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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Sprint and larval were surprising TS. New Brunswick and girdle a bit, too. I had a rough first round! I only got one each in YA Books and streaming TV and only two in Popes. I got all the rest, but those categories were terrible for me (which is not surprising, it just sucked having three of them in one round). I did much better in DJ, but didn't know FJ.
  2. I don't need to relate to find it funny; I don't recognize myself or my parents in the vast majority of scenarios these commercials have presented, but they make me laugh because of the acting. I've lived in Los Angeles all my life, so, no, I don't have any reaction to blue hair. But the actors have such great line delivery, that blue hair sequence is one of my favorites of the whole series.
  3. I was going to say that, while I find the commercials hilarious, I don't think Dr. Rick himself is particularly funny - and then "We all see it" popped into my head, and never mind.
  4. They already did that last season ("Pilot Lights and Sister Fights"), when Darlene got pissy about the time Ben and Becky were spending together.
  5. Exactly. If someone calls me when I'm busy, I just let them leave a message or, if it's someone who doesn't normally call, I answer to make sure it's not anything important, and then say I'm in the middle of something and need to call back when we both have time to chat. One of my best friends and I do a weekly call, and we always wind up talking for a couple of hours. So at the end of each call, we choose a date and time for the next week's call.
  6. I have spent some serious time staring at my TV in confusion, trying to figure out the formula by which some of the titles got included in my search results. Like you said, Netflix's "thought" process is intuitive, but Amazon's is frequently bizarre.
  7. Kate Vernon, and I don't like her, either; this is ridiculous, but something about her face annoys me. Anyway, add in being part of this lame storyline, and I disliked her so much that I was thoroughly annoyed when she turned up on Battlestar Galactica. Nearly 30 years later (by the time I watched), and I was seriously sitting here thinking, "Ugh, Kathleen."
  8. This interview with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and the surviving cast members commemorating the 30th anniversary of the show goes into detail. The whole thing is great, but if you just want that story, scroll down to Part VI, The Drama. The biggest problem, IMO, was the stupid husbands (Gerald McRaney and Harry Thomason) didn't keep their damn mouths shut in the press; they made everything worse.
  9. "We got our negative test results". Okay, but have you both properly quarantined surrounding that test date to truly be safe showing up in a bubble's home without masks? Of course not, but that bubble sure as shit hasn't done everything they should, so I'm just going to start off every response to an episode with my COVID gripe and move on. "I'm not getting into it with you squares." Jackie cracks me up, and "You Conner girls always marry the first guys you bring home" was even better. I love the Becky/Ben relationship, but Becky not asking Dan for a closet built in his own home, ostensibly to take something off his plate, and then being "what crawled up his butt?" when he balked didn't wash; it would make him feel great to build that for her, and she damn well knows that -- she's the one who, when Darlene set out to replace the garbage disposal after Dan's heart attack, stopped those good intentions with "That's Dad's job" and explained how any of them taking care of the house in that way would make Dan feel like he was useless. "You guys have no idea how bad the income inequality is in this country" from well intentioned but privileged Josh. Ha!
  10. You'd remember! Projectile vomiting has distinct characteristics, like a migraine compared to a severe "regular" headache. It's really quite surreal; it's so forceful it's almost violent.
  11. Woo - three instaget FJs in a row for me this week. Now that I've said that out loud, I'll probably sit here completely lost for the next two. I loved the category names in the first round. I ran that round, but the mythology category doomed me in DJ, and I missed several of the actors, too, plus a few other scattered clues. Hannah reminds me of a friend of mine, so I was rooting for her, but this was another good good game; Good Times and chromosomes were the only TS I was surprised by.
  12. Have you ever projectile vomited? You'd swear it was coming up from your toes with the force of a fire hydrant. And, when it happened to me, I went from I think I'm going to puke to puking in about 30 seconds. Thankfully, I made it into the bathroom and got most of it into the toilet. But when it had happened to my friend 20 years earlier, she was at my place, and emerged from the tiny half bath downstairs to say, "I'm going to need all your cleaning products." That bathroom looked like what you're describing. We were both astounded. So that could be what happened to the person in the dressing room, and maybe they were too embarrassed and/or sick to notify anyone.
  13. I've had beer battered fried clam tacos with pickled red onions; they were good.
  14. Oh, that sucks. Clams or oysters would work, too; I like oysters better, but for tacos I'd probably go with clams.
  15. I think the dressing/slaw goes particularly well with seafood, so I'd substitute scallops, crab, tilapia, red snapper, or mahi-mahi, instead.
  16. Right, the celebrity guest hosts are doing a week each for the charity of their choice. They first taped 30 episodes with Ken hosting, then some with the executive producer filling in, and then come the celebrity guest hosts. Who will become the new permanent host is something they want a lot of time to decide. (If Ken is under consideration for that, I assume he got an on-air audition because, while he has a long history with the show, he's not a professional host.)
