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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. A friend of my mom's is one of those women - her husband died last year, and she had a hell of a time sorting things out because he had handled all their finances, to the point she didn't even know their assets beyond the house and cars. He wouldn't ever tell her amounts, passwords, where things were filed, etc., just telling her he had everything under control. My mom is appalled anyone would agree to live like that, and I agree, but I'm also astounded my mom, at nearly 80 years old, is unaware there are a lot of women, especially of her generation, who got sucked into living like that. Personally, I would never be comfortable as part of a one-income marriage - if I was the wage earner or, especially, if I was the one taking care of the home. But if community property is what works for someone, rock on with their bad selves -- but community money means it's her money, too, and she nees to know where it is, how much of it there is, and how to access it. There's a lot of different strokes out there for different folks, but being in the dark is just not right.
  2. I'm with you. I'd seen that film and at least a couple of stage performances before I read the book - I was never much drawn to Christie's books or their adaptations, but ATTWN seemed to pop up a fair bit - and when I finally read the book at a friend's urging, I thought Hm, this is a better story.
  3. I just next unread topic my way through this thread, and I think I've weighed in only once, but this prompts me to do so again: I didn't eat cereal as a kid (unless that was all that was on offer at someone's house after a sleepover, at which point I munched on dry cereal or just declined and waited to be picked up), and I don't do so as an adult -- a very odd food, floating something in milk, and I'll pass.
  4. Ha - a male authors category! I don't know that I'd have given Elliot his version of the Kierkegaard quote, but I don't know Danish; Google translate tells me backwards and reverse have different words in Danish, though, so I find Ken's "Maybe that's what he said in Danish, we don't know" unconvincing. I quit counting how many I missed pretty early in the game, because it was getting depressing; yikes! I did get FJ, though.
  5. Oh yes, James Duff has confirmed that. It was part of getting Brenda to the point where she knew she had to walk away from the job that was consuming her - she constantly failed to make time for the living because she was obsessed with getting justice for the dead. Never knowing what her mom wanted to tell her, when now she'd give anything for just one more minute but wouldn't make time when she had the chance, is the backdrop that makes what Rusty says to her in the finale (about making a living listening to bad men, about only knowing how to care about people after they die, etc.) really get to her, and she finally tells Stroh she doesn't want to hear it, and then resigns.
  6. One US dollar is currently worth about 160 Pakistani rupees. So if you selected the Rs 2500 donation, you'd be pledging right around $15.
  7. Interesting. With how cheery he is once he's feeling better, and specifically how casual he is about "she said something last night about wanting to talk to you", I don't read him that way at all. Especially since she remains haunted wondering what Willie Ray wanted to tell her; if it was that she was sick, and Clay either knew or suspected she was ill, he'd have told Brenda, "I think she wanted to tell you/us something was wrong with her, and waited until I was better." She wouldn't still be thoroughly in the dark if Clay knew or had a good guess as to what it was.
  8. Not Cynthia, the wife/mother. I said Vanessa, Cynthia's sister/the killer's other cousin. Yes, Cynthia was gone and that's why he planned to kill Ben then - she was at the seminar and the kids were supposed to be at that camp. But Vanessa was home, and that's whose yard he buried Ben in without her knowing.
  9. Looking at Levine's IMDb page, he - unlike the others - has been very active in the years between then and now, including several series.
  10. The crime in "Flight Risk" is horrific, yes, but I admit I conclude repeat viewings distracted by my lingering thought following his confession -- where in the process did he dig a grave large enough for an adult male in his cousin's (Vanessa, sister to Cynthia Logan) backyard and how did she not notice that (there is zero indication she was in on it)? He couldn't have had time to do it that morning - he'd planned to kill only Ben, and by knocking him out and putting him in that trunk he'd rigged up for carbon monoxide poisoning; he wasn't expecting the kids to be home. So he has that pesky unexpected wrinkle to deal with - stabbing Ben instead, thus needing to clean up all that blood in the daughter's bedroom, and disposing of the bodies of two children - and he gets roped into the search early on, because Cynthia's mom went over there when Cynthia couldn't get in touch with her husband and found the house in the state it was in. So he must have pre-dug the grave, which means Vanessa is quite unobservant.
  11. Who called him a rapist? I haven't seen it in eons, but my recollection is that Beth responded to his she seemed into it excuse by saying something like, "Sounds like what a rapist says." Not equating his actions to rape, but equating his defense of his actions to the rationalizations of a rapist.
  12. It was the thyroid cancer and his treatment for it he was recovering from; his heart attack was an earlier season. If Willie Ray had been terminally ill, I would theorize his absence was because, as soon as Brenda screamed, he knew what had happened, and he needed a good long minute before he went and confronted that. But with her death being completely out of the blue, the lack of a "Brenda Leigh, what's wrong?!" and Clay appearing in the hall just as Fritz ushers Brenda out and shuts the door is noticeable -- but only after the scene ends; the scene itself is so perfectly acted (including by Frances Sternhagen, who almost creeps me out with how realistically dead she looks), I'm not thinking about Clay at all.
  13. It was back in the beginning; the second episode of the first season. Maybe Darlene was latching on to something she felt was, unlike those others things, easy to fix -- tell Harris her boyfriend has a new girl for each cause, and she sends him packing before she has a chance to get so attached it will hurt when he moves on to the next one. Easy, done, heartbreak averted. (I found it a dumb storyline - they're young, they're just dating, it'll end somehow at some point, and she'll learn how to deal with that kind of change that life is full of - but I'm just spitballing as to what mindset might have led Darlene to get involved.)
