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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I would watch a Kate and Allie: The Golden Years revival.
  2. Yes. That (along with Louise and Neville being present) was what clued me in to possible reordering of episodes; Mary hadn't been around recently, but this was back to where she was living there (he said he'd tuck her in before he left). I second guessed myself because none of the episodes aired earlier played like Darlene was already a manager, but then I don't think we really saw the sisters at Wellman for the past few. So, thinking on it more and reading the posts noting the discrepancies with Ben's werewolf look, this episode seems indeed to have been held back.
  3. I have "Gin and Juice" stuck in my head, which is particularly annoying since I only remember a couple of lines. I wonder if any of them thought Belfast is also known by another name, or just couldn't think of another city in Northern Ireland. I'm guessing the latter. I've been to Derry (and Belfast - great city), so FJ was an instaget for me. I might have still come up with it had I not been there, knowing about Bloody Sunday (brought to my attention via the U2 song), but maybe only here at home - not under game conditions - would I have remembered where that occurred. Honor code was a surprising TS, as was yuppie, since you didn't need to know the facts at hand to figure them out. Blue Mountains a bit, too (I don't even drink coffee), and I also thought someone would guess British Virgin Islands based on the wording of the clue. Stupid bible category kept me from running the first round (I got Turkey because of the map, but sat here like a bump on a log for the rest). In DJ, I missed three each in the poetry and star categories. And, as I said, FJ was an instaget - not something I was expecting based on the category! So, a good game to end a week that included two completely terrible games.
  4. My favorite part of "Reality Check" is Provenza suggesting that when they refer to Mr. and Mrs. Dickerhoof as a couple, it should be Dickerhooves. It is such a Provenza thing to say, and the best part is the look on Andy's face, because he's actually considering it. My second favorite is Julio saying "the world wants a break" when he snatches the annoying sister's phone and she protests he can't cut her off from the world like that. Third is all the snarky comments about marriage (which this series is full of, and I'm here for all of them), especially "But in a car with two steering wheels driven by a married couple, I'm going to have a hard time proving intent". I could go down a pretty long list of favorites; that's a good comedic episode. Just one more: Andy going from annoyed that the only work Sharon will let him do is watching that awful show to yelling at the contestants through the TV. "It's in the freezer! Oh my god, how can you walk away from the refrigerator without checking the freezer?!" ("They love that show in prison, too.")
  5. I got my first car around the time of this film, and named it Towanda. And now I have "I'm older, and I have more insurance" fantasies. I wish the director hadn't chickened out with respect to the love story between Ruth and Idgie, but the actors played it honestly and it was beautiful. This is another one of those films where I have seen it umpteen times and have it on DVD, but will still stop and watch at least some of it whenever I come across it on TV. "How many of them hormones you takin', honey?"
  6. Yes, he takes chemo, a steroid, and some supplements, but thank you for posting that - it's always good to be aware of potential aids.
  7. I don't understand what was different at the time this was filmed that it was suddenly advisable for Zach to travel back to L.A., but hopefully he and the show did all possible to reduce the risk. It was interesting to have a multi-day champ back in the game after a long absence, going against another multi-day champ who was right in the swing of things and then a newbie; I was rooting for Jill to be the spoiler. Stigma was a bit surprising as a TS, as was no one guessing "Where's Waldo?" But good game, with it being anyone's to win going into FJ. I rebounded from last night's terrible performance, missing only two in the first round and probably about eight in DJ, and knowing FJ immediately. Whew.
  8. Her yearnings? She didn't post a dating ad, she simply shared an aspect of her identity. If she'd posted a tweet indicating she was straight, there wouldn't be any concern about her "coming out" as straight before she reaches legal adulthood.
