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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Frustrated lovers would make sense if Mulder is in a dark, dark place. Can you imagine living with that guy? If they can write this in a way that makes sense, fine, but the basic concept of what’s going on with them has been conceptualized by CC and he wrote the first episode, so the WTF possibility is high.
  2. But that's just the actors walking in to the building in which they are going to be filming, so badges are still possible if the prop master has them inside.
  3. I didn't perceive it that way, so it didn't bother me, but if I had, yeah -- that would be dumb. And definitely not something I would want to see in the revival, either.
  4. I somehow missed this earlier ... I didn't mind the extent to which they were at odds in IWTB (I just didn't think it was written very well, like the rest of the film). Theirs is a relationship forged in conflict, and they're always going to have some fundamental differences. Watching them sometimes being at odds with each other professionally despite being committed to each other personally would be fine by me, because it's natural. I don't want them broken up and getting back together (or, worse yet, broken up and staying that way!), because a) I don't trust CC with that storyline and b) it would drag things down. But I don't want them to be in agreement the whole time, either, because that won't feel right; that was never who they were, and there's no reason for it to be who they are now. They don't always want the same things, and they don't always agree on what's the right way to get the things they do both want. Watching them navigate those differences was always interesting, and in IWTB we got a glimpse of how they do so now that they're partners in life on top of the rest. I want to continue that.
  5. Watching that, I feared I was going to either vomit or have a seizure.
  6. If that's the case, I really don't understand the strategy behind it because by making that a storyline they would piss off pretty much everyone -- folks who love them as a couple and thus don't want to see them broken up, even if only for five episodes, and those who resent that the show ever put them together in the first place and thus don't want another "will they get together?" storyline. They have enough different factions to satisfy with the type of stories they tell via the mysteries. The best way to keep most people satisfied on the relationship front is to keep it intact but not make a big deal out of it.
  7. I don't like the Restless Heart song, if only because I love the Nina Persson/Nathan Larson version from the film so very, very much.
  8. As great a villain and as important to the show as CSM was, I don't think I could accept him being alive, so I hope any use of William B. Davis* is as a flashback, some discovered footage, or something else that takes place in the past. But the Gunmen being resurrected? That's one tidbit I both believe and like. And it must be all three! *And the idea that Joel McHale is going to provide the substitute for one of TV's greatest villains? Please. If Gillian is shooting any of the scenes set in Philadelphia, then hopefully Scully is affiliated with the FBI in some way by this point -- if she's still "just" a doctor, and one who cares for patients, not one who works as a pathologist, with no license to practice in PA, there are limited ways it would make sense for her to be part of whatever is being investigated.
  9. When this show was new, Tarek stated in an interview that Pete is their investment partner on all of their flips. I don't know if that has changed.
  10. Myrna Loy in the final scene of William Powell's The Senator Was Indiscreet. Loy and Powell were pretty much the screen team of the ‘30s and ‘40s, making thirteen films together, in which they always played a couple (either throughout the film or by the end). Audiences adored them together (and many of us still do). Senator came a year after their final collaboration (the sixth Thin Man film), and in it Powell’s character has a wife we never see – he’s on the phone with her, he talks about her, but she’s not seen. At the end, we finally see him addressing his wife in person, and who turns around and delivers the closing line but Myrna Loy. I can just imagine sitting in a 1948 movie theatre and experiencing that moment.
  11. He bugged me for his dismissal of everyone other than his former boss, despite knowing sod all about them. Once that chef was eliminated, he was convinced he had it in the bag. Now, after the entrée round, he did -- he'd clearly won the first two, so even if his competitor blew him away in the dessert round (which, of course, he did) he'd still have the victory. But a) he acted like that from the beginning and b) he expressed it in obnoxious ways. That entrée basket most raved over was something I was decidedly unenthusiastic about. I can't stand fava beans - and thus I wouldn't have known to do the second peeling, either - I prefer hanger steak that has been marinated for a while, and I'm confident my reaction to whatever that fish roe concoction was would be the same as last night's female chef. But the champ's dish did look good. The dessert basket containing all sweet items would not remotely have been a problem for me. And I don't even eat sweets that often. But when I have dessert, I want it sweet.
