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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. The basic storyline gave me flashbacks to Remington Steele, but this was a fairly enjoyable episode. The FBI agent was another “I’ve seen that actor somewhere” for me, but I didn’t catch his name to look him up. I’ll have to watch the later airing. Does Angela even listen to herself when she complains about wanting to keep her private life private? And, just as Angela sometimes has a point, Jane is reasonable to resent the fact the mystery boyfriend’s daughter gets to have dinner with them, but Jane can’t even so much as know the man’s name. Again with the lack of explanation for Jane’s morning presence at Maura’s place. Just say they carpool or something, show, because this is getting distracting.
  2. No props necessary for being in the right place at the right time, it was just surreal to see things I'd posted long ago pop up anew, but attributed to someone else. I read the first one and thought, "Wait, didn't I say that? Because that happened to me, and I must have posted about it." (It sounds like the posts reappeared, with new attribution, but I didn't see that, just the posts quoting them, so it was quite confusing.) But I'm pleased to have contributed to a squee moment. I don't know much about Lowe, so my appreciation of him is completely shallow, but I don't feel guilty because he's really one of the finest men I've ever seen.
  3. He's 14-1/2 (or something up there and a half) according to his cake. So I love that the owner is celebrating a half-birthday - and working his way through the dog's bucket list - because he may not get to the next birthday. And I think it's in this thread that someone linked to the Denali tribute video; anyone who has ever loved a pet should watch that, but have tissues at the ready.
  4. It's fattier than cow's milk (or at least tastes that way), but my understanding is it's also healthier in many respects. Humans' consumption of milk is so odd to begin with, for the little I drink I tend to stick with the familiarity of cow's milk (although I drink 1%, which I don't even remember existing when I was a kid). I love nopales. Also the tuna of a cactus, despite the seeds.
  5. Most fireworks are illegal here, and certainly the pyrotechnics being set off. My cat is recovering from pancreatitis, and Friday night had been her first good sleep in a week (can you imagine a cat having trouble sleeping?!). I was so pissed when Saturday night's attempts were thwarted by what sounded like a damn war zone for hours. Then we had a lesser version last night. I'm hoping tonight we can both conk out. There are numerous sanctioned local fireworks displays, all of which are either free or low cost. I really enjoyed fireworks in the backyard when I was a kid, but being in a suburban area we didn't get crazy with what we were setting off - and, being considerate human beings, we didn't continue this shit until 2:00 in the morning. At some point, it's just too much.
  6. Tonight was my introduction to her, and I found Hilary’s gestures endearing. I don’t generally notice contestants much – they’re just vessels for the clues – but I found her endearing overall. In fact, I found them all kind of soothing. I was kind of rooting for Hilary, but FJ was an instaget so when she blew it … I’m surprised no one came up with humdrum or hot pot. Not to mention science and filibuster. And, as a Giants fan, of course I find ODB as a TS unconscionable. Blog didn't bother me because he said in a way that suggested he knew it was wrong and was throwing out something stupid for lack of any valid guess. Did we really need the sound effect on the leaf blowers clue? I should be thankful it wasn’t a picture, I suppose. I knew a lot more about celebrity friends than I thought I did, which must mean those clues were too easy for DJ.
  7. I don't watch this show, but I was going around the dial and came upon something so raw and ugly I had to keep watching to find out what was happening -- and come here to see what regular viewers were saying. I'd never in my life allow someone to film/air me in a moment like that, and think it's unconscionable this was put on the air (with or without her consent), but I will judge nothing about the moment itself. No, he found her in bed. When he got there, opened the garage door, and saw her car, he knew something was wrong and ran upstairs (so I guess she was supposed to be somewhere, and thus that she was still home was a bad sign).
  8. That's always difficult, and he didn't do a very good job on that front with either FTF or IWTB. Hopefully, since six episodes vs. one film gives him more time to unfold both exposition and new action, it will be smoother this time. It's funny - or sad - how far down my list of worries that is. Because it should be near the top, but I'm so focused on not fucking up Scully or the Scully/Mulder relationship that my cares about overall quality - of the stories they tell and the way they tell them - are secondary.
  9. Heh. The object of so much chatter fanfic was written to explain how they wound up with it? Yes, I remember.
  10. Okay, weird - both those recent quotes (re. celebs on airplanes and Rob Lowe in an airport lounge) attributed to emmastone were from me. Anyway, I also used to see Rob Lowe at a Mexican restaurant during his West Wing tenure; it was where I held my staff meetings at the time, and he would often be there with a small circle of what seemed to be advisers. We were obviously both occupied, so I never approached him then; he's so damn hot, I was happy to run into him in the airport lounge setting where I could speak with him. I mean, I'll discuss the NFL draft with anybody it's such a highlight of my year ... with Rob Lowe? Hell yeah.