  14. She's been good about it previously; when she lost her virginity, they used a condom, and because they weren't 100% sure they'd used it properly, she got the morning after pill just in case. There has been nothing to indicate she's being careless about safe sex now.
  15. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I'm so disgusted, and after the AFC game is over, I am not going to watch a minute of sports media until the Super Bowl; my blood pressure can't take two weeks of Brady talk.
  16. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    WTF?! Kicking the FG? Green Bay deserves to lose.
  17. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    "It just seems like they cannot settle for a field goal on this possession." Wow, that's the astute insight you get paid the big bucks for, Troy. Down by 18 after playing like shit for two and a half quarters - ya think they need a TD?
  18. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I hate everyone. Green Bay needs a massive second half turnaround, because the thought of sitting through another Tom Brady Super Bowl makes me want to vomit. I want to enjoy the game, dammit.
  19. That scene between them outside the clinic is my favorite of the film. I love that, once he realizes where she's really going, he just waits for her outside. Assures her of course he's not going to tell their parents, readily accepts she doesn't want to disclose who knocked her up, asks her if she's okay, and takes her to get some food - that's it. It's a lovely moment between the siblings, because it shows the care and connection without veering astray into a closeness or sentimentality they don't actually have.
  20. I could tell right away the daughter was all about Moo Cow. Her moment of "I'm shy at first, too" relating when Mariah described the dog's behavior was sweet, as was her saying, "I can show her around [the RV]; Mom and Dad, you stay there." I think Jessica may need the unconditional friendship of a pet more than the average kid, and am glad they have each other now. M2 riding backwards in the motorhome made me queasy. I like Tia mocking her "vintage" RV; that thing is a heap, but it was donated years ago, she learned to drive it, and has made great use out of it ever since. Camo's face showed such confusion. I bet he was never treated as a proper pet, just a dog with a big bark to scare people away. It was nice to see him coming around. Miro sniffing around, splayed out on the ground, with that tail going - super cute, as Tia would say. Tater's physical therapist knows his stuff. The other vet needs to put a damn mask on. I love when Mariah calls Tater by his "full name" of Potato. Quality of life evaluations when nothing is going to get better and you just have to decide when to put an end to the downhill slide are so hard; there's not some one size fits all formula to consult.
  21. I finally saw an at home episode today (I hadn't been watching the show for a while because of football), and I liked getting a glimpse of their kitchens. I saw a CC episode with ice cream tasting, and they just ripped that Halo Top stuff to shreds. It was the only thing tasted that they didn't recommend. I've never had it, but I have had - although not in probably ten years - the slow-churned Dreyer's they said was the best option if you wanted a reduced fat/calorie ice cream, and I agree it tastes remarkably good for "diet" ice cream. Among my Christmas gifts to my parents were three things recommended by ATK, and my parents have judged all three to indeed be great: the Weber grill brush (perfect size, and the sides being the perfect size to go between the grates is a nice feature), the Chef's Choice electric knife sharpener (my mom has been raving so much about this as compared to her manual sharpener that I think I'm going to bring it home and sharpen all my knives - and then get myself one if I'm as impressed as she is), and the simplehuman automated soap dispenser (I got the rechargable version for several reasons, where the show had recommended the battery-operated version).
  22. I miss when everyone got their situation-specific nickname, like Permit Patty and Barbecue Becky. And can we please get back to calling out the Jogger Joes of the world, too, instead of just women?
  23. John Quincy Adams was a surprising TS, since there are so many mnemonics for the order of presidents and he was only the sixth. Mercury surprised me, too, as did spoiler (with that one, I think they may got tripped up by the "Alert!" part of the clue). I got everything other than Medal of Honor and conchologist in the first round, but I was terrible with the composers and literature in DJ (if someone judged me on tonight's performance alone, I'd come off like quite the philistine), and also missed a couple of Bruce Willis movies and D&D clues. I didn't get FJ, but the tiebreaker was an instaget.
  24. There's now remix version of this on Netflix, called Total Blackout. Some stuff removed, some stuff added, and some reordered, all told it's about half an hour longer than the original. Definitely worth a watch.
  25. Going around the dial, I came upon an episode of this show and recognized one of the guest stars. So I stayed on it until I could figure out where I knew her from (an episode of Major Crimes, but it took me a bit because she was blonde in that and brunette in this), and was about to carry on channel surfing when the scene shifted to Frost's funeral. Ouch. I cried just as much this time around. Those behind the scenes photos they used for Jane's eulogy, so perfectly combining Barry Frost and Lee Thompson Young, got me, and then Jane breaking down at the end when she comes home to find the postcard finished me off. Kudos to Ernie Hudson turning up for a non-speaking appearance. I understand the logistics, but it drives me nuts when TV funerals are missing key characters because it wasn't practical to schedule/pay a bunch of actors to sit in pews for a day as glorified extras. In looking up articles about Young's death (because, since Frost's death occurs at the beginning of a season, I wanted to remind myself how much time the writers and actors had between losing Young and losing Frost), I found this recent article, about the foundation his mother and sister founded in his name, focused on erasing the stigma associated with mental illness.
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