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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I don't think Wit worked as a movie as well as it worked as a play, so it was kind of a letdown to me (it's a devastatingly good movie, it's just that the play is even more powerful). But, my god, yes - the Runaway Bunny scene!
  2. Same here. But, as you've illustrated with your example, in order for that to work kids need to have been taught how to behave as members of a society, and know there will be repercussions if they don't. (Not that kids shouldn't ever get up to something; pushing boundaries and learning how to live with the consequences of our actions is a vital part of growing up. I'm talking about stuff like you're describing -- kids with no manners or boundaries as a matter of routine.) I apparently used to declare my intention to go live with my grandparents when I got in trouble for/wasn't allowed to do something, because "Grandma and Grandpa would let me do that." To which my mom would respond, "That's funny; they never let me do that." I'm sure 98% of the time I was blowing smoke, but I'm also sure my grandparents were more lenient with me than they were with my mom. It makes sense; it's a different role than being a parent.
  3. Just use the Wayback Machine and cross your fingers; a lot of TWoP pages are inaccessible.
  4. I don't remember a lot of the IWTB spoilers from outside sources/misdirection from official sources. There was the stupid werewolf photo, and I think "Unremarkable House" leaked pretty early, but I don't remember a lot between that and getting the detailed summary a few days before the film opened. I'm sure if I went to the Wayback Machine and read through the TWoP thread I'd have all sorts of "Oh, yeah ..." moments. I went into IWTB expecting it to suck in terms of the relationship, and it turned out to suck in every way other than the relationship. I'm going into this expecting to hate/be uninterested in the mytharc storylines, hoping to enjoy the MOTW stories ... and how I think I'll feel about the relationship shifts with the winds. (Not so much with the spoilers yet, because there haven't been enough from sources I'm confident in judging the credibility of one way or the other.)
  5. I'm amused by a lot of what my paternal relatives in Oklahoma say that is foreign to me, and have even adopted a few expressions into my vocabulary, but the constantly fixin' to do something drives me nuts. I'm sure I'd like your accent, though. And most of what you say (especially if you use "bless your heart" as an insult). Just not that!
  6. Was that Wendy Makkena playing the IAD investigator? I got onto IMDb last night during the episode because it was bugging me so much -- It looked like her, but it didn't. It's not on Makkena's page, but the page for the episode didn't have the character listed at all, so it's possible. It would have been a small role for Makkena - although admittedly I haven't seen her in anything in a while - but I kept thinking it was her. (Ah. I just checked IMDb again, and now the role has been added to Makkena's page, so it was her. She looks different.) I was at my parents' house last night, and we had this on but sort of as background noise. I'll have to watch the repeat before next week's episode.
  7. In his late 80s, my grandpa used to take a nap in his car in the driveway every morning that the sun was shining. He'd go get the paper, sit in the passenger seat to read it (with that door open), and then fall asleep.
  8. To me, it sounds like, "You probably think you wouldn't like it [opening with them apart], but, really, it makes sense, and you'll wind up being happy with it." Same here, exactly. It makes all the sense in the world to me for them to be estranged to some extent or another, but this isn't a damned melodrama, so it's not what I want to see. She's always kept a place in Vancouver. Not where she was living while they filmed the show up there, but a place she bought after that (since she was still there often because of Piper). I don't know if this is the same place - the last one I heard her talk about was a place on Vancouver Island - but she's always had a place there.
  9. It is truly disgusting how many people think taking care of children is the mother's job, with which the father helps (or not), rather than a joint responsibility. "I'm on daddy duty" or "I'm babysitting the kids tonight" are words that should never come out of a father's mouth.
  10. My dad has requested crab cakes for his birthday dinner tonight. I'm not sure what else my mom is making, but I don't care -- I am already counting down the hours until I go over there. She makes the kind of crab cakes that have barely anything else in them, so they are delicious.
  11. Magic 8 ball - okay, Google - says yes. She's moved from hospital to rehab facility and reportedly continues to recover quite well considering her injuries.
  12. I left halfway through the episode, so I didn't see the renovations, but I was surprised their place wasn't right on the beach. It had that typical "ugly as hell from the street" look common to homes where the attractive side is the one facing the beach -- the street side is just where one pulls into the garage. If I catch a rerun, I'll be most curious to see what they did to spruce that up. Thanks to Seinfeld, I am an insensitive jerk who can't hear reference to lupus without hearing George fretting "Lupus, is it lupus?!" in my head. The "I don't want stairs because of my condition" storyline made him look like an ass for being more invested in beach community property than something accessible to his wife in the future. I wonder how they feel about how they came across.
