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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I thought Instagram stories only lasted 24 hours. So did Rinna delete them or did they disappear after 24 hours? I have to admit I found Rinna's comments kind of funny, but I do not have a dog in the Rinna/LVP fight.
  2. Stephen Colbert's take on Kanye's Twitter posts from The Late Show. It is about a minute in for those who do not want to watch the whole thing.
  3. I could probably hand wave Tom and Erika's mom not having read her book by them not getting around to it yet. I have a harder time with her not giving them copies of her book. I would assume that since it is her first book that she would be excited about it and wanting to give copies to friends and family. I would also assume that Tom and her mother would want to at least glance through it or something, because they would be proud of Erika since it is her first book. I guess Andy should have asked if she gave copies to her glam squad and have they read it yet. The whole thing seems weird (yup Erika, I wrote weird) to me.
  4. I laughed throughout the episode as well. These four episodes of NY were far more entertaining to me than the past couple seasons of Beverly Hills. I cracked up at Dorinda's TH with her just laughing at Lu's questioning of Dennis. Dorinda coming up on Ramona while Ramona was talking about Dorinda was great. Bethenny making fun of the way they all were dressed, snarking on Ramona's wine glasses, and burning the check made me laugh as well. Carole's criticism of Ramona's party was so petty. What memorabilia did she want? Tin foil blankets, empty paper cups strewn about, power bars, a finish line, bloody bits due chafing, half eaten bananas, running numbers, safety pins, the participation medal/ribbon or any of the other glamorous marathon memorabilia? Carole's reaction was so ridiculous when last week she was heaping praise onto Ramona for being such a great friend in her blog. Since I am coming off of Beverly Hills, I appreciate some of the ladies just looking casual and not having their possible glam squads make them up for every breakfast/lunch/dinner/drinks/whatever. Hell, even when I am assuming their glam squads work with them they still look less over the top and more normal than the Beverly Hills cast.
  5. Hee! That was Erika Girardi that accompanied Tom to his meetings, not Erika Jayne. These days it seems like it is Erika Jayne all the time.
  6. This! So much of this. I really enjoyed the start of this season, but now I am just so tired of it. I am really tired of DeVoe. Sigh, DeVoe knows exactly how Team Flash will think outside of the box. Of course he does. If the only reason DeVoe is taken down is because Marlize turns on him I am going to be so irritated. Since it will irritate me, that means it will go down that way. The only bright spot of the episode for me was Snart.
  7. I realized that Teddi is the only woman on the show that I actually like. I do not hate LVP or Kyle, but for the past few seasons I have been so bored by them. For me it always feels like the same issues with them. Same shit, different season. I hate Dorit and Erika. Rinna gave some amusing TH's this season, but other than that nothing much. If Teddi is a one and done housewife, I doubt that I will tune in next season. I just do not care about the rest of the women that much anymore.
  8. Lawson is just not a great singer. If he wants to be in the music business maybe he should go towards learning the production side of it or becoming a better songwriter. I liked Tori's dress. She actually seemed somewhat excited about the wedding dress in the latest episode. Jessa Duggar had my favorite wedding dress among the fundie girls. Tori's looked very her and I thought it looked nice on her as well. I do not love or hate the bridesmaid dresses. They look better than some of the Duggar bridesmaid dresses. Though that is a pretty low bar to pass.
  9. I guess I am glad that I did not have to hear about Derick's possible sore nipples or chaffing from running a marathon.
  10. This. So much of this. I am so glad for the much needed diversity. I enjoyed this episode as well. I was worried and almost did not tune in, because I could not stand SC Savannah. I am glad I did. So far I do not really like or dislike anyone yet. I am sure that will change though.
  11. I cannot really place any blame on any of the kids. Toby may not have sexually assaulted the boys, but they probably were physically and emotionally abused as well. I got the impression in that interview with the older kids earlier this year that the boys did not know about the sexual abuse. In Jessica's blog it seemed like Toby would make serious threats (like killing her boyfriend or threats against their family) and was good at manipulation. It seemed that everyone in the family was walking on eggshells around Toby. I think it is horrible Brenda did not speak up, but Toby was probably doing a serious number on her as well. I do not have kids, but I cannot imagine seeing your kids being abused and doing nothing. I really hope everyone in that family is getting the help they need.