  17. Lots more ways to wear a scarf than a necktie, definitely, but I don't think there are a bunch of different knots within scarf wearing like there are for tying ties. Me too. The "puff pastries" answer for DD had amused me, and then his FJ answer completely cracked me up. Caligula was a bit surprising as a TS, but another good game. Donesh is going to kick himself for that DD bet for a while, I'm sure. I never knew the break-up discussed in "Ms. Jackson" was about Erykah Badu (or anyone famous). I ran the first round, only missed a few in DJ, and knew FJ instantly, so I had a great game.
  18. Me too. Actually, I probably repressed the memory of him, because that was painfully desperate plotting (as any show's decision to add a Cousin Oliver always is).
  19. Amateur; I can sit and recite along with the whole movie. Because, yep, I have it on DVD.
  20. They didn't sneak onto the shuttle, they were the group from Space Camp chosen to sit in it (along with an astronaut) during a flight readiness test. No one knew that Jinx, a NASA robot who was friends with the youngest of the kids, having overheard the kid (Joaquin Phoenix back when he was Leaf, and it was not very many years ago when I discovered they were two different people) say he wishes he was in space, got into the computer and arranged for thermal curtain failure on one of the SRBs, which requires lighting the other booster and launching. Why, yes, I did watch that movie (since I loved the space program as a kid) quite a few times.
  21. For that scene at the end of the first episode, so Rusty (and we) can learn she hasn't actually been looking for his mom (in the five minutes she's had the job, in between looking for the person responsible for four murders), she hasn't even cracked the file. Rene Rosado was brought on to play Gus, "Alice"'s brother, not Gus, Rusty's potential love interest. After Mariana's funeral, James Duff - always thinking about Rusty, Rusty, Rusty - at some point decided that when he brought Gus back for the trial, it would also be as a love interest. That's why Gus returning with the hots for Rusty makes no sense, because it was never written or performed that way originally. Yep. I'm glad it didn't go, because I wouldn't have watched it (too traditional a cop show for me) and I'd have missed Fritz on this show.
  22. Raydor was originally an antagonist character intended for just those three episodes in season five, offered to Mary McDonnell (having just finished Battlestar Galactica, which James Duff loved, and thus back in L.A. full time), who said, basically, Eh, I don't know. James Duff said I really want you for this, please let me address your concerns and she wound up signing on (at the fairly last minute, which is how Sharon wound up decked out in Armani on a captain's salary; Greg LaVoi [wardrobe supervisor], pressed for time, asked her what designer's clothes tended to best fit her off the rack and across the board). Neither she nor James Duff have spoken - because, as far as I can tell, they haven't been asked - about the specifics of her concerns with the character as described (when only one of those three episodes had been even somewhat written), but I know McDonnell will not take roles in which women are pitted against each other for stereotypical reasons (e.g. a well, of course they hate each other, they're two powerful women vibe), so I suspect "Red Tape" needed some tweaking to make it palatable and then the next two expanded on the professional differences that were the root of their conflict. Because she's Mary Frakkin' McDonnell, the cast/writers/producers loved her, it was a welcoming set so she loved them, the network (TNT's old leadership, very supportive of the show) salivated Do you think you can get her back?, and much of the audience loved to hate Raydor while some (me included, although I didn't watch until later) just plain loved her, so Duff asked McDonnell to return as a recurring character in season six and she was happy to do so. Around this time Kyra Sedgwick reiterated nope, she would not be continuing past her (7-year) contract no matter what happened with the series. But TNT didn't want to let the franchise go, given its cast and ratings, and started talking with Duff about how it could potentially carry on without Brenda, and as those conversations continued, it seemed to everyone like Raydor was a potential bridge for that transition. Thus her numerous appearances in season seven, as the spin-off was being developed. So it could have all gone so very differently, or not gone at all. As frustrating as it wound up, thank goodness we got it to begin with.
  23. I think their relationship worked, generally like both of them as characters, but wouldn't marry either one of them (again, assuming I'd get married, which I won't) if they were real people. My issue is that Brenda's flaws were loudly and consistently acknowledged as such, while Fritz's were waved away, as if he put up with so much from her that his own issues were irrelevant. And I'm not going to get terribly fired up about the lack of analysis of his side of the equation, given how many female Fritzes there have been in the history of television (and, you know, life) without anyone raising an eyebrow. But the lopsided way in which their negative traits/actions were presented is just another side of the same sexist coin, so I'm not going to ignore it, either.
  24. I had just started to swallow, and choked on my drink at "druid" instead of "dogsled". Ice (giant) and captain I was expecting to be correctly answered (not immediately, but with two guesses ruled out, yes), but Edith Wharton was the only TS that truly surprised me. I got everything in the first round other than two British spy clues. But in DJ, I was terrible at the historical TV shows, missed a few music clues, a couple of the literary clues, and a couple more scattered others. FJ was an instaget, though.
  25. Like Sharon told Brenda, sometimes a relationship is about what you're willing to overlook. Would I be married to Brenda? Hell, no. (Well, I wouldn't be married to anyone, but go with me here.) But Fritz loved her, and needed to either accept her as she was (understanding you can't separate the things you like from the things you don't; they all combine to make the person you love who they are, and that whole person is either right for you or isn't) or decide her myopic nature and lack of self awareness was too much and move on. Marrying her and launching a passive-aggressive campaign to change her, however, was not an appropriate course.
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