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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. I was surprised to hear Mika dissing the admin talking about all the lies going around, and ESPECIALLY for her mentioning KAC. I remember during the campaign she and Joe loved her. I don't remember if they called her "a friend of the show" exactly, but they often said how good and professional she was. The SNL sketch was great, albeit a bit heavy handed. I wonder if KAC has moved her kids to DC yet, hope not she may not last. (hope??!)
  2. I agree but look at the many millions made. I would love to have that kind of money and not have to work. Deal with the "devil" though, I suppose.
  3. Do they make Telenovas in English on Primetime in the US? Thats what it felt like I was watching. So much drama! Cyrus is giving Papa Pope a run for title of Head Bloviator in Chief. It took them 9 months to come up with this dreck?
  4. Don't be so quick--she used to have an eating disorder--who knows?
  5. HAHA so funny, so true! Why the hell aren't these people all cutting out the middleman and naming their kids "Jesus"! Ok, to avoid being deported by new administration they don't have to pronounce it "Hayzeus."
  6. He's high 5-ing everyone now Im sure. I think the Grim reaper is weak and unimaginative. It may not be PC but portraying him as a secret Muslim might be on spot
  7. What the frick was it with those chickens on Mika's phone? I turn it on and she's holding out her phone showing chickens? Sure, that is a good idea, let's do that rather than discussing how our country is going to Hell in a Handbasket.
  8. Apparently the 10,000,000 watt bulb behind the !DONATE! button is starting to dim.....
  9. ... that Mika will not lower herself to go to. That Melissa McCarthy sketch was like the funniest thing I've seen on SNL in years (that is not a dig against SNL) the Homeland Security edited video was also a blast
  10. Spicer sketch was the best thing I've seen in 10 years. The Homeland Security edited video has superb, really LOL stuff. Alex Moffat as Casey Affleck--perfect intonation!
  11. You went up against her Mother in Law so she has to keep an eye on you. I never knew about that. I wonder if there is an ICD10 code for "Tater Tot Lodged in Carotid Artery."
  12. Is she 45? she does look like the Mom to the bunch of teens. This red herring about fostering kids--sounds like a good Duggar plan--the Seewalds get the government money and Janarella and JSlaves take care of the kids. Sounds like a plan (what is it that the polygamous Mormon cults with trillions of kids on welfare call it--"Bleeding the Beast" or something like that)
  13. How old is that driving photo? She doesn't still have that heart shaped face.
  14. Dr Z was on!!! However....Dr Z was not actually on, it was a tape of Dr. Z, which makes me wonder if they stole his interview on another channel and inserted themselves asking fake, coordinated questions??!! I heard this AM that another possibility is that the Trump Admin put out this leak as a show that the new President isn't afraid to come up against anyone.
  15. Oh my Lord, the Miller rants. Some word or slogan was niggling in the back of my head so I had to go Google it--STRAW MAN. That's the word. Miller is the Straw Man, since Joe can't criticize Trump and still stay in his good graces.
  16. Anyone else think she has one of those mirror decals on her cell phone screen? Looks like she is admiring her own beauty
  17. I liked Posh Katy's blowout. I know nothing about her, but she seems as if a maid awakens her each morning by opening the drapes and bringing her Earl Grey. Does LL Bean have a small Joe Scarborough department or do they airlift their fleeces and khakis to him in the Bunker?
  18. HEE! Oakville are you from Canada? If so, that accounts for your calm demeanor in the face of mayhem. I feel compelled to tell you that I just got back from vacation and I bought a long scarf! I was at a yoga retreat, so I think the scarf's coordinating religion is "Enlightenment?"
  19. Do we know if Joe and Mika have a date for the Inaugural Ball? If so, expect him to deny it and any photos taken there for the next week.
  20. ONLY funny line in entire show!!1 One of the worst SNLs I've seen in past few years. Also, It was odd that the star of a movie that premiered like 3 weeks ago was on. Why bother then?
  21. Yes, I agree. I wonder if Arkansas Police issued him pants that tight.......
  22. ...and also do not lay your treasures in a huge unruly pile on your ottoman.....
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