  12. Me three. I’d like this revival to be something I enjoy on all levels, because if I’m going to spend six hours watching something I’d prefer to watch something that interests me. And I’d like it be something generally well-received by critics and the audience because I’d like the franchise to redeem itself. But my fundamental interest is Scully, and her interaction with Mulder. If I come out of it thinking the plot sucked but M&S felt right, I’ll be disappointed but ultimately breathe a sigh of relief. But if I think the mysteries were a well-written return to classic XF yet the relationship between the characters was a hot mess, I’ll wish it had never aired.
  13. As its bottom line, the clue sought the identity of the NY politician shown in the photo, so her answer of Charles Schumer was correct since that’s his legal name. But I think it was also a silly answer, because the text of the clue was entirely about the fact he does not go by Charles. I can’t believe she thinks of him as Charles Schumer, so I’m guessing it came out of her mouth that way because Charles was in the clue – she heard Alex say it, and it stuck in her mind.
  14. The actor playing Skeet looked familiar to me, but I can't place from where -- I checked his credits on IMDb and, damn, does he have a lot of them, but I don't recognize any of them. The things Korsak makes people who lose a bet to him do are silly but not humiliating, so I'm not annoyed by that, but I also think that since Skeet proved people can just walk in and out of the precinct, it's dumb to be doing flour baby type things in the workplace. Also, who the hell agrees to a bet in which the terms will be set after the fact? And if this is such a common practice of Korsak, how was it a surprise to Frankie? I'm with Maura on the new guy - I still don't know what to make of him.
  15. Blech (unless he's there doing craft services or something, heh). Every new detail makes me lose interest in this thing. I didn't care about Gibson then, and I sure as hell don't care about him enough for him to be such a part of the story Gulka is filming that long. Plus, he was a bad child actor, and they usually get worse, not better (and he hasn't done much of anything since XF).
  16. The first time I saw it, I thought they were saying, "Back-up Plan B," so I sat there thinking, "Um, wouldn't the back up to Plan B be Plan C?" Even knowing what they're really saying, I still don't get the commercial. Why is a stuffed toy that's wet with water going to appease the kid any more than one that's wet with juice? And is the baby even crying because of the juice, or because they took the toy away to wash it instead of doing it later? Most of all, why, when this is their second child, are they so freaked out by the crying? I like them in their earlier commercials, but I don't like this one and their other new one (the dinner party) doesn't do much for me.
  17. Spot the im-pasta was a fun category. With it being DJ, and the category specifying alpha-numerics, I would not have given Sacha another chance when he answered only 501.
  18. Yeah, but the axe throw has nothing on Dick Cheney shooting a guy in the face.
  19. WTF with the Skeet storyline? It’s not cute when men don’t take no for an answer, demand a reason for a total stranger not wanting to date them, and make an all-around nuisance of themselves. This was a serviceable episode otherwise, but every minute he was on screen was annoying. Frankie's "Bassholes" joke might have been funny, in a groaning way, if they hadn't given it away in the title. Jane always makes me laugh with her reactions to Maura's food, but it's simultaneously annoying because Jane would not have that body on a diet of caffeine, sugar, and alcohol.
  20. No; it would take forever. They will generally shoot one episode before moving on to the next (they need everything for editing, the next one is usually still being written, etc.). But within an episode, the scenes are shot out of sequence to make the most effective use of time – shoot every scene that requires location A on days one and two, shoot on the soundstage the next, then we’ve got location B on Thursday, so shoot everything that takes place there that day, etc.
  21. Because I eat my weight in mangoes when they're in season, tonight I'm making a mango and cucumber salsa (with cilantro & ginger) to go with seared scallops.
  22. I wish the footage of Jessica and her helper whitey, because that part of the segment, in particular, was gold. I was dying with that woman petting her hair, and then when the cop was calling for reinforcements … that was perfect.
  23. Yeah, I wonder who was behind the campaign to get him one.
  24. I ran that category, and was a bit surprised they were so bad at it. There was another TS in the first round that surprised me, but I can’t remember it. I loved the cheese category, but, then again, I love cheese. Alex had been laying off the “Oh, hel-lo” for big DD wagers, but tonight it was back. It annoys me every time.
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