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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I didn't take it as her inviting him, but letting him in when he showed up. And that's fine, it's her home, but she shouldn't have been disappointed with Lloyd for wanting him gone. Even the dad's girlfriend realized you know what, we should go now, based on Lloyd's reaction (a reaction which was not at all unanticipated by anyone in that room). I liked Andrea - and am so glad that one of the things Marielle Heller did upon taking the helm as director was flesh out her character - and understand her being angry with Lloyd at his sister's wedding; he went from zero to crazy and, as she said, was out of control, and took no responsibility for the scene he helped create beyond offering to pay to dry clean the wedding dress. But acting let down when he didn't want to sit down for pizza with no warning, and then telling him "This isn't the time to leave" at the hospital after his dad's heart attack got a big fat nope from me. You know what wasn't the time to leave? When Jerry took off on his kids when their mom got sick. Lloyd can go ahead and go to work and regroup later, jeez.
  2. Leah played an impressively solid game (checking the archive, she had only one wrong answer), and I'm glad she won. The Governor of California TS had my eyes bugging out of my head. I wonder if they thought the timing wasn't right, and were trying to come up with some lower office Reagan had held before being inexplicably elected governor of CA? Because it seems impossible none of the three knew he was governor. Smelt, Ireland, hands-on, and parkway were all clues I wasn't expecting to go unanswered, but that was the big one. I ran the first round other than the Harry Potter clue and the missed DD of Doubt. I missed three of the movie magic clues in DJ and a handful of scattered others. But I had absolutely no idea on FJ. Not surprising given the category, but if given more time I might have come up with a lucky guess based on the timing.
  3. Favorite chip on its own: Cheetos Puffs Favorite chip with a dip: Tortilla chips with guacamole, pico de gallo, or spinach, cheese & artichoke dip Get away from me: Fritos. And any potato chip that actually tastes like potato; I hate potatoes, and am only here for the grease and flavoring (e.g. sour cream and onion).
  4. I've decided to make spaghetti aglia e olio with shrimp. Aglia e olio is the only way I'll eat spaghetti noodles, and I have some that have been hanging around the pantry for a long time. The salad will be arugula, radicchio, and endive with balsamic vinaigrette and pine nuts. That will pretty much use up the last of my greens, other than some cabbage, so I will have to venture out to the market tomorrow.
  5. Three TS tonight that really surprised me: Stone Age, Roman empire, and Shakespearean sonnets. Not a great first round for me; I missed two or three each in plains, autobiographies, and pop culture. I did much better in DJ; the only thing I didn't know was black stone. And I got FJ, so on the whole it wound up being a very good game for me.
  6. It happens when Person A posts something, Person B quotes it and replies to it, and Person C pulls A's quote from B's reply, rather than from A's original post; in C's reply, the quote will be attributed to B instead of A.
  7. I finally watched this last night, and I really liked Lloyd's journey. I think his reactions to Fred Rogers, to his father, to his wife for thinking it's just fine for them to sit around eating pizza with his father when he's made clear he doesn't want to interact with him, etc. were spot on natural. So much so I wasn't sure if I was going to find his evolution believable, but the film really captured how Rogers could, by example, influence him to look at some things differently. Because Fred Rogers was who he was partly because he worked at it; there were inherent characteristics, of course, but he also made a conscious decision to live a certain way and worked at that every day.
  8. Yes. In her first episode (when they're both at the principal's office because their kids flipped the bird in the class photo ["We're all fingers over here"]), Roseanne remarks that she hopes this doesn't make her late for work, and Anne-Marie says "me too".
  9. Holy hell, I know I vowed to keep it simple with my broken record, but that's as good as it's ever gonna get, because this crazy ass backwards mask shit makes me crazy every week. Chuck and Dan's fights are always good; my favorite remains when Dan cuts him loose to get the money he needs for Roseanne's knee replacement surgery, but this was nicely played, too. In fact, every moment of them was great. "It's not my fault you suck at money; you couldn't hold onto it if it had a handle." And, especially, Chuck busting Dan's white privilege bubble. "Even if I told you, you don't live it; you wouldn't understand." But, yeah, as pointed out, Chuck wouldn't have been there when Becky was born, as they'd all lost touch until "the finger" incident brought Roseanne and Anne Marie back together. Darlene's blazer and sneaker combination made me laugh; it's so Darlene. I also love Becky mocking her one-question interview process having resulted in hiring a nutjob. I continue to love how Robin busts Becky's chops. I continue to love Robin, period; she's a good addition to the show.
  10. Left side of the brain was a really surprising TS, as was profiling and Chancellor. Cape Cod, British Commonwealth, and Hugo Chavez were also clues I would not have predicted would go unanswered. I loved Nicole's non-reaction to Ken's "wicked" remark. I was already rooting for her as the lone woman, but that sealed the deal. I missed a couple of candies and was as stumped as the contestants by Moorish idol, but otherwise ran the first round. I got off to a rough start in DJ, only getting two of the "Un" clues, but I wound up doing pretty well, missing probably about half a dozen others as the rest of the board was revealed. But, as is common with religion/mythology clues, I didn't even have a guess for FJ.
