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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Exactly, especially since that was a big chunk of change.
  2. I watched that once for the same reason. And, yeah, only once. (Not that I didn't figure as much going in.) But now you've made me realize I forgot to record From the Terrace yesterday.
  3. Of the opinions listed so far, these are the ones I share: - Preferring MOTW to mytharc - Not caring a whit about William - Loathing hearing Scully referred to as barren - Hating the religious-themed episodes - Finding it ridiculous how often Mulder's bizarre theory was correct - The Diana storyline could have - and should have - been a good thing However, it's interesting seeing these listed as unpopular opinions, since they're shared by all of my friends who are fans of the show and I've seen numerous people online express them as well. I'm trying to think of an XF opinion I hold that I've never heard expressed by more than a few other people either in real life or online, and I can't come up with one. Oh, maybe that I think the reaction to Mulder's "Large Marge" scenario in Bad Blood is Scully cringing, not Gillian covering up a break in character? Those two break character to laugh at stuff quite a bit, as almost all actors do; if that's what happened here, they'd simply use another take as per usual. Or that I find that line terrible to begin with, a black mark on my all-time favorite episode that I find perfection in every other way.
  4. I already ranked the episodes in the Elimination Game thread, so I'll just speak to seasons here. My answer is slightly different every time I give it. Based on my mood right now: 1. Season Three 2. Season Four Season Two 4. Season One 5. Season Five 6. Season Six 7. Season Seven 8. Season Eight 9. Season Nine Those last two I'm just guessing on; I haven't watched them. Seasons two and four are tied; season two is more consistently enjoyable, but season four - despite having more episodes I dislike or am not interested in - has episodes I absolutely love. So it's not really that I love season four, it's that I love Never Again, Leonard Betts and Memento Mori, really like Elegy and Unruhe, and worship at the altar of Small Potatoes. When I say my list changes, I really mean how the first four seasons are ranked, and maybe whether five or six comes next after those. Season five is when I was no longer in love with the show; I still watched it regularly and generally enjoyed it, but I was nowhere near as into it as I had been previously. And then it was just a gradual decline in interest - with some standout episodes along the way - until I drifted away for good some time in season seven.
  5. Different; she had to renegotiate to get equal pay. That new contract is how she got stuck hanging around all nine seasons (although she did negotiate a shooting schedule that allowed her travel time to Vancouver since Piper was in school by then). Maybe they screwed her out of a cut of the syndication rights to begin with, and that's why she didn't file a lawsuit similar to DD's.
  6. The episode that aired Saturday (probably a repeat, a young couple in Burbank who bought in the flight path) featured a desire for a "ladies' lounge." At the end, this was revealed to be ... a big closet, in which the HH apparently intended to hang out. Okay.
  7. I can only think of two, but let me look at an episode list to see if there are more I liked than I'm remembering offhand: The Goldberg Variation Je Souhaite Yeah, I'm still at two. Some of them I haven't seen (this is the season when I finally quit watching the show altogether, after a couple of years of waning interest), and I'm sure some of the others were perfectly good episodes, but those are the only ones I remember truly liking.
  8. Unless she not only had a thin chain tattooed as well but tattooed the neckline of her shirt with a continuation of the design (the bottom was under her shirt on one side and over it on the other), that was a necklace. Thank you, David Duchovny in the X-Files bloopers, for getting me Norwegian Elkhound. I guessed my way into several others, which was a bit surprising as I know precious little about dog breeds (I'm a mutt fan). Shouldn't the Publishers Clearing House answer have been Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes? Work was a surprising TS. Alex, sod off with your sexist assumptions.
  9. Season two suffers a bit in my season rankings for the low scores given to the Scully-lite episodes like Blood and Sleepless (not to mention the shitfest that is 3). But once we get back on track, I love the MOTW episodes this season. And the burgeoning mytharc was really interesting. It's a great season, where the show really finds its groove and lays the groundwork for what's perfected in season three.
  10. "Advanced technology doesn't have to be intimidating." The drones are the bad use of technology and the car is the good one. (I think it's a terrible commercial, but that's the connection between the drones and the car.)