  13. I wouldn't, because the picture showed mobile homes, not motorhomes. It stumped me, too. War history is a weak area for me. I loved the new musical groups category in the first round. That State of the Union Address clue was at the Kids Tournament level. And don’t get me started on the photo clue of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I'd have bet zero for FJ based on the category, and that would have turned out to be a good bet.
  14. So far we have the possibility of estrangement, William, and looming alien colonization. Also known as Top Three Things Bastet Does Not Want to See.
  15. I generally like the flashback episodes on this show, thanks to the new footage. It was a good way to use good bits the writers couldn’t spin into entire storylines.
  16. No, I only read what's posted here. So thank you. Interesting. I figured they’d be living someplace better now that Mulder can be completely out in the open. Back in the city, maybe. I hope Scully is working someplace different, at least. Everything in IWTB – their house, the hospital - just looked so depressing.
  17. Tiffani Thiessen has a show on the Cooking Channel (Dinner at Tiffani’s). I rarely watch it, because she makes stuff I already know how to make and the storylines with her guests either bore or annoy me (I like cooking shows where the host just stands there and cooks). But last night there was an episode with Willie Garson, and I like him in everything I've seen him in, so I watched for a bit. Another guest was Lindsay Price (Curtis Stone’s wife), and Tiffani said they met on 90210. That was after I quit watching, so I had to look her up – she played Janet. Anyway, I figured I’d give fans a heads up, if you want to see a reunion of sorts. There is also an episode with Jason Priestly and his wife.
  18. The Tallahassee couple had several annoying statements of their own, but it was a nice change of pace to hear someone want a big lawn to mow given how often we get HHs who recoil in horror at yard maintenance (and watching him mow what was mostly dirt was entertaining). Also for someone to have rejected new construction right off the bat because they couldn't afford all the upgrades they wanted.
  19. Roseanne took a healthy approach; Darlene experimented with a few drugs, wasn't into any of them and moved on. It's all revealed in a couple of casual conversations, rather than ever being a plot. Very refreshing.
  20. Wow. The few FN/CC hosts I watch all have had some clunkers for recipes, but that canned monstrosity is on its own level. If that's typical of her cooking, I can’t believe she has a show.
  21. When I was first starting out on my own, I lived in a great townhouse in a neighborhood that was a nice mix of houses and small (6-10 unit) buildings like mine. On one side of me was a house and on the other was a building of the same height as mine. So, great sunlight on one side, so-so on the other. Fast forward seven years, and with the city council bought and paid for by developers, huge buildings were going up everywhere, including a three-story behemoth on what had been the house side of me. Bye-bye, sunlight (and bye-bye me). In all the complaining I did during construction and the year I lived there afterward, I don't believe I ever once uttered the phrase "natural light."
  22. I grew tired of this show last season, and haven't watched this season. Last night I was going around the dial while waiting for a friend to arrive and happened upon the new episode just as they were going into the commercial break between the two segments. I saw the tease of a ghost-hunting segment and decided this was definitely not going to be the night I returned to viewing. That's even more stupid than Jackson going through the simulated fire.
  23. It is for non-show stuff, but I assume anything more than brief discussion of another show that has its own forum should go in that forum. It was the bar used as the exterior on Cheers, not the show itself, being referenced -- a tourist attraction rather than a hangout for locals. I've been to Boston several time and always enjoyed it ... except the time I was there in Dec/Jan, because I hate temperatures that cold. But a day spent playing in the snow in Vermont was nice.
  24. I think so, too, because otherwise "estranged former" is redundant, but without knowing who wrote it, it's hard to evaluate because there is no context -- how precise is this person in their language, what agenda might they have, etc.
  25. There has always been something fundamentally sad about their relationship, since they came together partly because so much shit happened to them they became so removed from the norm that being with anyone else became impossible (think how bizarre their answers are to the basic "getting to know you" questions). They love each other in a way that’s truly special, but that’s only the beginning of the equation when trying to maintain a relationship. They both have a lot of sadness and regret in their lives, and it’s difficult to live together. As much as I’d like to have the relationship just sort of exist in the background, I can’t realistically object if they have problems since there’s a strong foundation for that. But it should make sense, and there’s only so far to take estrangement and have it make sense to me. But, like ABS, I wondered if estranged referred to their relationship to each other or to the FBI.
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