  9. That's sweet of you to ask. Chester is indeed still with us against all odds; skin and bones (he has a great appetite, but the cancer gobbles up his nutrients) and with numerous bald patches (from the steroid he needs to keep the inflammation under control), so he wears his sweater all the time, and not as talkative any more, but still cuddling and purring. He sleeps half on my mom's shoulder and half on her face, so his weighing almost nothing does have one upside. (Bandit also appreciates it, as Chester tends to lie down pretty much right on top of him when my mom dares do something that prevents him being glued to her.) There are things he doesn't do any more, little Chester quirks that have slowly faded away, and we keep feeling like the time at which his quality of life is going to fall below the line is right around the corner, but thankfully it hasn't happened; his bad days continue to be few and resolve within about 24 hours. He'll tell us when it's time, and my parents keep a look out for that. My mom (with whom he has been tightly bonded pretty much from the moment she lifted him out of the shelter cage) has told him many times he never has to stick around for her; she'll miss him for the rest of her life, but she'll be okay.
  10. Damn. My mom and I were just talking about her a few days ago.
  11. For me, the worst part was him blaming Annie, like she had a choice and was actively trying to burden him! "She was not a special needs child, she was a 'no one else can ever need anything because it's all about her' kind of child. The only life that Annie ever had was the life she took from us." So gross.
  12. You know it; here's season one to start you off:
  13. I can't stand Neville, but I laughed damn hard at that. Great delivery.
  14. Same; life with Annie indeed sounded unspeakably draining, but he chose to marry into that. So then it's worse than he expected, his wife won't let anyone other than the two of them carry any of the load, whatever -- LEAVE. He was so hung up on being seen as the good guy - since the bio father had split - that he'd rather kill her?! It was a premeditated crime, not an instance where he snapped. What an asshole. "You have no idea how tired I am." Dude, I get that; I'm not in any way cut out for that role, either. But if your next thought is "How can I kill my stepdaughter and frame the neighborhood sex offender for it?" you're not tired, you're a monster. I say this every time the episode comes up, I know, but Paula Marshall bugs the shit out of me so it's notable how great I think she plays the mom's realization of why he won't go do the line-up; that dawning horror and disbelief is well done.
  15. Insert weekly non-use/improper use of masks grumbling here. It's sweet that Becky's first reaction to Darlene's promotion was congratulations and being a little sad they wouldn't be working side-by-side anymore - only then did she hit her with the threat as union steward. And her "Yeah, that would make more sense, right? But, no, it's this bag of sadness" when the family assumes she's the one who got promoted. Ben is painful to look at by this point, I have to remind myself it accurately reflects his mindset. It helps that he still makes me laugh each week; I love the "Uh, well, yep" when Darlene asks him if he needs another drink and he demonstrates that his drink is empty, so clearly the answer is yes. I know there really isn't a quiet place in that overstuffed house, but the kitchen table is not choice one for taping a podcast. I know they want to film it on the main set, but it's distracting that he's not in the bedroom or something. Jackie's trip was nowhere near as good as when they were all stoned in the original series' "A Stash From the Past" ("The jig is up!"), but it had some moments. They can miss me with her now being interested in Neville, though - way to perpetuate the myth that if you just refuse to accept a woman's rejection and hang around long enough, she'll eventually be charmed into dating you. So we're picking back up with the ridiculous scenario of Mary living there - where has she been, then? I wondered if this was shot earlier and aired out of order, since Louise and Neville are back, but I don't think previous episodes have played like Darlene was management, so I guess they just didn't write Mary in/her scenes got cut before. I continue to like Robin, especially how she busts Becky's chops. And I liked the Jeopardy! tag. "I'll give you that one, but watch the swearing."
  16. The Krishna TS surprised me a bit; whenever I know a religion/mythology clue, I figure at least one contestant will. No one recognizing Dave Chappelle was also unexpected. But, wow, I had another crappy game; that's two this week, and it's only frakkin' Wednesday! I didn't get FJ, which capped off not getting probably 40-50% of the clues.
  17. This is via a weird catalog I discovered upon having a neighbor's mail misdelivered, but this is the "I'm Dead, Now What?" planner (complete with fabulous toe tag cover image) and its boring "Peace of Mind" counterpart for organizing what your executor will need to know when you croak.
