 45% of her readers only can get health insurance if thru their parents.
  4. 7:10 AM: Uncomfortable moment for everyone when Mika looks real seriouzly into the camera and calls upon her great friend Ivanka Trump to do something about the abuse of female children both at the border and especially in the Epstein case. Good idea Mika. Maybe now Ivanka will KHV?? On a shallow note--yesterday and today Mika looks really monotone--no color in her face or makeup.
  5. 7 AM: Joe was an even higher level of ridiculousness going on about HE WARNED EVERYONE that Trump could win, it wasn't a joke, etc. Why does he always have to be all knowing? Would he be such a bombast if he didn't have his own show??
  6. A HUGE green salad. None of the Duggars ever claimed it was fresh.....
  7. HEE!! I refer to him as "The Sniff" All the Democrats on moping about the Glory and Majesty of Trump's rallyImean 4th of July celebration need to stfu, put their heads down and frickin' work on beating him.
  8. I remember your surgery with the warm cookies!1 next time Congress has a hearing about government health care, they need to have you as a sponsored guest in the gallery, kinda like the women Bill Clinton harrassed as guests during that one hearing. (I hate that shit, by the way)
  9. God Bless the HMV. I noticed those 2 twin brothers were liberally using it, although they most assuredly are missing the "V" part!
  10. Well bless her heart. What does she make $300,00 to $800,00 a year????? Why the hell should she give up anything? I think that's the name of a rapper.
  11. I was glad that they let the mediocre single male salsa dancer perform with the girl. He wasn't overly good, and of course the red V neck chest baring top was never helping anything. I'm glad they let him go on a positive spin. It takes guts to go for it. If the male twins or Jarrod and Madison make it to the green mile, the show is 100% making one dancer make it over their brother or GF/BF
  12. Yes Joe, let's "Slow Down Here" and remember what the Democrats and Chuck Schumer did to nominee Miguel Estrada. Yeah it was so abominable compared to Merrick Garland..
  13. Given that theory, shouldn't she always be wearing "Nike" brand?
  14. I tuned in right when this big KYV spiel was going on and it made me think--I'll bet that KYV is owned by MSNBC, not Mika. Why else would they let her do such blatant product placement every single day.
  15. Is Mr. Kemper also yelling at kids to get off of his lawn? Are they going to have all 22 or whatever Dem candidates on and give them a 1/2 hour? Are they having Marianne Williamson on? And Joe will be "I used to be a Yogi and a Guru back in the Panhandle..."
  16. I will scratch "Women Voting in the Rain" off my weekly MJ Bingo card. Now they have on a book author, something about "I Love You But I Hate Your politics." How utterly useless-this has nothing to do with our hosts, since we all know now Joe is a Democrat!
  17. A day without an Oakville recap is like a day without sunshine! You are appreciated, my man.
  18. Just like WOD, you can't see the dancers correctly because of the patterned backdrops. Sighhhh. Apparently they didn't have the money to go on an audition tour--didn't Nigel say something in the beginning that everyone came to them this time? Laurie-Lori the judge has one of those creepy plastic surgery "joker" faces. You look at it from a random angle and it's creepy.
  19. Just came here to comment on this! Mika literally halts Willie mid-sentence and strong-arms-in a compliment on Beto's wife. I was astounded that a KYV was NOT added!
  20. WORD. She was unrecognizable and she looked better before. All she needed was better makeup. If her teeth were jacked up, I never noticed that either. Ariel got about 3,000 worth of Restalyne in her lips since the show. Just Ducky
  21. Mika said something really stupid this AM--I wish I remembered what it was. I need to get a waterproof pen and pad next to my bath tub!
  22. This is a great line, oakville. It's like Absurdist Literature.
  23. The Mueller report is now Popular Culture, and thus it is be treated with the same level of disdain as that upstart Star Wars movie...
  24. Poor Shuga, to have the last time she appeared on stage be in that horrific beaded monstrosity.... Nina has no sex appeal. It not her size at all--she comes off like a Dad trying to dance.
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