  11. We had to say goodbye to my "nephew" (my friend's cat) Shermie this afternoon. He was 20, with kidney disease and hyperthyroidism that were both pretty well managed, but something neurological happened this weekend. We were hoping it was an idiopathic vestibular disorder, since that self resolves in a fairly short period of time, but he didn't get any better and yesterday he got worse; he wasn't fully aware of his surroundings and struggled to walk. So today she had a vet come end his suffering. Her husband and I were there with them, in the backyard, so Shermie's final moment was in his mommy's lap with the sun shining on him. It was very peaceful, and unequivocally the right choice to make, but it's always hard (and very weird not to be able to hug each other). He had been dumped by his previous owner at the shelter when he was 12. He weighed well over 20 pounds and had to be shaved as his fur was so matted. Due to his circumstances, he was incredibly crabby and hated everyone. I found out about him (I can't recall how long he'd been there at that point), told her in the "people suck" context, and the next thing I know I got a call saying, "I have the cat in my car; come over tonight to meet him." As she always told him, best impulse buy ever. He turned into a total lovebug with an amusing touch of the grouch in him, slimmed down to a healthy size, and had a great home for eight years. Here he is in healthy days, with the duo who will miss their cranky big brother:
  12. I don't have a problem with the rotating celebrity guest hosts to buy them time as they talk with candidates to take over starting next season. Forced into this Who will replace Alex? situation earlier than they wanted, they had the familiar face that is Ken Jennings step in, then the executive producer, and then it was about a series of celebrity guest hosts to keep the show going - and getting points for raising funds - to cover the remainder of this unique recasting process. Ken Jennings has obviously, unlike the unknown other candidates for the ongoing gig who presumably have hosting experience, been given an on-air audition. I don't know what their intentions are. I think he's been a fine fill-in, but he doesn't have the voice, specifically, or the overall presence to be a host for years to come; I don't think his connection with the show should override his lack of credentials. But we'll see how things play out.
  13. I can't believe they used "Gypsies" in the flamenco clue! It's 2021, and not a single person on staff knows that's a slur? I grew up with the joking threat "I'm going to sell you to the Gypsies" and used to use it on my cats when they were naughty, but I knocked that off long ago when I learned the true nature of the word. I won't even say it to a cat, and it was just broadcast on a nationally syndicated program. Gross. I don't consider cross cut and pull cut synonymous. It's rip or cross and push or pull; those are two different things. Myrlin reminds me of Jessica Hecht as Susan on Friends. Not physically, other than the hair a bit, but her voice. I missed several of the authors in the first round and did not do well in the Norman Conquests category in DJ, but otherwise just missed a handful of scattered clues in each round. I got FJ as a lucky guess, but didn't know that about the pronunciation of his name until tonight. That's a piece of trivia that's going to stick with me.
  14. The best part was, that GG episode aired in syndication the same night as the J! episode - so I heard the clue on J! and then just a couple of hours later, heard it again on GG.
  15. Dixie Carter's book revealed her to be quite nuts, but also deeply loved, and Hal Holbrook was right in the midst of all of that. He turned in a number of performances that will stand the test of time, loved and was loved, hung around for 95 years, and worked up until a few years ago. It's a good life to live, and a good way to go out.
  16. I picked a bunch of Thai basil this afternoon, so I'm going to make a stir fry with that, Thai chiles, and chicken, with brown sauce. The side salad will be red and green cabbage with chile lime dressing and a sprinkling of cilantro.
  17. Wow. Another one gone far too young. Was the "cardiac event" from which she never regained consciousness months ago announced at the time and I just missed it? I had no idea (and now, of course, an internet search just brings up obituaries).
  18. The Russia TS was stunning. The cyclops and tibia TS were unexpected, and homonym and Valerie Harper surprised me a bit, too. But it was a nicely balanced game. The video games category kept me from running the first round; I only knew Madden. I missed only five or six clues in DJ and got FJ, so my week is off to a great start.
  19. I love that song, but, yeah, it is popping up on my television far too often. I have to change the channel lest I wind up hating it.
  20. That's a great scene. I love the parallel between Rusty and Sharon, about not crying in front of people (he took off on Andy after his mom didn't show, and later that night she booked it out of the Murder Room when she teared up about Rusty taking off - and later, in "The Shame Game", we get that fantastic scene when she beat feets it out of Rusty's cubicle before she can no longer hold back the tears over his attempts at apologizing for accusing her of wanting to get rid of him). And I like him being apologetic about the money his mom conned them out of, and Sharon fibbing that "our bosses" have it covered - Rusty would be uncomfortable knowing the squad is eating the cost, but if it's Taylor or random, faceless LAPD brass writing it off, it won't be yet another thing for him to dwell on.
  21. And had another terrific cast that worked together beautifully. I wound up liking the reboot even more than the original with that one.
  22. At the beginning, when M2 talked about Dilbert's "vampire blood", I told my cat if I was his owner I would tell VRC to contact me when they have a dog needing a blood transfusion, as my way of thanking them (well, I'd also make a BIG donation). So I was happy when the owner indeed offered. That parade of senior dogs was breaking my heart, so I decided to concentrate on how wonderful it is the adopter is one of the precious few looking for a senior. Them having Goose for nine years and this being his first meet and greet was back to breaking my heart. But Huey - with them since CA - needing to get old in order to become adoptable, and living out his final what I hope are years in the comfort of a home with all of someone's love and attention - had me right back to smiling. It was great tracking that tail's changed position as Huey's nerves settled. Just imagining him climbing up that bed ramp every night warms my heart. I love Earl and Toney realizing they needed to call in for female energy. Two hours versus two minutes - I straight up snort laughed at that. Elise delighting in how she's going to feast on this for a while was fun. I like the name Trixie, because Trixie Belden books were my jam as a kid. She was cute playing with Gunny.
  23. That's one of the reasons I like the Progressive magnetic measuring spoon set, because the oval tablespoon fits into spice jars.
  24. Not this fan. And Brenda declining to carry out an extrajudicial execution after all that time dealing with the fallout of having arranged for several to occur was quite satisfying to me. I don't read Andy as knowing Sharon Beck wasn't going to show. But I love that scene, when he - as an addict whose kids basically grew up without a father - sees the brittle, broken child of an addict underneath that obnoxious exterior. Rusty was never "the little psycho" to him again after that.
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