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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I have actually finished the season and I still do not like Christine either. I don't find her antics amusing. She is definitely calculating though. Christine managed to get Vanessa on her side from the start. It also, seemed like she did things when not filming to some of the other cast members. I just get tired of her victim mentality and how it is always someone's fault but hers. I would roll my eyes at all her ridiculous outfits. I would be fine without a villain on this show. I actually do not mind boring, but that is probably just me. I was not a fan of Davina's new sense of style this season. I was glad for minimal Davina though.
  2. There was no need for a four part reunion. If they wanted Nicki Minaj to have her time, then have a two part reunion. I did not think there was really anything last week or this week that could not be covered in the first episode of the reunion. The last two episodes feel like the same shit, different reunion. I hope Nicki does not rehash the same things that were already covered in the other three parts.
  3. Hee! I love Rachel Bay Jones mainly because I saw her a handful of times in Dear Evan Hanson. I might think the same if I still watched TGD. I gave up on it a season or so ago.
  4. This. I loved the most recent season of BD Med. I really enjoyed the crew camaraderie (minus Lexi) and that there was not any crew hooks ups. I am disappointed that these people come across so poorly. I am not sure if lazy is the right word, but some crew members seem to complain a lot about doing their actual job. I am disappointed with BD, especially coming of a enjoyable BD Med season.
  5. Are there really four parts to this reunion? If so, that is three parts too many. I am already bored. Haven't they covered pretty much everything already. If I have to hear them talk about candles again I am going to need way more wine.
  6. I can understand Heather crying, because she and Jen did seem to be good friends before the end of last season. I believe that Lisa was doing her patented fake crying. Also Lisa, you are mic'd up. Everyone can hear you even when you put your hand in front of your mouth. I would love if Meredith was in on it all and tipped off law enforcement. It would make me like her more.
  7. Vanilla Virgin. Fundies are just now boycotting Ben and Jerry? Ben and Jerry have been proactive in a lot of progressive policies for a long time and fundies are just now realizing it? Jerry did a talk at my university awhile back. He even brought ice cream.
  8. I thought the actors were fine, but the All Too Well short film was so bad. It was like every cliche was thrown in it.
  9. I am assuming Kylie and Stormi were in some VIP area. Does anyone know if they were whisked out of there as soon as everything started getting crazy? I thought I read somewhere that Kylie said they did not realize what was happening, but I would think that if security rushed them out of there most people would think that something bad is happening.
  10. I like this because you were in my hometown. So much of this. I knew she would not mention Angie without mentioning Amy, because that is what Jill does. She is horrible.
  11. Does anyone know when Erika and Doris started their over the top outfits? I did not think Dorit was doing it until Erika was getting all the attention for her outfits. I am trying to remember if Erika did it in her first season.
  12. No worries, Erika will just drive in one of those freak Pasadena snow storms and flip her car five times. To add some extra sympathy points she will be unconscious for 12 hours, but when she is eventually found she will tell the medical professionals not to worry about her head and to focus on her foot.
  13. What grade were the girls in during the first season, because they did start the season with summer and in the Stacy episode I thought it was mentioned she was in a new grade. So I wondered if TPTB were slowly aging the girls.
  14. This. I guess I think that if Erika did suspect Tom was suffering from dementia or other memory issues that she would not want him to appear on the show, because who knows how he will be on camera, and especially since she claims to have been protecting him. Also, a lot of powerful men (and possibly women) seemingly deteriorate when they get caught and have to pay for their crimes. So the paparazzi pictures of Tom mean very little to me. I just do not buy what she is selling.
  15. I really enjoyed this season because of the crew dynamic (minus Lexi). It was nice to see. I liked all of the crew this season with the exception of Lexi which has been pretty rare for me on the various BD franchises. I may not have loved all their decisions and antics, but overall, I liked them. I really liked Katie as chief stew. She seems like a hard worker and I liked that she owned her mistake in her TH about going down to two stews. As you said, it was a refreshing season. I would take more seasons like this over other seasons when the crew dynamic is so toxic.
  16. If you come to after 12 hours let us know. I will make sure to tell the doctors to not concern themselves with your possible head injury and just focus on your foot. I could also, send my (nonexistent) son to check on you, but he will have problems with the Pasadena snow and roll his car about a dozen times.
  17. I have gone shopping with my female friend and her daughter. Some of the times we went shopping I had pink in my hair. I am such a heathen.
  18. Hahaha! Well, Jen is probably scamming senior citizens out of their money to buy designer items. So is Stuart the assistant that was scamming people with Jen? I will admit to finding Mary and Whitney trying to climb over the railing to avoid Jen amusing.
  19. I need to stop drinking wine while I read here, because I initially read that the original book was by Phaedra Parks. I was thinking that there was no way that Hallmark would base a movie on something a former Real Housewife wrote. I then went back a reread it. Phew.
  20. I am so going to have a Pamper Misslindsey party. I SEVERELY need many bottles of dry red wine.
  21. I was disappointed in this development as well. I will see how it goes in the next episode or so, but I do not like it. It took me forever to place where I have seen the second in command agent before. Then I realized it was Elizabeth from Poldark. The short hair and bangs almost fooled me.
  22. Don't worry, she is not going to steal anyone's identity. She said so, and we all know that Jen is so honest. 🙄
  23. I was easily amused by the editing of what possibly second shot Karen was seeing at the shady construction site. So Gizelle has stairs to nowhere at her house? I was okay with Candiace for the first couple episodes of this season. I am already back to not liking her several episodes ago. I will be at my table for one for kind of liking Mia. I know, I know. It might be because she is new, so it isn't the same tired fighting over and over. There is still time for me to change my mind.
  24. I am being silly and petty, but I do not want to watch Laura Osnes in anything anymore. I passed on her latest offering. I finally got around to watching Roadhouse Romance. Everything that was already said here about this movie was right on the money. The leads did not have any chemistry. Lauren's character was the epitome of a Mary Sue. I was rolling my eyes at how great she was at everything.
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