  11. I don’t know, as I’ve never been a flag person. (I know there are all sorts of rules one is supposed to follow when displaying the flag, but I have no idea what they are.) Maybe they don't know the rules, or think they're dumb, but my hunch is they just didn't think about it when it started raining. I just looked out to see if anyone on my block put out a flag (so I could check later to see if it was in before dark – you got me curious) and no flags, but there are mylar balloons tangled up in my neighbor’s tree. Why do people still mess with those damn things outside? No one manages to hang onto them, and they cause all sorts of problems. Definitely on my list of peeves.
  12. Cagney & Lacey and Cybill both did great stuff with menopause, but, yeah, everything else I can think of boils down to making menopausal women a joke.
  13. Thanks for the heads up CNN is airing this. I saw it at a screening a while back, but cried through it again tonight on HLN. The montage near the end, set to I’m Not Gonna Miss You … man. I think one of the most poignant moments outside the family comes from Brad Paisley. He talks about how his great-grandmother died in a nursing home, unable to recognize her daughter, and now his grandma is in a nursing home unable to recognize him. His mom is in her 60s, and there are not yet any signs, but they know odds are strong it will get her, too, and then he’ll be next. When he says he’s 40-whatever, and can they please find the gene and turn it off before he hits 70 … he really speaks for those with a family history. Kathy Mattea talking about her experiences with her mom is moving, too. But, of course, the Campbell family brings it home. The daughter testifying before Congress how much it scares her that someday her dad will look at her and she’ll be nothing to him. The wife letting the cracks show when discussing her caregiving functions. And Glenn, in the moments he understands what is happening to him, and the many times of fear and frustration when he doesn’t. And then the moments when he's blissfully ignorant, yet his family continues to suffer. I hope CNN keeps running it and a lot of people watch.
  14. My mom's cousin's husband was like that. He would watch anything that remotely qualifies as a sport, and that was all he would watch. (He read the paper daily, so he did know what was going on in the world.) I like sports in general, and love football. SportsCenter is as much a part of my daily routine as PBS NewsHour. But that level of interest in sports is just beyond my comprehension.
  15. I grin like an idiot - and try not to cry - every time that commercial comes on. Doggy bucket list - adorable.
  16. I've lost track of where it was originally stated, but Ta-Nehisi Coates is in my quotes file for the simple but oft-denied: "It is comforting to think of racism as species of misanthropy, or akin to child molestation, thus exonerating all those who bear no real hatred in their heart. It’s much more troubling to think of it as it’s always been—a means of political organization and power distribution.”
  17. Using a family member’s address – or rental property address, or however else you could pull it off short of just pulling an address out of the phone book – was A Big Thing at the time during which the show is set. So many schools within LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District) sucked that parents who couldn’t afford or didn’t want to go the private school route were, yes, cheating to enroll their kids in public schools in better districts. It was so widespread that school administrators were actually following kids home from school to see if they really went to the address they’d used to enroll. Brandon could have gone either way on that one -- be a sanctimonious ass about falsifying her address or be a self-righteous ass about the state of the public school system. Being Brandon, he'd be an ass either way.
  18. pandora spocks, I wish you the best. When you’re dealing with a particular problem – either yourself, or in a loved one – it seems to pop up everywhere, doesn’t it? This weekend, I went around the dial looking to distract myself from the wait for test results that could have shown terminal illness (not mine, and they turned out pretty good) and, I swear, every third channel was airing a show or movie that involved dying!
  19. Oh, it’ll be back. Networks pull stuff to make themselves look good while something is in the news, then quietly put it back on the air when the media has moved on to other things. 7th Heaven is back on some religious cable network, The Cosby Show is back on Centric, TLC only yanked reruns of, but did not cancel, the Duggars’ show … y'all will get your General Lee back. The only thing I liked about that show was Waylon Jennings singing the theme song, and the way they got in the car without opening the door. (I don’t know if that’s unpopular.) So I have no recollection of the extent to which it celebrated that awful flag and all it stands for beyond having it emblazoned on the car.
  20. Thank you, harrie. She has ups and downs, but the only thing amiss revealed by the blood tests and ultrasound is a possible case of pancreatitis. That’s something she basically has to suffer through (I’m giving fluids, Pepcid AC, and an anti-nausea to treat the symptoms and make her feel better, but there’s no real treatment for the disease itself), but if that is, in fact, all she has, she’ll come out on the other side of it good as new (well, good as a cat who’s at least 16 years old and has chronic kidney disease, but she was in great shape prior to this – she boggles her vets’ minds). One day at a time with fingers crossed! (Sorry to go on; I know this isn’t a pet forum.) For dinner, I’m not sure – I really need to go grocery shopping. Some roasted Brussels sprouts with bacon, definitely, but other than that I have no idea. I have some lamb chops I can defrost … maybe those, especially since the garden is overflowing with rosemary and mint.
  21. Oh, yes. I have a Meyer lemon tree from which I make preserved lemons, and I can't imagine using them without rinsing.
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