  11. I generally heat any leftovers back up because I like the taste better that way, but they certainly don't taste bad at room temp.
  12. Mrs. Voorhees is what makes Friday the 13th (just the original, not its zillion sequels) more than just a slasher film, and Betsy Palmer really put a lot of thought into such a small role in a cheesy film (she worked out a whole backstory in her head) and I know from the special features on the DVD that she attended all sorts of horror film conventions... often wearing a cable knit sweater like her character. Appearance fees, yes, but she graciously answered questions and engaged with fans. I also remember her from Mister Roberts and a couple of other '50s films.
  13. The edit function is only available for a limited time after a post is made (a week, maybe, but I can't recall). I don't know if this is generally considered a stupid movie, but I classify it as such: Top Gun. Yet I have watched several of Sundance Channel's numerous airings lately, and I think I had it on VHS back in the day. My like for Tom Skerritt cancels out my dislike for Tom Cruise, and Rick Rossovich at the beach doesn't hurt. Baby-faced Tim Robbins? Great soundtrack? One of the most unintentionally funny love scenes in cinema? Michael Ironside and James Tolkan as foils to the lead character? The power of Goose? I don't know ... this is not my type of film, but I've been a little bit hooked on it ever since it came out for some reason.
  14. "Cats can't read, and they don't want you to, either." I don't remember whence that originated, but it has been making me laugh for decades.
  15. I don't know, a close friend of mine and her partner dated for five years before moving in together, and during that time she spent most Saturday nights at his place since she had a roommate. And she has a cat of her own (to whom she is a very good cat mommy) and grew up with cats, so it's not like she's clueless as to cat behavior. But it took over a year of them living together for his cat to come around on her, and they still have a somewhat guarded relationship several years later. (He has always loved his "Auntie Bastet," however.) (I didn't see the episode, so I can't speak to the particular dynamic on display.)
  16. The cast of Tammy was great, but the film ... not great. I hope this is better, as I like what I know of her.
  17. I subconsciously adopt accents very quickly, and I travel a fair bit, so I've spent my life making a concerted effort to stifle that tendency lest people think I'm mocking them. So I instinctually cringe when someone is criticized for affecting an accent; they may be, and if it seems they are I'll eye roll with the best of them, but without evidence of affectation I give the benefit of the doubt due to my own experience.
  18. I'm not a big fan of beef - some things I really like (steak, hamburger), the rest I don't. So I don't eat steak very often, either. When I do, sometimes it's filet mignon (my exception to "Boneless? Get out of here"), maybe T-bone, but usually it's rib-eye. Just delicious. I have two in my freezer, and now you have my craving one. I'm going to my parents' house for dinner tonight, though, and I have no idea what's on the menu. Tomorrow I'm going to try a recipe I found on the bag of avocados I bought at Costco: chili-lime grilled prawn skewers over avocado-feta salsa.
  19. I regard him as an unsung hero of character acting. He really brought something to each of his roles (at least those I've seen), even when there wasn't much there on the page.
  20. C is for Cannes, site of the Cannes Film Festival (called the International Film Festival in their time). If Blanche ever met a man with an invitation, she would flirt her way into being his date, then spend the whole time sidling up to attractive male movie stars.
  21. The Citizen Kane of safety films, as the YouTube poster says.
  22. I'm glad it's working for you (and very happy about the remission!). Every time I've crunched the numbers, I've come to the same conclusion for me Consumer Reports did for most people: it makes more financial sense to have a pet savings account than pet insurance.
  23. Well, since I loathe that show, he never had to worry about it being on our TV. But, yeah, he would have considered that torture. I agree. And since it's virtually always a man saying it to a woman, I like the "Stop telling women to smile" stuff that popped up a while back. Tell us how you really feel. But I agree -- people seem very quick to hug these days. I cannot stand when I've just met someone, maybe a friend of a friend when a bunch of us are out together, and then at the end of the night they hug me goodbye. I don't know you! Stop touching me.
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