  18. No, not at all - especially because raisins are crimes against grapes. But if oatmeal counts as cereal, then, hey, I do actually like a cereal as an adult (I still almost always stick to an egg white scramble as my breakfast if I eat one [I normally start with lunch] or occasionally French toast/pancakes, but I like the occasional bowl of steel cut oats). And, thinking back, it occurs to me that as a very little kid, "I want baby cereal" when I was sick meant I wanted Gerber oats baby cereal - a smooth consistency oatmeal should not obtain, but I found it soothing at the time.
  19. I agree; bringing it full circle with her opening the door in the same robe and hair towel and him saying he's here for the job was inspired. So many TV women - reflecting their real-life counterparts - had blown - and continued to blow long after this show left the air - their careers to bits in order to accommodate a man's, and here we finally saw a woman trying that, it making no logistical sense from jump and indeed imploding, going back to the life she deserves, and ultimately the man being one to turn up, saying, at long logical last, I will figure out how my career can work here; yours needs to be here, and I need to be with you. That "It's important for me to be in the area" and "You got the job" stuff is memorable all these years later (even though I might not be 100% accurately quoting it after many years since my last watch); the show went on too long, and the trajectory of Angela and Tony's relationship was certainly delayed beyond reason, but they created a final scene that can easily finish off a "best of" compilation of the final few years and result in a satisfying viewing experience. (Which I have indeed compiled on VHS and really need to some day to transfer to DVD.)
  20. I was more surprised by James Garner since there was a picture, but none of the three coming up with Noth surprised me a bit, too - I don't watch any of the three shows listed, but I'd picked up through cultural osmosis that it was him. (I just didn't know how to pronounce his last name, whether it rhymes with moth or both, until Ken said it.) No real surprises among the TS, though. I was back to a more typical showing after last night's terrible game. I ran the first round other than 7-10 split (I've never bowled). I'd have missed one more if not for the Commercials section here - at first I couldn't remember who Leslie Mann was, and then when she came to me, the only reason I knew she's married to Judd Apatow is someone having mentioned it in a post about her commercials with their daughter. I missed about half a dozen scattered clues in DJ, and didn't get FJ. I thought of "Candle in the Wind", rejected it because the dates didn't match, and then never came up with anything else. I didn't realize "1999" had charted a third time, but once it was revealed, that was still a real V8 head smack moment. Of course -- 1982 +17 = 1999. If I'd done the math, I wouldn't have needed to know it charted again after his death.
  21. It's only a 2009 (Lexus), so it's not going anywhere any time soon. The only reason I have it instead of my 1998 (Lexus) is that my mom got the 2018 I was talking about and gave me her old car. And I had the '98 because she'd given it to me when she got her '09; I had been driving a '92 Accord that had plenty of life left in it. I have no interest in a car that can't run for at least 20 years.
  22. That's why I loved Jackie reminding Darlene most people don't marry the first guy they bring home. There was such ridiculous weight assigned to this relationship - they're two young people dating! Even if she gets more attached than he does and he moves on to another woman when he moves on to his next cause, she'll cry a little, yell a little, and move on herself.
  23. When my mom got a new car in 2018, I told her to check that the sound system included a CD player, since a friend of mine had just bought a new car, didn't think to check, and then was pissed when she realized it didn't have one. My mom's does, but I think it might be a single CD player, rather than a 6-disc changer like she was used to. My car is a 2009, so I still have not only a CD changer but a cassette deck. (And, yep, I still play some old mix tapes in the car.)
  24. Since he's a quarterback, I love when he almost capsizes the boat upon throwing the fish.
  25. This is the first one she's known personally. I just don't know how she hasn't heard stories of similar situations. Actually, I'm sure she has; her astonishment was when she first found out about her friend, and she was probably so blown away that this particular woman was living that way (I wouldn't have expected it of her, either) that's what she was focused on.
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