  12. Jane did mention the raw eggs. I did not think it was that big of a deal. My brothers and I licked the spatula when my mom baked brownies/cookies/cake when we were little. Hell, I still lick the spatula when I bake. I thought Bradley hammering was cute. I thought Judson following Kelton and Evan to see what they were talking about was amusing. I am the youngest in my family. I am very sure that I annoyed my older brothers by following them around and being generally annoying when I was a kid. As far as fundie guys go, I kind of like Kelton.
  13. Maybe Dorit will show up and do her rendition of "Fever" for PK.
  14. I like Ralph as well. I agree that they need to stop with the same Ralph plots in practically every episode. I think he basically had one episode where he was worried about Devoe being after the bus metas since he was one of them. That I could understand more, but the constant Ralph questioning himself on how to be a hero got old pretty fast. Not much else to say about the episode since it was pretty unremarkable.
  15. I was worried when Amber kept mentioning she had to go the bathroom while she was in bed with Discount Hagrid (Kudos @FlowerofCarnage) that he would have to get a plastic bag for her to use.
  16. What year are they suppose to be in? Are we anywhere near the 20's where Elizabeth can go all flapper and bob her hair? I agree the wig is horrible and it is all I stare at during her scenes.
  17. It is odd. Did he have some family emergency or something? I looked on his imdb page and found nothing. I am assuming Jack and Elizabeth are a popular pairing, so to sideline half of it seems a bit weird. The show could do time jumps here and there to explain why he is around if they wanted to. Though I feel like the why is Daniel Lissing missing from episodes mystery is more entertaining than the actual show.
  18. I could be not remembering the early seasons correctly, but I thought Mouch had some sort of crush on Gabby in the first couple of seasons.
  19. I concur. Everything about it was so blatant. I kept rolling my eyes, because it was so over the top. I am probably the one person who like Eddie. I do not care one way or another if her and Jamie get together, but I just wish the writers would pick a lane and stick to it.
  20. This. So much of this. Casey was going to get rid of Cordova, because Hermann is an ass to him? Really? It does not matter who they bring in because they will be an inevitable plot device. Seriously, I am really disliking a majority of the characters. Of course Otis has a miraculous recovery. Of course he does. Sigh.
  21. I do not have much to add that has not already been discussed, but I thought the first episode of RHONY was far more interesting than the Orange County or Beverly Hills franchises have put forward in their latest seasons. It helps that I do not really hate any of the New York cast. My like or dislike of them varies depending on the episode or moment. Dorinda's drunk ramblings cracked me up! I think I would not mind watching Ghost Hunters with her.
  22. I roll my eyes whenever Dorit is wear some designer label t-shirt or hat. While I like plenty of designer clothes and accessories I tend to go for pieces that do not broadcast the designer.
  23. I remember Erin saying straight out she was getting an epidural before labor with her first child, because she did not tolerate pain well. I think her labor progressed very quickly so she missed her epidural window. I have no idea if she had one with her next two kids.
  24. Ooooooh, I see a special episode of the show Snapped coming. I think part of the reason Kody and Meri have problems is that they have similar personalities. I think they are both stubborn individuals. Hell, all the adults would benefit from going to off camera therapy with someone that is not Nancy. I do not care if Meri and Kody work it out or not, but if I have to see another season of them being in this will they/won't they limbo my television is not going to be in a safe space.
  25. I probably was not paying attention that well, but was it said that Gabby met Cordova at training? Where did Gabby meet Stella? I thought they knew each other before. Also, if Gabby met Cordova at training, wasn't that other female firefighter that committed suicide that was at 51 for awhile someone Gabby met at training. I feel like I need a flow chart to keep all the characters that come out of the woodwork that the main characters either know or are related to straight. I was automatically rooting for Cordova, because everyone else was an ass to him. Of course he will turn out to be a bad person or have some sort of issues, because very few new people last at 51.
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